[1] Conformal Einstein PP-Wave as Quantum Solutions, Accepted by Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2022. (M. Nadjafikhah, Y. Aryanejad and N. Zandi)
[2] Applying Moving Frames to finding Conservation Laws of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, Accepted by Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 2022. (M. Nadjafikhah, Y. Masoudi and M. Toomanian)
[3] On Noethers Conservation Laws of the Sine-Gordon Equation using Moving Frames, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. In Press, 114, 2022. (Collaborated by Y. Masoudi and M. Toomanian)
[4] Geodesics for a general (α, β)−metric in two dimensional Finsler spaces, Accepted by International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[5] Some dynamical properties of fractional-order cholera model, Accepted by Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah and S. Shagholi)
[6] Compact Lorentzian h-almost Ricci solitons, Accepted by Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh and C. Boubel)
[7] Symmetry analysis of Vaidya-Bonner metric, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13 (2022) No. 1, 563-571. (M. Nadjafikhah, R. Bakhshandeh Ch. and D. Farrokhi)
[8] On Homogeneous weakly stretch Finsler metrics, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 48, 1930 (2022). (M. Nadjafikhah, H. Tondro-Vishkaei, M. Toomanian and R. Chavosh-Katamy)
[9] Order reduction of non-Lie symmetry equation ̈x = (f (t, x) + g(t, x) ̇x)ex through λ−symmetry method, Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 5056 (2021). (M. Nadjafikhah, Kh. Goodarzi)
[10] Symmetry and invariance of the Reynolds equation, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mar. Yourdkhany)
[11] Conservation laws and exact solutions of the (3 + 1)−dimensional JimboMiwa equation, Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2021, No. 1, 1-17, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou and J. Manafian)
[12] On the symmetry properties of a nonlinear acoustics model, Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 4449., 2021. (Collaborated by L. Hamedi-Mobara)
[13] Apply new optimized MRA & invariant solutions on the generalized-FKPP equation, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani and M. Toomanian)
[14] Some new exact solutions of (3 + 1)−dimensional Burgers system via Lie symmetry analysis, Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2021, No. 1, 1-17, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou and J. Manafian)
[15] Conservation laws and Lie symmetry analysis of foam drainage equation, AUT J. Math. Com., 2(1) (2021) 37-44. (M. Nadjafikhah, O. Chekini)
[16] Group Formalism of Lie transformations, Exact Solutions and Conservation laws of Non-Linear Time-Fractional Kramers Equation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics Vol. 17, No. 12, 2050190 (2020). (M. Nadjafikhah, Z. Momennezhad)
[17] Lie group analysis for short pulse equation, AUT J. Math. Com., 1(2) (2020) 223-227. (M. Nadjafikhah)
[18] Lie symmetries and exact solutions for one dimensional modified Kuramoto-Sivashinsky eqation, APPS, Vol. 22, 169–180, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Dodangeh)
[19] Symmetry classification and conservation laws for higher order Camassa-Holm equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 8, No. 2, 364–372, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, V. Shirvani-Sh.)
[20] Apply new wavelet transform method on the generalized-FKPP equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 8, No. 2, 259–267, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[21] COMBOS2: an algorithm to the input output equations of dynamic biosystems via Gaussian elimination, Journal of Taibah University for Science, 14:1, 896-907, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Kalamy-Yazdi and J. Distefano III)
[22] Preliminary group classification and some exact solutions of 2−Hessian equation, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1–18, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mah. Yourdkhany and M. Toomanian)
[23] Conservation laws and exact solutions of the time-fractional harmonic oscillator equation, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 153 (2020) 103661. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mar. Yourdkhany)
[24] Conservation laws and some exact solutions of time fractional Buckmaster equation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2050040, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mah. Yourdkhany and M. Toomanian)
[25] Approximate symmetries and invariant solutions for a family of the generalizations of the Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries model, AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation (AJMS), Vol. 51, No. 2, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, H. Razzaghi and Y. Alipour-Fakhri)
[26] On Birkhoffian systems with Poisson bracket, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 51, No. 12, 83–91, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Mirala)
[27] Some non-trivial and non-gradient closed pseudo-Riemannian steady Ricci solitons, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Vol. 15, No. 4, 526–542, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh)
[28] Generalized symmetries and higher-order conservation laws of the Camassa-Holm equation, International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences (IJFPS), Vol 9, No 2, 20–25, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, P. Kabi-Nejad)
[29] Lie symmetry analysis and conservation laws of ZDE, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, 175–183, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, N. Asadi)
[30] Approximate symmetry and exact solutions of the perturbed nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 7, No. 2, 266–275, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, Rahimian)
[31] Invariant solutions of generalized Fisher-KPP equation, MathLAB Journal, 2(1), 2019, 126–132. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Khameforush-Yazdi)
[32] Some exact solutions of KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation, J. Phys. Commun. 3, 035025, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou)
[33] Solving differential equations by wavelet transform method based on the mother wavelets & differential invariants, Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics Vol. 14, 2018, 74–86. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani and M. Toomanian)
[34] Moving frames and conservation laws of a Lagrangian invariant under the Hyperbolic Rotation-Translation group, Hokkaido Math. J., Volume 47, Number 3, 557–579, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, Y. Masoudi)
[35] Main scalars for a three dimensional Finsler space with a general (α, β)-metric, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 4, 670-683, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[36] Symmetry group classification for generalized reaction-diffusion-convection equation, Applied Sciences, Vol.20, 2018, 139-147. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Dodangeh)
[37] Geodesics for square metric in a two dimensional Finsler space, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 12, 15503-15513, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[38] On main scalar of two dimentional Finsler spaces with (α, β)-metric, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[39] Solving differential equations by new optimized MRA and invariant solutions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 3, 291–303, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[40] Symmetries of generalized Fisher equation with t−dependent coefficient, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 117(3), 401–413, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[41] Mathematical modeling of optimized SIRS epidemic model and some dynamical behavior of the solution, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 8 No. 2, 125-134, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Shagholi)
[42] On the changes of variables associated with the Hamiltonian structure of the Harry-Dym equation, Global journal of advanced research on classical and modern geometry, Vol.6, (2017), Issue 2, 83–90. (M. Nadjafikhah, P. Kabi-Nejad)
[43] Closed pseudo-Riemannian Ricci solitons, Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 101505 (2017). (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh)
[44] Solving differential equations by new wavelet type transform method based on the wavelets and symmetry groups, J Generalized Lie Theory Appl, 2017, 11:2, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[45] Symmetry classification of newtonian incompressible fluids equations flow in turbulent boundary layers, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 18:2, 41–52, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, S.R. Hejazi)
[46] Solving differential equations by new wavelet transform method based on the quasi-wavelets and differential invariants, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49(3), 149–162, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[47] Symmetries of the generalized fisher equation with x−dependent coefficient, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, Vol 28(4), 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[48] Approximate symmetry and exact solutions of the singularly perturbed Boussinesq equation, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 53, 1–9, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Rahimian and M. Toomanian)
[49] Approximate symmetry and solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a small parameter, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., Vol. 14, 1750046, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Rahimian and M. Toomanian)
[50] Approximate nonlinear self-adjointness and approximate conservation laws of the Gardner equation, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49(1), 25–30, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, N. Pourrostami)