Research Activities

 Research Activities
The center's research activities have resulted in a number of collaborations with industry for commercializing some of the achieved technological advances. The followings are the patent applications and papers published by the center: 

  • Cementitious composite wall tile, Iranian Patent No. 42639, filled on September 16, 2007
  • Decoration of cement and concrete surfaces by staining technique, Iranian Patent No. 42131, filled on August 21, 2007
  • Low cost natural pozzolan-based cement, Iranian Patent No. 38274, filled on December 4, 2006
  • Composite cement, Iranian Patent No. 36169, filled on September 10, 2006
  • Fat set and very high early strength cement, Iranian Patent No. 34819, filled on May 9, 2006
  • Pre-cast color cementitious products from compressed binary system of pozzolime, Iranian Patent No. 31788, filled on June 11, 2005
  • Natural pozzolan-based Geopolymer cement, Iranian Patent No. 31559, filled on May 9, 2005
  • Highly acid resistant Geopolymer cement (a fly ash-based Geopolymer cement); Binding Geopolymeric Mixtures, Czech Patent No. 291443, filled on January 10, 2003, (??? Link is expired)

ISI Papers

  • Allahverdi A. and Ghorbani J., Chemical Activation and Ste Acceleration of Lime-Natural Pozzolan Cement, Ceramics-Silikáty 50(4) 193-199, 2006.
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Sulfuric Acid Attack on Hardened Paste of Geopolymeric Cements; Part II: Corrosion Mechanism at Mild and Relatively Low Concentrations, Ceramics-Silikáty 50(1) 1-4, 2006.
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Sulfuric Acid Attack on Hardened Paste of Geopolymeric Cements; Part I: Mechnism of Corrosion at Relatively High Concentrations, Ceramics-Silikáty 49(4) 225-229, 2005.
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Nitric Acid Attack on Hardened Paste of Geopolymeric Cements, Part I, Ceramics-Silikáty 45(3) 81-88, 2001. 
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Nitric Acid Attack on Hardened Paste of Geopolymeric Cements, Part II, Ceramics-Silikáty 45(4) 143-149, 2001. 
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Acidic Corrosion of Hydrated Cement Based Materials, Part 1; Mechanism of the Phenomenon, Ceramics-Silikáty 44(3) 114-120, 2000. 
  • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Acidic Corrosion of Hydrated Cement Based Materials, Part 2; Kinetics of the Phenomenon and Mathematical Models, Ceramics-Silikáty 44(4) 121-160, 2000. 

Papers published in national and international journals

  • Allahverdi A. and Salem Sh., Microsilica, Cement and Concrete Additive, (Persian), Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol.6, No. 29, 11-23, September 2007.
  • Allahverdi A., Najafi Kani E., and Dehbozorgi, B., Waste Management and Cement Production Process, (Persian), Proc. National Congress on Energy Consumption in Cement Industry, Tehran, Iran, July 11, 2007.
  • Allahverdi A., Mehrpour K., and Najafi Kani E., Taftan Pozzolan-based Geopolymer Cement, accepted by International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  • Allahverdi A., Mehrpour K., and Najafi Kani E., Geopolymer Cement from Sirjan Pozzoaln, accepted by Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology.
  • Allahverdi A. and Yazdanipour M., Geopolymer Cements, (Persian), Concrete Technology, No. 6, 35-40, 2006.
  • Allahverdi A. and Najafi kani, E., Fast Set and High Early Strength Cements, Methods of Production, (Persian), Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol.4, No. 15, 3-12, May 2005.
  • Allahverdi A. and Najafi kani, E., Fast Set and High Early Strength Cements, Types and Applications, (Persian), Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol.3, No. 14, 3-14, March 2005.
  • Allahverdi A., Influence of Returned Dust of Cement Kiln on blockages in Cyclone Preheater, (Persian), International Journal of Engineering Sciences, vol. 15, No. 4, 19-27, 2004.
  • Allahverdi A, and Mousavi Ghidari S.R., Control of Sulfate Cycle in rotary Cement Kilns, (Persian), Journal of Tehran Cement, vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2004.

Papers published in Seminars and Conferences

    • Allahverdi A., Najafi Kani E., and Abolhasani S., Sulfate-activation of Natural Pozzolan by Sodium Sulfate and Gypsum, accepted by 3rd International Symposium on Non-traditional Cement and Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008.
    • Allahverdi A. and Najafi Kani E., Geopolymer Cement from Construction Wastes, accepted by 3rd International Symposium on Non-traditional Cement and Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008.
    • Allahverdi A. and Najafi Kani E., Effects of Curing Time and Temperature on Strength Development of Natural Pozzolan-based Geopolymer Cement, accepted by 3rd International Symposium on Non-traditional Cement and Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008.
    • Allahverdi A. and Najafi Kani E., Effects of Chemical Composition on Basic Engineering Properties of Natural Pozzolan-based Geopolymer Cement, accepted by 3rd International Symposium on Non-traditional Cement and Concrete, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008.
    • Allahverdi A., Najafi Kani E., and Soltani Sh., Effects of Particle Size Distribution Improvement and Dense Packing Technique on Compressive Strength of Oil Well Cement, 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress (IChEC 2008), 2-5 Jan, 2008, Kish Island, Iran.
    • Allahverdi A., Vakilinia Sh., and Gharabeglu P., RFCC Spent Catalyst as a High Quality Complementary Cementitious Material, 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress (IChEC 2008), 2-5 Jan, 2008, Kish Island, Iran.
    • Allahverdi A., Najafi Kani E., and Esmaeilpoor S., Alkali-activated Binder from Blast-furnace Slag of Isfahan Steel Plant, 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress (IChEC 2008), 2-5 Jan, 2008, Kish Island, Iran.
    • Allahverdi A., Najafi Kani E., and Gharabeglu P., Industrial Experiences on Utilizing Petcoke as an Alternative Fuel in Cement Industry, (Persian), Proc. National Congress on Energy Consumption in Cement Industry, Tehran, Iran, July 11, 2007.
    • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Evaluating the Potential Application of Fly Ash/Blast-Furnace Slag Geopolymer Material for Inhibiting Acid Corrosion, A Comparative Study, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Alkali-activated Materials, Research, Production and Utilization, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 21-37, June 21-22 , 2007.
    • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Gypsum-free Portland Cemen, An Alkali-activated Materail Suitable for Acid Corrosion Protection, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Alkali-activated Materials, Research, Production and Utilization, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 39-53, June 21-22, 2007.
    • Allahverdi A., Yazdanipour M., and Hashemi M., Investigating the Set and Strength Behaviours of Blast -Furnace Slag Blended Geopolymer Cement Based on Natural Pozzolan, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Alkali-activated Materials, Research, Production and Utilization, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 55-69, June 21-22, 2007.
    • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Corrosion of Hardened Paste of Gypsum-Free Portland Cement by Sulfuric Acid, Proc. Iranian Corrosion/2007; ICA International Congress, Tehran, Iran, 14-17 May, 2007.
    • Allahvedi A., Najafi Kani E., and Esmaeelpour S., Geopolymers, A New Generation of Fire-Resistant Building Materials, (Persian), Proc. 2nd Conference on Fire Protection of Buildings, Tehran, Iran, 20-21 February, 2007.
    • Allahverdi A., Yazdanipour M., and Hashemi M., Investigating the Set and Strength Behaviors of Blast-Furnace Slag Blended Geopolymer Cement Based on Natural Pozzolan, Proc. Iranain National Chemical Engineering Congress 11th, Tehran , Iran , 28-30 November, 2006.
    • Allahverdi A. and Salem Sh., Studies on main proerties of ternary blended cement with limestone powder and Microsilica, Proc. Iranain National Chemical Engineering Congress 11th, Tehran , Iran , 28-30 November, 2006.
    • Allahverdi A. and Najafi Kani E., Qualitative Evaluation of Isfahan Blast-Furnace Slag For Production of Production Slag-Blended Portland Cement, (Persian), Proc. Iranain National Chemical Engineering Congress 11th, Tehran , Iran , 28-30 November, 2006.
    • Allahverdi A. and Najafi Kani E., Special Cement Containing C11A7CaF2 Mineral Phase, Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress 10th, MP09-452, Sistan & Balochestan University, Iran, 15-17 Nov., 2005.
    • Allahverdi A. and Ghorbani J., Chemical Activation and Set Acceleration of Lime-Pozzolan Cement, Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress 10th, MP09-453, Sistan & Balochestan University, Iran, 15-17 Nov., 2005.
    • Allahverdi A. and Mehrpour K., Alkali-activation of Sirjan Pozzolan, Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress 10th, MP09-454, Sistan & Balochestan University, Iran, 15-17 Nov., 2005.
    • Allahverdi A., Effects of Sulfate Cycle on Operation of Rotary cement Kilns, 32th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, pp. 013-1 — 013-10, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 23-27 May, 2005.
    • Allahverdi A., Alkali-activated Fly Ash Cement (A New Fly ash-based Geopolymer Cement), Proc. International Cement Conference, Tehran, Iran, vol. 1, pp. 291-297, 3-4 October, 2004.
    • Allahverdi A., The Necessity of Cement Raw Mix Homogeneity, Part 1: Undesirable Effects of Inhomogeneities in Cement Raw Mix, Proc. International Cement Conference, Tehran, Iran, vol. 1, pp. 95-100, 3-4 October, 2004.
    • Allahverdi A., The Necessity of Cement Raw Mix Homogeneity, Part 2: Investigating the Causes for Inhomogeneities in Cement Raw mix, Proc. International Cement Conference, Tehran , Iran , vol. 2, pp. 101-108, 3-4 October, 2004.
    • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Development of an Acid-Resistant Geopolymeric Cement, International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering 16th (CHISA 2004), Prague, Czech Republic, 22-26 August, 2004.
    • Allahverdi A. and Moosavi R., Susceptibility of High Productive Cement Kilns to Sulfate Cycle and the Safe Value of the System Alkali-Sulfate Ratio, (in Persian), Proc. Iranain National Chemical Engineering Congress 8th, Mashad, Iran, 21-23 October, 2003.
    • Škvára F. , Jungov á I. , Jilek T., Šlosar J., Allahverdi A., and Kopecky L., Alkaliaktivierte Flugasche – Geopolymere, 15th International IBAUSIL congress, Weimar, Germany, 24-26 September, 2003.
    • Allahverdi A. and Škvára F., Acidic Corrosion of Geopolymeric Cements, Proc. Int. Conf. on fly ash, silica fume, slag and natural pozzolans in Concrete 7th, CANMET/ACI, Madras, India, vol. 2, 561-579, 2001.

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