School of Physics- Masoud Jazayeri

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Full name: Masoud Jazayeri

Position: Assistant Professor

Phone: 98-21-77451500-10   Ex: 3457

Fax: 98-21-77240497

Email: jazsm AT

Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

University Degrees:

MSc. : University of Columbia, USA

BSc. : Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Current Research:

Physics of Plasma

• Computational Physics

Publications- Journal Papers:

  1. Lattice design for an ultra-low emittance synchrotron light source
Ahmadi, E., Jazayeri, S.M., Rahighi, J., Mollabashi, M.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 867, 93 (2017)  Q1
  1. Designing an ultra-low emittance electromagnetic lattices for Iranian light source facility storage ring 
Ahmadi, I., Jazayeri, S.M., Rahighi, J., Mollabashi, M., Saeidi, F.
Iranian Journal of Physics Research, 17, 151 (2017)  Q4
  1. Study of Terahertz Radiation Generation by Two Laser Beams in an Axial Magnetized Rippled Density Plasma 
Hematizadeh, A., Jazayeri, S.M.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 45, 1717 (2017)  Q2      
  1. Generation of terahertz radiation by beating of two laser beams in collisional magnetized plasma
 Hematizadeh, A., Jazayeri, S.M., Ghafary, B.
Lasers and particle beams, 34, 569 (2016)  Q1
  1. Strong terahertz radiation generation by beating of two laser beams in magnetized overdense plasma
 Hematizadeh, A., Bakhtiari, F., Jazayeri,S.M., Ghafary, B.
Lasers and particle beams, 34, 527 (2016)  Q1
  1. Strong terahertz radiation generation by beating of two spatial­triangular beams in collisional magnetized plasma
Hematizadeh, A., Bakhtiari, F., Jazayeri,S.M., Ghafary, B.
Physics of plasmas, 23, 053507 (2016)  Q2
  1. Generation of terahertz radiation by beating of two circular flat-topped laser beams in collisional plasma
F. Bakhtiari, M.Yousefi, S. Golmohammady, S.M. Jazayeri
Lasers and particle beams, 33, 713 (2015)  Q1
  1. Locating Cantori for Symmetric Tokamap and Symmetric Ergodic Magnetic Limiter Map Using Mean-Energy Error Criterion
S. M. Jazayeri, A. R. Sohrabi
Braz J Phys, 44, 247 (2014)  Q2
  1. The Effect of “Locally Modifying Safety Factor Barrier” on Confinement Time in Tokamak with Magnetic Divertor 
Sohrabi, A., Jazayeri, S.M.
Journal of Fusion Energy, 34, 158 (2014)
  1. Ergodic magnetic limiter with barrier
S. M. Jazayeri, A. R. Sohrabi
J Fusion Energ, 32, 71 (2013)  Q2
  1. Structure of magnetic field lines
 Golmankhaneh, A.K., Golmankhaneh, A.K., Jazayeri, S.M., Baleanu, D.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17, 713 (2012)  Q1
  1. On the accuracy of the symmetric ergodic magnetic limiter map in tokamaks

 Sohrabi, A.R., Jazayeri, S.M., Mollabashi, M.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 76, 777 (2010)  Q3

Conference presentations :

  • A.Mashal, F.Mobini, S.M.Jazayeri and A.chakhmach,” A Parallel Multigrid Solver for Gyrokinetic Poisson Equation with Finite Element “, International Conference on plasma science and application(Isfahan, IRAN, 8-10 Sept. 2015)
  • A.Chakhmachi, F.Mobini, A.Mashaland S.M.Jazayeri,” Investigation of the Distribution Function Effects on Landau Damping in Electrostatic PIC “, International Conference on plasma science and application (Isfahan, IRAN, 8-10 Sept. 2015)
  • E. Ahmadi , J. Rahighi1, S.M.Jazayeri, H.Ghasem1 , M.Jafarzadeh,” DESIGNING AN ULTRA LOW EMITTANCE LATTICES FOR IRANIAN LIGHT SOURCE FACILITY STORAGE RING “, Proceedings of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea Pre-Release Snapshot 13-May-2016
  • E. Ahmadi,J. Rahighi, S.M.Jazayeri, H.Ghasem,” Closed orbit response of ILSF storage ring to ground wave vibration “, 2nd Iranian Particle Accelerator Conference 2015
  • Seyed Masoud Jazayeri, M. Pourali, " A Finite Element Solver for Gyrokinetic Poisson Equation ", 4th International Workshop on Plasma Science & Applications, 2011, Iran.
  • Seyed Masoud Jazayeri, S.N. Razavinia, " Semi-Langrangian Solution of Vlasov-Poisson System Memory Computers", 4th International Workshop on Plasma Science & Applications, 2011, Iran.
  • A. R. Sohrabi, Seyed Masoud Jazayeri, " The Effect of the Ergodic Magnetic Limiter with Barrier on the Footprints of the Chaotic Magnetic Field on the Inner Wall of Tokamak", 4th International Workshop on Plasma Science & Applications, 2011, Iran.
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