School of Industrial Engineering- Dr.shahanaghi

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" Dr Kamran Shahanaghi"

Associate Professor

Ph.D. , Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran), 2000

Department: Industrial Engineering

Email : shahanaghi AT

Tel: +98-21-73-22-5051

Education and qualifications

University Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Engineering, iust, 2000 

Sellected Short Course Certificates

1) Layout Planning  
2) Maintenance
3) Operations Research
4) Applied Simulation
5) Multicriteria Descision Making (MCDM)

6) System Dynamics
7) Uncertain Programming


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since February 2004

Teaching Experiences

1) Simulation
2) Engineering Economy
3) Location & allocation & Facility Planning
4) Layout Planning  
5) Maintenance
6) Operations Research
7) Applied Simulation
8) Multicriteria Descision Making (MCDM)
9) System Dynamics
10) Uncertain Programming

Selected Written Works

1) A robust modelling and optimization framework for a batch processing flow shop production system in the presence of uncertainties, Int.J.comp.Integrated Manufachring, Kamran Shahanaghi, H.Shahmoradi-Moghadam,A.Noroozi, H.Mokhtari 2015,  ISI. 

2) Dynamic Pricing of a Web Service in an Advance Selling Environment, Mathe.Prob. Eng. E.Safari, M.babakhani,S.J.Sadjadi, Kamran Shahanaghi, k.Naboureh , pp 1-25 , 2015, ISI.

3)  Developing a Robust Strategy Map in Balanced Scorecard Model using Scenario planning, Mathe.Prob. Eng. M.Jafari, Kamran Shahanaghi, M. Tootooni, PP 1-10, 2015, ISI.

4) Knowledge management reliability assessment: an empirical, Aslib J inform manag, R.hesamamiri,M.mazdeh, M.Jafari, K.Shahanaghi , Vol. 67, No.4, PP 422-441, 2015, ISI.

5) Determining Strategy of pricing for a web service with different Qos levels and reservation level constraint , Appl. Mathe. Modelling, E.Safari, M.babakhani, S.J.Sadjadi,  Kamran Shahanaghi, k.Naboureh, Vol. 39, PP 3784-3813, 2015, ISI.      

6) Combination of Feature Selection and optimized Fuzzy Apriori Rules: the case of Credit Scoring, Int. Arab.J. Inform.Technol, S.Sadat Rasoul, M.Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 12, No. 2, PP 138-145, 2015, ISI.

7) Joint optimisation of price, warranty and recovery planning in remanufacturing of used products under linear and non-linear demand, return and cost functions, Int. J. systems science, S.A.Yazdian, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Makui , Vol. 47, No. 5, PP 1155-1175, 2016, ISI.

8) Estimation of Project Time and Cost at Completion Using Fuzzy Kalman Filter and ARMA Model , EMERGENCIAS, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.T.Hajiali, Vol. 1, PP 56-67, 2014, ISI.

9) A new modified randomly iterated search and statistical competency (RISC) approach for solving a nonlinear controlling model in three- level supply chain, Int.J.Adv manuf technol, S. shirzaee, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.R.shirzaee, Vol. 79, PP1023-1031, 2014, ISI.

10) A multi-criteria decision-making approach to solve the product mix problem with interval parameters based on the theory of constraints, Int.J.Adv manuf technol, S.A.Badri, M.Ghazanfari, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 70, PP1073-1080, 2014, ISI.

11) Developing prevention reliability in hub location models, J.Risk and Reliability, M.Hamidi,M.Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 228, No. 4, PP 337-346, 2014, ISI.

12) Fuzzy transfer point location problem: a possibilistic unconstrained nonlinear programming approach, Int Adv Manuf Technol, Hamed Kalantari, Amir Yousefi, Mehdi Ghazanfari, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.70, PP1043-1051, 2014, ISI.

13) Failure modeling and optimizing preventive maintenance strategy During two-dimensional extended warranty contracts, Engineering Failure Analysis, Kamran Shahanaghi, R.Noorolsana, S.GH.Jalali, (M.Heydari) , Vol. 28, PP 90-102, 2013, ISI.

14) A note on article ‘‘Farm management optimization using chance constrained programming method’’, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, B.Beheshti pour,S.Noori, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 90, PP 45-46, 2013, ISI.

15) Optimal pricing, lot-sizing and marketing planning in a capacitated and imperfect production system, Computers & Industrial Engineering, S.J.Sadjadi, S.A.Yazdiam, ,Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.62, PP349-358, 2012, ISI.

16) Fuzzy multi-choice goal programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling, B.Bankian, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.S.JabalAmeli, Vol.26, PP 1451-1420, 2012, ISI.

17)A system Dynamics approach for investigating impacts of incentive mechanisms on wind power investment, Renewable Energy, E.Alishahi, M.Parsa,Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.37, PP 310-317, 2012, ISI.

18) An interactive robust data envelopment analysis model for determining alternative targets in Iranian electricity distribution companies, Expert System with Application, S.J.Sadjadi, H.Omrani, A.Makui,Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 38, PP9830-9839, 2011, ISI.

19) A  new optimized uncertainty evaluation applied to the Monte-Carlo simulation in platinum  resistance thermometer calibration, Measurement, Kamran Shahanaghi, P.Nakhjiri, Vol.43, PP901-911, 2010, ISI.

20) Extended VIKOR as a New Method for Solving Multiple Objective Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming Problems, RAIRO Operation Research, M.Heydari, M.K.Sayadi, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.44, PP139-152, 2010, ISI.

21) Meta-heuristics to solve single-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time and deteriorating jobs, INT J Adv Manuf Technol, U.Bahalke, A.M.Yolmeh, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 50, PP749-759, 2010, ISI. 

22) Scheduling flowshops with condition – based maintenance constraint to minimize expected makespan, INT J Adv Manuf Technol, E.Safari, S.J.Sadjadi, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.46, PP757-767,  2010, ISI.

23)  Extension of VIKOR method for decision making problem with interval numbers, Applied Mathematical Modelling, M.K.Sayadi, M.Heydari, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.33, PP 2257-2262, 2009, ISI.

24) Scheduling and balancing assembly lines with the task deterioration effect, Proc. IMechE PART B: J. Engineering Manufacture, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Yolmeh, U.Bahalke, Vol.224, PP1-9, 2009, ISI.

25) A new method for location selection: Ahybrid analysis, Applied mathematics and computation, M.Tabari, A.Kaboli, M.B.Aryanezhad, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Siadat, Vol.206, PP598-606, 2008, ISI. 

26) Extracting Rules form imbalanced Data: the case of credit Scoring, Journal of information systems and telecommunication, S.M.Sadatrasoul, M.R.Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.3, No.1, PP 22-28, 2015, ISC.

27) Investigating the Effect of Selected Sustatinable Development Indicators on Credit Allocation: the Case of National Development Fund of Iran, Iranian Journal of Management Studies, S.M.Sadatrasoul, M.R.Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.8 , No.3, PP453-477, 2015, ISC.

28) Optimal advertising – pricing decisions for national and private label competition in a dynamic framework, Applied mathematics in Engineering Manage30) The new revised confidence intervals for the estimation of cost and time in project completion , International Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and social science , M.T.Hajiali, Kamran shahanaghi, Vol.1, No.11, PP 2173-2187, 2013, ISC.رment and, Kamran shahanaghi, M.R.Gholamian, A.R.Nowrouzi, Vol.3, No.2, PP75-83, 2015, ISC.

29) A New Approach to Model Dependent chance programming, Applied mathematics in Engineering Management and, M.R.Hamidi, Kamran shahanaghi, Vol.2, No.1, PP 76-85, 2014, ISC.

30) Straregy map paths ranking based on balanced scorecard via integrated Approach of fuzzy ANP and fuzzy VIKOR, Visi Jurnal Akademik, M.Jafari, Kamran shahanaghi, M.Tootooni, Vol.5, PP51-64, 2014, ISC.

31) A Possibilistic Mixed Integer Nonlinear programming Approach in Solving the Fuzzy Facility Location – Allocation problem, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, M.Ghazanfari, Kamran Shahanaghi, H.Kalantari, A. Badiee, M.R.Hamidi, Vol. 24, No.4, PP269-276, 2013, ISC.

32Reducing outpatient waiting Time: A Simulation Modeling Approach, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, A.Aeenparast, S.J.Tabibi, Kamran Shahanaghi ,M.B.Aryanejhad,  Vol.15, No.9, PP865-869, 2013, ISC.

33) The new revised confidence intervals for the estimation of cost and time in project completion, International Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and social science,  M.T.Hajiali, Kamran shahanaghi, Vol.1, No.11, PP2173-2187, 2013, ISC.

34) Selecting the Most Economic Project under  Uncertainty Using Bootstrap Technique and  Fuzzy Simulation, Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), Kamran Shahanaghi,A.Jabbarzadeh,(M.Hamidi)وM.Ghodousi, Vol.5, No.1, PP9-24, 2012, ISC.

35) A new approach for constraining failure probability of a critical deteriorating system ,J.Ind.Eng.Int. (H.Babaei), Kamran Shahanaghi,A.Bakhsha, Vol. 7, No.12, 2011, ISC.

36) Lexicographic goal programming approach for optimization portfolio, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, H.Babaei, M.Totooni, Kamran Shahanaghi,A.Bakhsha, Vol.5, No.9, PP63-75, 2009, ISC.

37) A Chance Constrained Model for a two Units Series Critical System  Suffering from Continuous Deterioration, IJIE, Kamran Shahanaghi, H.Babaei, A.Bakhsha, Vol.29, No. 1&2, PP69-75, 2009, ISC.

38) Efficient Solution Procedure to Develop Maximal Covering Location Problem Under Uncertainty (Using GA & Simulation), International Journal of Industrial Engineering Production Research, Kamran Shahanaghi, V.R. Ghezavati, Vol.19, No.4, PP21-29, 2008, ISC.

39) A  holistic approach based on MCDM for solving location problems, IJE , A.Kaboli, M.B.Aryanezhad, Kamran Shahanaghi, R.TavakoliMoghadam, Vol.20, No.3, PP 251-262, 2007, ISC.

40) An Application of data mining classification and bi-level programming for optimal credit allocation, Decision Sciecnce Letters, S.M.Sadatrasoul, M.Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.4,PP35-50, 2015, Scopus .

41Estimation of project completion Time-Based on a Mixture of Expert in an Interactive Space, Modern applied science, M.T.Hajiali, M.R.Mosavi, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.8, No.6, PP229-237, 2014, Scopus .

42)Two-dimensional extended warranty cost analysis for multi-component repairable products, Int.J. Mathematical Models and methods in applied sciences, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Amani, Vol. 4, PP1-18, 2013, Scopus .

43) Maintenance Policy for a Gas Turbine Based on Cri ticality Assessment and Reliability  :A Case Study of Maintenance Policy in a Gas Refinery, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Amani, Vol. 4, PP1-18, 2013,Scopus .

44) Multi-floor dynamic facility layout: a simulated annealing-based solution, Int. J. Operational Research, Y.khosravian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.16, No. 4, PP375-389, 2013,Scopus .

45)E-products pricing problem under uncertainty: a geometric programming approach, Int. J. Operational Research, M. Fathollah, D.shishebori, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol. 16, No.1, PP68-80, 2013,Scopus ..

46)Determining Inventory and Pricing Policies by Means Multi-echelon Multi-objective  Stackelberg Problem, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Gh. Jalali Naeini, M.Eghtesadifard, Kamran Shahanaghi, E. Teymouri, Vol.6, No.19, PP925-934 , 2012, Scopus .

47)Inducing Valuable rules from Imbalanced Data:the Case of an Iranian Banks Export Loans, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication, M.R. Gholamian, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.Rasoul, Z.hajmohmmadi, Vol.1, No.1, PP41-49, 2012.

48)Emergency response network design for hazardous materials transportation with uncertain demand, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, E. Rezaee Ehsan, A. Makoui, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.3, PP893-906, 2012,Scopus .

49)A Multi-Objective Possibilistic Programming Approach for Locating Distribution Centers and Allocating Customers Demands in Supply Chain, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, A.Yazdian, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.2, PP193-202, 2011,Scopus .

50)Tourist arrival forecasting by evolutionary fuzzy systems, Tourism Management, E. Hadavandi, A. Ghanbari, Kamran Shahanaghi, S.Abbasiyan, Vol.32, PP1193-1206, 2011,Scopus .

51)Methodology and Theory Determining maintenance system requirements by viewpoint of reliability and lean thinking : a MODM approach, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, S.Ghayeblo, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.16, No.1, PP89-106,2010,Scopus .

52)Developing a Multi Attribute Decision Making Model for  Maintenance Outsourcing Operation Based on Machinne s Life Cycle, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, M.M. Nayebpour, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.3, No.4, PP3568-3574, 2009,Scopus .

53)Analyzing the effects of Implementation of Total Productly Maintenance TPM in the manufacturing companies : A system dynamics approach, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Kamran Shahanaghi, A. Yazdiyan, Vol.5, No.2, PP121-129,2009,Scopus .

54)Development of Linear Programming Technique for Multidimentional  Analysis of Preference in Fuzzy Environment, Journal of Uncertain Systems, A.Yousefli, M.Heydari, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.3, No.2, PP108-113, 2009, Scopus .

55)Vendor Selection Using a New  Group TOPSIS Approach Fuzzy, Journal of Uncertain Systems, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Yazdiyan, Vol. 3, No.3, PP221-231, 2009,  Scopus .

 56)An Application of Possibility Goal Programming to the Time-cost  trade off  problem, Journal of Uncertain Systems, M.Ghazanfari, Kamran Shahanaghi, A.Yousefli, Vol.2, No.1, PP22-30, 2008,  Scopus .

57)A New Heuristic Model for Fully Fuzzy Project Scheduling, Journal of Uncertain Systems, A.Yousefli, M.Ghazanfari, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.Heydari, Vol.2, No.1, PP75-80,2008,  Scopus .

58)Comparison of Simulated Annealing and Electromagnetic Algorithms for Solutiojn of Extended portfolio Model, Int.J.Applied operational Research, Kamran Shahanaghi, M.H.Babaei, M.R.Hamidi,E.Jahani, Vol.3, No.3, PP79-93, 2013.

59)A Genetic Algorithm For P-Median Location Problem, International Journal of Engineering Research, M.Mahmoudi, Kamran Shahanaghi, Vol.3,No.1, PP386-389, 2013.

60)A New Approach for Solving the Generalized Assignment Problem in Uncertain Environment, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Kamran Shahanaghi, H.R. Haddad, M.H.Babaee, K.Alavi, Vol.2, NO.1, PP21-27, 2012.

61)A Framework for Selection of Intermediary in Marketing Channel, BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting Negotiation  and Distribution, Gh.Jandoghi, Kamran Shahanaghi,  H.R. Eravani, Vol.2, No.2, PP 51-62, 2011.

62)Integrating Fuzzy TOPSIS and multi-period goal programming for purchasing multiple products from multiple suppliers, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, F.Jolay, A.Yazdian, Kamran Shahanaghi,  M.Azari Khojasteh, Vol.17, PP42-53, 2011.

63) Facility location and distribution decisions in supply chains with fleet sizing considering botrh tangibleand intangible criteria, Int.J.Manage.Sci.Eng.Manage, Kamran Shahanaghi, S. A. Yazdian, Vol.5, No.3, PP303-309, 2010.

64) MODM – MCDM Approach to Partner Selection in Auto Industry A Case Study on Mazda of Iran, International Journal of Business and Management, Kamran Shahanaghi, H.Yavariyan, Vol.5, No.11, PP183-189, 2010. 

Conference Attendance

  • "Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Input Data Using Likelihood Ratio Test" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, HongKong , 2009
  • "A New Nested Partitions Method for the Minimum Labeling Spanning Tree Problem", The Third  International Conference of Operation Research , Iran, Tehran , 1389
  • "Choosing appropriate project delivery system by using ANP based on the risk criteria", The 4th  International Conference of Project Managemnt , Iran, Tehran, 1387
  • "A new approach for extension of the ELECTRE I Method for dicision -making under fuzzy environment", The First  International Conference of Operation Research , Iran, 1386

Published Books

Introduction to Facility Planning , 2011

Research Projects

– Crisis Management for Municipality, Iran, 2010 

Attendance in International Official Meetings

-Maintenance Conf. (held by regional Maint. Office in Tehran), as a paper presenter and panel discussant, Tehran, Iran, 2007

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