School of Chemical Engineering- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Research Lab
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Research Laboratory

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Research Laboratory

  Directed by: S. H. Hashemabadi (Assistant Prof.)



  Established 5 years ago, Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, CFD Lab., conducts research on computational methods to solve engineering and scientific problems in fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and coupling of multi-physics such as fluid flow interaction with structure and combustion problems. Numerical solution techniques comprises of finite element and finite volume formulations as well as molecular dynamics modeling of flow problems. Evidently, CFD is increasingly being used routinely for design and performance predictions. Areas of application are so diverse that generally cover, most industries such as processing and manufacturing industries, automobile and aeronautics, environment and renewable energy.

    Service Provision

  · Consultancy

  · Applied Research

  · Design and Development

  · Process Trouble-shooting

  · Professional Development Courses

  · Training

  · Tailor-made Software

  · Quality Assurance and Validation

  · Process Auditing

Technology Transfer
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