Iran University of Science & Technology- History_crc

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The Cement Research Center (CRC) was established in 1996 at IUST as an interdisciplinary leading center for research and development in science and technology of cement material and production process and various related fields including special and new cements, durability of cement–based materials, process and energy optimization, environmental aspects, etc.
The center identifies technical problems and requirements in cement industry, designs and carries out research programs to provide the necessary knowledge and to develop new technologies. The center also profits greatly from M.Sc. research programs and PhD dissertations.
The center has two laboratories, Chemical Analysis and Mineral Processing, equipped with research and analytical facilities available to university faculty members as well as industry practitioners, and has easy access to almost 83 different research laboratories at IUST. Besides the IUST central library and electronic search facilities, the specialized library of the center is also very beneficial to researchers. A number of research projects have been carried out in this center; few examples of which are given below

    • Natural pozzolan based-Geopolymer cement,
    • Developing low cost green cements based on supplementary cementitious materials,
    • Alkali-activated slag cement,
    • Investigating the possibility of utilizing RFCC spent catalyst in production of Portland blended cement,
    • Investigating the possibility of utilizing pet-coke in No. 4 production line of Soufian cement plant,
    • Estimation of coating thickness in rotary cement kiln by use of shell temperature measurement,
    • Development of sulfur concrete, for special applications.
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