School of Chemical Engineering- Dr. Hejazi , Parisa
Dr. Hejazi , Parisa

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  Dr. Hejazi , Parisa

  Personal Details

    E-mail: phejazi[at]

  Present Position

  Department : Chemical Engineering

  Ph.D. Chemical Engineering-Biotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology , P. O. Box: 16846, Tehran, Iran.

  Tel: +98-21-77451503-9 (2771)

  Fax: +98-21-77240495

    Education and Qualifications

  1. University Degrees
    • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Engineering-Biotechnology, Tarbiat Modares University, 2002-2007.
    • Master of Science (MSc) in Chemical Engineering, of Tarbiat Modares University, 1998-2000.
    • Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1993-1997.

  1. Short Course Certificates
    • "Research program in biofiltration", Vaxjo University, Sweden, 2007
    • "International professional biotechnology training", Max-Plank Institute, Magdeburg, Germany, 2004


Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since October 2008

Teaching Experiences (in School of Chemical Engineering, IUST)

  • Statistics in Processes of Engineering (Postgraduate)
  • Bioseparation Processes (Postgraduate)
  • Industrial Microbiology (Postgraduate)
  • General Microbiology (Postgraduate)
  • Lab Microbiology (Postgraduate)
  • Enzyme Technology (Postgraduate)
  • Principle of Biotechnology (Undergraduate)

Journal Publications

  1. Hejazi, P.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E.; Yamini, Y., “Supercritical Fluid Disruption of Ralstonia eutropha for Poly (b-hydroxybutyrate) Recovery”, Biotechnology Progress, 2003, 19, 1519-1523.
  2. Hamidi-Esfahani, Z.; Hejazi, P.; Shojaosadati, S.A.; Hoogschagen, M.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E.; Rinzema, A. "A Two-Phase Kinetic Model for Fungal Growth in Solid-State Cultivation", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2007, 36, 100-107.
  3. Shojaosadati, S.A.; Hamidi-Esfahani, Z.; Hejazi, P.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E.; Rinzema, A. "Strategies of Temperature and Moisture Control in Solid State Packed Bed Bioreactors", Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, Vol. 5, No. 4, 219-225.
  4. Hejazi, P.; Borenberg, F.; I ik, G.; Rupar-Gadd, K.; Strandmark, G.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Welander, U. “Treatment of α-pinene-contaminated air using silicone oil-coated perlite biofilter”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2010, 29, No. 3, 313-318.
  5. Partovinia, A.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P. “Carbon Content Reduction in a Model Reluctant Clayey Soil: Slurry Phase n-Hexadecane Bioremediation”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181, 2010, 133–139.
  6. Sheibani, G.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P. “Statistical Factor Screening and Optimization in Slurry Phase Bioremediation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotuluene Contaminated Soil”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 188, 2011, 1-9.
  7. Pirie, P.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P. “A Microcosm Study on P-Nitrophenol Biodegradation in Soil Slurry by Alcaligenes faecalise: Plackett-Burman Design”, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 8, 2011, 57-68.
  8. Sheibani, G.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P. “Screening Effective Factors in Slurry Phase Bioremediation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Contaminated Soil", Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 8, 2011, 29-40.
  9. Kamrava, S.; Hejazi, P. “An investigation on the Erythromycin reverse micellar extraction using OFAT experimental design”, Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, 3(2), 2011, 57-65 (in Persian).
  10. Mazaheri, D.; Shojaosadati, S. A.;  Mousavi, S. M.; Hejazi P. ; Saharkhiz, S. “Bioethanol production from carob pods by solid-state fermentation with Zymomonas mobilis”, Applied Energy, 99, 2012, 372–378.
  11. Yousefi, A.; Allahverdi, A.; Hejazi, P. “Effective dispersion of nano-TiO2  powder for enhancement of photocatalytic properties in cement mixes”, Construction and Building Materials, 41, 2013, 224–230.
  12. Bahrami, A.; Hejazi, P. “Electrostatic immobilization of pectinase on negatively charged AOT-Fe3O4 nanoparticles”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 93, 2013, 1– 7.
  13. Yousefi, A.; Hejazi, P.; Allahverdi, A. “Evaluation of Effective Strategies for Cultivation of Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans as Cement-Degrading Bacteria”, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10(2), 2013, 55-66.
  14. Jafari, M. S.; Hejazi, P. “Polyhydroxybutyrate production from mixture of corn germ and bran by solid-state fermentation”, Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, 2013, 3, 93-105 (in Persian).
  15. Yousefi, A.; Allahverdi, A.; Hejazi, P. “Accelerated biodegradation of cured cement paste by Thiobacillus species under simulation condition”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 86, Part C, 2014, 317–326.
  16. Kashefi Mofrad, S. M. R.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P.; Nematollahzadeh, A. “Effect of Electrostatic Functional Monomers on Lysozyme Recognition by Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, 2015, 41366 (1-7).
  17. Karimi, A.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hejazi, P.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E.; Hashemi, M. “Porosity changes during packed bed solid-state fermentation”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20, 2014, 4022-4027.
  18. Mazaheri, D.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hejazi, P.; Mousavi, S. M. “Bioethanol production performance in a packed bed solid-state fermenter: evaluation of operational factors and intermittent aeration strategies”, Annals of Microbiology, 65, 2015, 351-357.
  19. Eslamipour, F.; Hejazi, P. “Effects of surface modification and activation of magnetic nanoparticles on the formation of amylase immobilizationbonds under different ionic strength conditions”, , Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 119, 2015, 1-11.
  20. Kashefi Mofrad, S. M. R.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P.; Nematollahzadeh, A. “Synthesis of Lysozyme Imprinted Column with Macroporous Structure and Enhanced Selectivity: Utilization of Cryogelation Technique and Electrostatic Functional Monomers”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, 2015, 42880 (1-9).
  21. Yousefi, A.; Hejazi, P.; Allahverdi, A. “Toxicity of the Cementitious Coatings Containing Nano-TiO2 Towards Thiobacillus thioparus Bacterium”, Journal of Color Science and Technology, 4, 2015, 101-111 (in Persian).
  22. Eslamipour, F.; Hejazi, P. “Evaluating effective factors on activity and loading of immobilized α-amylase onto magnetic nanoparticles using response surfacedesirability approach”, RSC Advances, 6, 2016, 20187–20197.

Conference Attendance

  1. Hejazi, P.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E.; Yamini, Y., “Supercritical Fluid Disruption of Ralstonia eutropha for Poly (b-hydroxybutyrate) Recovery”, 6th National Chemical Engineering (in Persian), 2001, Esfahan, I.R. Iran.
  2. Hejazi, P.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hamidi-Esfahani, Z.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E. "The Effect of Experimental Variables on Operation of Zymotis Solid State Bioreactor", 11th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress (in Persian), 2006, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
  3. Faramarzi F.; Farzi J.; Hejazi P.; Naeimpour F. "Comparison of Production Pectinase Enzyme in Solid State and Submerged Fermentations", 1st Applied Biotechnology in Industry and Mine Seminar (in Persian), 2007, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
  4. Karimi, A.; Shojaosadati, S.A.; Hejazi P.; Vasheghani-Farahani E., “Investigation of the Porosity Change During Solid State Fermentation and Modeling These Changes in Terms of Growth Kinetics”, 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, BioMicroWorld-2007, Seville, Spain.
  5. Karimi, A.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hejazi, P.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E. “Porosity Change during Solid-State Fermentation of Aspergillus niger in Laboratory Scale Packed Bed Bioreactors”, 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Jan. 2008, Kish Island, Iran.
  6. Hejazi, P.; Borenberg, F.; Isik, G.; Ruper-Gadd, G.; Standmark, G.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Welender, U., "Biological treatment of air plluted with alpha-pinene", 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, June 2008, Valencia, Spain.
  7. Faramarzi F.; Naeimpour F.; Hejazi P. "Investigation of Effective Factors on Production of Pectinase and α-Amylase in Solid State Fermentation", 12th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, 2008, Tabriz, I.R. Iran.
  8. Farzi J.; Naeimpour F.; Hejazi P. "Polygalacturonase Enzyme Production by Aspergillus foetidus in Shake Flask and Investigation of Operation Condition using Taguchi Method",  12th National Chemical Engineering, 2008, Tabriz, I.R. Iran.
  9. Naeimpoor, F.; Sheibani, G.; Hejazi, P., "Screening effective factors in slurry phase bioremediation of TNT contaminated soils", 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Nov. 2009, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  10. Naeimpoor, F.; Pirie, P.; Hejazi, P., "A microcosm study on P-nitrophenol biodegradation in slurry phase by Alcaligenes faecalise and screening of effective factors", 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Nov. 2009, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  11. Safavi, M. R.; Hejazi, P.; Naeimpoor, F., “Optimization of Nickel Biosorption Process by Aspergillus niger Using Response Surface Methodology”, 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, Oct. 2010, Razi University, Kermanshah, I.R. Iran.
  12. Dashti, M.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P., “Investigation on de-emulsification ability of a biosurfactant producing isolate from Tehran refinery sludge on water-oil emulsions”, 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, Oct. 2010, Razi University, Kermanshah, I.R. Iran.
  13. Kebriaee, R.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P., “Comparison of Erythromycin Production using Complex and Defined Media”, 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, Oct. 2010, Razi University, Kermanshah, I.R. Iran.
  14. Shadram,S.; Naeimpoor, F.; Hejazi, P., “Co-metabolic biodegradation of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) by an isolated microorganism”, 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress, Oct. 2010, Razi University, Kermanshah, I.R. Iran.
  15. Rezvaninejad, S. R., Hejazi, P., “Effect of factors on forward extraction of endopolygalacturonase using reverse micelles”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  16. Kamrava, S., Hejazi, P., “Extraction of Erythromycin with Reverse Micelles: Effect of Salt, Surfactant, antibiotic Concentrations and pH”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  17. Bahrami, A., Hejazi, P., Partovinia, A., “Immobilization of pectinase on Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with Docusate sodium salt”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  18. Ahmadi, S., Hejazi, P., Naeimpoor, F., “Effect of temperature and pH on rhamnolipid production in solid-state cultivation using corn residues”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  19. Movahedi, F., Jafari, M. S.,  Naeimpoor, F., Hejazi, P., “Comparison of PHB production in submerged and solid-state cultivation”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  20. Rafati Atri, M., Harasban, S., Hejazi, P., Ashrafizadeh, S. N., “Microbial Methane Oxidation From Coal Mines Applying a Biofilter”, The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kish, I.R. Iran.
  21. Rezaei, S.; Momtahen, N.; Hejazi, P. “Biosurfactant production in a lab-scale of solid-state bioreactor”, The 14th National Chemical Engineering Congress (in Persian), 2012, Tehran.
  22. Rasi, Z.; Hejazi, P. “Synthesis and coating of magnetic nanoparticles using polyethylene Gelycol for cellulase immobilization”,The 14th National Chemical Engineering Congress (in Persian), 2012, Tehran.
  23. Yousefi, A.; Allahverdi A.; Hejazi, P. “Studying the durability of concrete structures in the presence of Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans bacterium”, 4th International Conference on Concrete and Development, 2013, Tehran.
  24. Mazaheri, D.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hejazi, P.; Mousavi, S. M. “Evaluation the performance of solid-state packed-bed bioreactor for bioethanol production from carob pods with Zymomonas mobilis”, The 8th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran and the 4th Congress on Biosafety (in Persian), 2013, Tehran.
  25. Nadia Davoudvandi, Parisa Hejazi, “Synthesis, surface modification and magnetization properties of magnetic nanoparticles of Fe3O4 applicable in biotechnology”, 15th ICHEC, 2015, Tehran.
  26. Mohaddeseh Abbaszadeh, Parisa Hejazi, “Evaluation of copper loading onto magnetic nanoparticles for cellulase immobilization”, The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2015), December, 2015, Shiraz, I.R.Iran.
  27. Mahdiyeh Hajieghrari, Parisa Hejazi, “Biodegradation of n-Hexadecane in soil: Effect of intermittent aeration and microbial communities”, The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2015), December, 2015, Shiraz, I.R.Iran.
  28. Faegheh Eslamipour, Parisa Hejazi, “The effect of glutaraldehyde concentration as a linker on α-amylase covalent immobilization”, The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2015), December, 2015, Shiraz, I.R.Iran.
  29. Faegheh Eslamipour, Parisa Hejazi, “Immobilization of α-amylase on magnetic nanoparticles: a comparison of covalent and non-covalent binding”, The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2015), December, 2015, Shiraz, I.R.Iran.

Research Projects

  • Research assistant, "Microbial production of biodegradable polymers", National Project, Tarbiat Modares University, 2001.
  • Research assistant, "Design and construction of pilot scale of Zymotis packed bed bioreactor”, SBDC, Tarbiat Modares University, 2006.
  • Research Project Chief Organic acids production using solid state fermentation”, IUST, 2009.
  • Research Project Chief “Investigation on heavy metals elimination using mixture of biosorbents”, IUST, 2010.
  • Research Project Chief  “Biosurfactant production using solid-state fermentation”, IUST, 2011.
  • Research Project Chief “Effective factors evaluation in a hydrolysis enzyme immobilization”, IUST, 2012.
  • Research Project Chief  “Reverse micellar extraction of enzyme mixtures”, IUST, 2013.
  • Research Project Chief “Synthesis of Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the separation of an antibiotic”, IUST, 2014.
  • Research Project Chief “An Investigation of Factors Affecting on Metal affinity Immobilization of Bovine Serum Albumin onto Magnetic Nanoparticles”, IUST, 2015.
  • Research Project Chief “Production of Biosurfactant”, Vice-presidency for Science and Technology, IRAN Biotechnology Initiative Council, 2016.
  • Research Project Chief “Biological Desulfurization”, Vice-presidency for Science and Technology, IRAN Biotechnology Initiative Council, 2016.


Hejazi, P.; Shojaosadati, S. A.; Hamidi-Esfahani, Z.; Vasheghani-Farahani, E. "Solid state fermentation in modified Zymotis packed bed bioreactor", US Patent 20100203626 A1, 2010.

 Awards and Scholarships

A government scholarship for PhD study, 2003-2006.

Reviewer of ISI Journal

  •  Biochemical Engineering Journal
  • Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
  • Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Eng.
  • Iranian Journal of Biotechnology

Number of Post Graduated Students in Biotechnology

BSc: 12

MSc: 28

PhD: 2

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