Power Electronic and Electric,Magnetic fields Research Lab- students

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 Full name : Sobhan Mohamadian

 Position: PH.D. Student in Electrical Enginerring

 Tell: (+98) 21- 77240491

 E-Mail: s_mohamadian@iust.ac.ir

  Contact Information: Power Electronics and Electric and Magnetic Fields Research Lab. Iran University of Scince and Technology (IUST)


 • Education :

 - PH. D. Student in Electrical Engineering at Iran University of Science & Technology (from 2010)

 - M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Iran University of Science & Technology (2007-2010)

 Title of M.S.c. Thesis: Modeling and implementation of high current AC/DC converter with variable output voltage

 - B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Iran University of Science & Technology (2003-2007)

 Title of B.S.c. Thesis: Optimal placement of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in power systems for the improvement of transient stability.


 • Fields of interest:

 1- Power Electronics

 2- Electrical Machiens and Drive Systems

 3- Power Quality 

  • Papers


  • S. Mohamadian, and A. Shoulaie, “ Comprehensive Definitions for Evaluating Harmonic Distortion and Unbalanced Conditions in Three and Four-Wire Three-Phase Systems Based on IEEE Standard 1459 ,” IEEE Transactions on Power Del., Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 1774-1782, Jul. 2011. 

B) Conference

• S. Mohamadian, and A. Shoulaie, “A Comparative Study of AC/DC Converters Used in High Current Applications ,” in Proc. 2nd Power Electronic & Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), Tehran, 2011, pp. 604-609. 

 •  S. Mohamadian, and A. Shoulaie, “A novel AC/DC converter for high current and low voltage applications,” in Proc. 1st Power Electronic & Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), Tehran, 2010, pp. 152-156. • Languages:

 • M. T. Kenari, S. Mohamadian, and A. Shoulaie, “A new concept inevaluating power system distortions under unbalanced and nonsinusoidal conditions,” in Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Conf. Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Prague, 2010, pp. 179-182.

  •  R. Ghandehari, S. Mohamadian, and A. Shoulaie, “A new approach to AC/DC converters modelling in time domain for harmonic analysis,” 1st Power Quality Conference (PQC), Tehran, 2011.

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