B.S In Architecture
The goal of this major is educate and train skillful,creative students in MSc Architecture engineering.this course lasts at least eight and half years and in first three half years students learn basic lessons like : planning,freehand design,graphic expression and preliminaries of architecture design, also they learn mathematics ,resistance , calculation of building constructs and computer.from the third half year ,every half year one of architecture design lesson presents and coincides with the design lessons,history of architecture lessons,chapters related to Urban and residential complex,lessons which are related to building technology and theoretical foundation of architecture and at the end students after defence of ther final projects can access to their B.S degree in architecture .
Napeyvasteh MSc architecture
technology ,consider the general chapters of architecture major and specially take into consideration technical design of buildings,best method for making architectural works and usage of proper technology in design,construct and exploit from buildings.and emphasized on them.
it presents matters which are related to housing,doing research about solving housing problems and teaching sciences and skills which are needed in unit and complex designs.
It is one of the most applicable fields in architecture and urban.
sustainable architecture
On the one hand,Constant architecture tries to use natural environment facilities and best usage of modern technologies ,on the other hand emphasis on best consumption of sources ,removing hysteresis ,environmental pollution control
This field is one of the newest fields in national and international levels.
Educational-cultural field, formed in MSc architectural course, according to the educational characteristics places and architectural proper aspects.