School of Mechanical Engineering- Course Modules- M.Sc-Manufacturing
Course Modules- M.Sc-Manufacturing

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  Department of manufacturing engineering

    Division of engineering concentrating on processes of producing/making/parts/devices/equipments and systems is known as manufacturing engineering. Elements of this major are comprised of process management engineering/ machine tools/materials science and engineering/ automation and quality control.

  Main concentration of manufacturing engineering is on internal dynamics of industrial processes such as machine tools/materials engineering/ tribology/ mechanical and non-destructive tesing of materials (NDT )/ condition monitoring (CM) and precision and accuracy inspection of products in from of quality assurance.

  A manufacturing engineer is in charge of planning/design/ set up/ modification/ optimization as well as monitoring of a production process. Main duties of manufacturing engineers are to produce products of high quality in most economical from in light of protecting environment and considerations for its betterment.

  Manufacturing engineers in addition to designing are also innovative and analytical thinkers. Next to activities on the basis of personal creativity, these engineers can act as members of a team in having group performances with other engineers in an endeavor known as: interdisciplinary cooperation’s.



  List of manufacturing courses


  Common Mandatory courses: 3 Units

  Advanced mathematics: 3 Units

  Mandatory courses of expertise

  Metal forming

  Industrial manufacturing systems


  Industrial manufacturing systems: 3 Units

  Industrial manufacturing systems: 3 Units

  Mechatronic 1: 3 Units

  Metal forming analysis:

  3 Units

  Design and manufacturing with computer: 3 Units

  Analogue control

  Metal forming or metallurgy in manufacturing: 3 Units

  Metal forming or metallurgy in manufacturing: 3 Units

  Mechatronic 2 or automation in manufacturing: 3 Units

  Elective courses: 12 Units from other courses of manufacturing field

  Seminar: 2 Units

  Project: 6 Units

  Total: 32 Units

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