
  Published Papers:

 J. Rashidinia Babak Azarnavid Solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind of convolution type using polynomials. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics . Vol.2, issue 2, 2010 ,pp. 48-57


 J. Rashidinia, M. Ghasemi, R. Jalilian , Numerical solution of the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 233, Issue 8, 15 February 2010, Pages 1866-1878

 R. Jalilian, J. Rashidinia , Convergence analysis of nonic-spline solutions for special nonlinear sixth-order boundary value problems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 25 January 2010

 J. Rashidinia , R. Mohammadi , Tension spline approach for the numerical solution of nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 181, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 78-91


  J. Rashidinia ;R. Mohammadi , Numerical Methods Based on Non-Polynomial Sextic Spline for Solution of Variable Coefficient Fourth-Order Wave Equations, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 266 – 276


 J. Rashidinia ; R. Jalilian ;K. Farajeyan , Spline approximate solution of eighth-order boundary-value problems,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Volume 86, Issue 8, First published 2009, Pages 1319 – 1333


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian, R. Mohammadi, Quintic Spline Solution of Boundary Value Problems in the Plate De ection Theory, Computer Science & Engineering and, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 53-59, 2009.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian, R. Mohammadi , Convergence Analysis of Spline Solution of Certain Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, Computer Science & Engineering and, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 128-136, 2009.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian, R. Mohammadi , Quintic spline solution of boundary value problems in plate defelection theory,


 J. Rashidinia, Elham R. Moghadam, Cubic spline solution of obstacle problem, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 26, 2009, pp. 123-134.


 J. Rashidinia, Finite difference methods for a class of two-point boundary value problems, International journal of engineering science, No 5-2, Vol. 19, 2008


 J. Rashidinia , M. Zarebnia , New approach for numerical solution of voltra integral equation of the second kind, International journal of engineering science, No 5-2, Vol. 19, 2008.


 J. Rashidinia, M. Ghasemi, R. Jalilian , Cubic spline method for two-point boundary value problems, International journal of engineering sciences, No 5-2, Vol. 19, 2008.


 J. Rashidinia and Mohammadi, R, Non-polynomial cubic spline methods for the solution of parabolic equations . Int. J. Comput. Math. 85, No. 5, 843-850 2008.


 J. Rashidinia , Mohammadi,R. and R. Jalilian, Spline solution of non-linear singular boundary value problems. Int.J.Comput. Math. 85, No. 1, 1029-0265 , 2007 . 


 J. Rashidinia , Mahmoodi,z. Non-polynomial spline solution of a singularly-

  perturbed boundary-value problems. Int.J.Contemp.Math.Sci. 2, No.29-32, 1581-1586,2007.


 J. Rashidinia and M. Zarebni ion ,Solution of a Volterra integral equation by the Sinc-collocation method , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 206(2), 801-813, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia and M. Zarebnia, Convergence of approximate solution of system of Fredholm integral equations , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 333(2), 1216-1227, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian and K. Farajeyan, Spline approximate solution of fifth-order boundary-value problem , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 192(1), 107-112, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian, R. Mohammadi and M. Ghasemi, Sextic spline method for the solution of a system of obstacle problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190(2), 1669-1674, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Mohammadi and M. Ghasemi, Cubic spline solution of singularly perturbed boundary value problems with significant first derivatives , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190(2), 1762-1766, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian and V. Kazemi , Spline methods for the solutions of hyperbolic equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190(1), 882-886, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , M. Ghasemi and Z. Mahmoodi, Spline approach to the solution of a singularly-perturbed boundary-value problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189(1), 72-78, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia and M. Zarebnia, The numerical solution of integro-differential equation by means of the Sinc method , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188(2), 1124-1130, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian and R. Mohammadi, Non-polynomial spline methods for the solution of a system of obstacle problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188(2), 1984-1990, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , Z. Mahmoodi and M. Ghasemi , Parametric spline method for a class of singular two-point boundary value problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188(1), 58-63, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , R. Mohammadi, R. Jalilian and M. Ghasemi , Convergence of cubic-spline approach to the solution of a system of boundary-value problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, article in press, doi:10.1016/j.amc.2007.03.008 , 2007.

 J. Rashidinia , R. Jalilian, R. Mohammadi , Comment on the paper “A class of methods based on non-polynomial spline functions for the solution of a special fourth-order boundary-value problems with engineering applications” , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 86(2), 1572-1580, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , E. Jafarzadeh , Accelerated generalized successive overrelaxation method for least squares problems , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 186(1), 175-183, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , M. Zarebnia, New approach for numerical solution of Hammerstein integral equations , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185(1), 147-154, 2007.

 J. Rashidinia , R. Mohammadi, R. Jalilian, The numerical solution of non-linear singular boundary value problems arising in physiology , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185(1), 360-367, 2007.


 J. Rashidinia , A. Golbabaee , Convergence of numerical solution of a fourth-order boundary value problem , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 171(2), 1296-1305, 2005.


 J. Rashidinia and M. Zarebnia , Numerical solution of linear integral equations by using Sinc–collocation method , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 168(2), 806-822, 2005. 


 Tariq Aziz, Arshad Khan, Jalil Rashidinia , Spline methods for the solution of fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 167(1), 153-166, 2005.


 J. Rashidinia , High order variable mesh for solution of singular B.V.P, International Journal of Engineering, 17(2), 15-22, 2006.


 J. Rashidinia , Variable mesh method for a singular tow- point boundary value problem, Intr. J. Engg. Sc. 14(5), 2003, pp 23-33.


 J. Rashidinia , Direct Methods for Solution of a Linear 4th –order Two –point B.V.P., Inter .J. of Engg. Sc. 13(4), 2002, pp 37-48


 J. Rashidinia , Spline Solution of 4th –order Parabolic P.D.Es., Inter .J of Appl. Sci. & Comput, 3, 1999. 


 J. Rashidinia , Quintic Spline Solution of 4th –order Two- point B.V.P., Inter J of Appl. Sci. & Comput, 3, 1997, pp 191-197.




  Published Conference papers:


 J. Rashidinia , Sextic spline approximations for the solution of singularly-perturbed boundary value problems. The secod inter. Conferece on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. Baku, Azarbaijan, June,2-4,2008.


 J. Rashidinia , Spline solution of two piont boundary value problems. The secod inter. Conferece on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. Baku, Azarbaijan, June,2-4,2008.


 J. Rashidinia , Modification of quintic spline approximation, Proceeding of ICMSAO, Sarjah, UAE, February 1-3, 2005.


 J. Rashidinia , Sinc-Galerkin method for solution of boundary value problem in plate, deflection theory. Proceeding of ICMSAO, Sarjah, UAE February. 1-3, 2005.


 J. Rashidinia , Numerical solution of initial value problems based on sinc method, IMC, Ahvaz, Jan. 2005 .


 J. Rashidinia , Numerical solution of Volterra integral equations of the second kind, IMC, Yazd Unv. 2005.


 J. Rashidinia , A New Approach and Mechanical solver for linear systems of equation .34th, Shahrood 2003.


 J. Rashidinia , Spline Algorithm for class of singular Two-point B.V. Pbs, Proc. of first I.C.G.C., Amirkabir University of Technology, 2001.


 J. Rashidinia , Spline Approximation for Singular Two-point B.V.Ps., Proc. of 2nd ICAM, Oct 25-27 (2000) , IUST.


 J. Rashidinia , Spline Solution of 4th –order Two point Non –linear B.V.P., Proc of the 26th AIMC March, 28-31 (1995).


  J. Rashidinia , Spline Methods for Solution of a 4th –order Two –point B.V.Ps., Proc. Of 25th AIMC, 1994.


 J. Rashidinia , Spline Function Approximation for I.B.V.P in Parbolic P.D.Es., Proc. Of 4th S.I.S. Poona India, 1993.





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