Personal Details
NAME: Haj Karim Yosof
SURNAME: Kharrazi
Fields of Research Interests:
Casting, Process Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Coating.
Contact Address
School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2804
Fax: +9821-77240480
F. Taghavi, H. Saghafian, Y. Kharrazi, " Study on the effect of prolonged mechanical vibration on the grain refinement and density of A356 aluminium alloy", Materials and Design, 2009
F. Taghavi, H. Saghafian, Y. Kharrazi, " Study on the ability of mechanical vibration for the production of thixotropic microstructure in A356 aluminium alloy", Materials and Design, 2009
M. Shahmiri, Y.H.K. Kharrazi, “The effect of gating systems on the soundness of lost foam casting (LFC) process of Al-Si alloy”, IJE Iransaction B: application, No. 2, 2007
Y.H. Kharrazi, M. Divandari, S. Saghi, “ Mold filling behaviour of double gating system in Aluminum LFC process ”, Iranian J. of Materials Sci. and Eng., No. 2, 2005
M. Ozve Aminian, R. Kaffaee, J. Hejazi, Y. Kharrazi, “Einflub des kohlenstoffgehalts auf die isothermische oxidations bestandigkeit von austenitischen hitzebestandigen hitzebestandigen stahlen”, GIESSER-PRAXIS, 2004
M. Abbasi, Sh. Kheirandish, Y. Kharrazi, J. Hejazi, " Tribological studies of steels using the abrasive wheel", Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2008