School of Chemical Engineering- Dr. Shahhosseini, Shahrokh
Dr. Shahhosseini, Shahrokh

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           Academic Rank :Professor

           Major :Design , Simulation and  Process Control  



              E-mail: shahrokh[at]

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Personal Information 

Education and Qualifications

1- Ph.D. of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, 1993 - 1998.

  2- Master of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, 1991 - 1993.

  3- Chemical Engineering, University of AmirKabir, 19 86 - 1990.


  Ass ociat Professor, School of Chemical Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, Since February 1999

  Teaching Experiences

 The subjects that I have taught as a lecturer at Iran University of Science and Technology ; School of Chemical Engineering are

  1. Advanced engineering mathemati c s

  2. Advanced process control

  3. Advanced engineering optimization

  4. Fundamentals of Biotechnology

  5. Advanced numerical methods

  6. Computing in chemical engineering

  7. Heat transfer I

  8. Heat transfer II

  9. Process control

  10. Bioreactor design

  11. Enzyme technology

  12. Engineering software workshop

  English Journal Publications

  1. Shahhosseini S., Comeron, I. T., and Wang F.Y. A simple dynamic model for solid transport in rotary dryers. Drying Technology, ۱۸(۴&۵), ۸۶۷-۸۸۶. (۲۰۰۰).
  2. Shahhosseini S.,Comeron, I. T., and Wang F.Y. A Dynamic Model with On-line Identification for Rotary Sugar Drying Processes. Drying Technology, ۱۹(۹), ۲۱۰۳-۲۱۲۹, (۲۰۰۱).
  3. Shahhosseini, S. and Sadeghi, M.T. Khosravi-Darani, K. Simulation and Model Validation of Batch PHB Production Process Using Ralstonia eutropha. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume ۲۲, No. ۲. (۲۰۰۳).
  4. Shahhosseini, S. Simulation and optimization of PHB production in fed-batch culture of Ralstonia eutropha. Process Biochemistry, Process Biochemistry, (۳۹), ۹۶۳-۹۶۹, (۲۰۰۴).
  5. Shahrokh Shahhoseini, Elaheh Jamalzadeh. Modeling and simulation of polyhydroxybutyrate production by Protomonas extorquens in fed-batch culture . Ianian Journal of Bitechnology, ۴, ۲, (۲۰۰۶).
  6. M. Pazouki a, M. Keyanpour-Rad, Sh. Shafie, Sh. Shahhoseini. Efficiency of Penicillium chrysogenum PTCC ۵۰۳۷ in reducing low concentration of chromium hexavalent in a chromium electroplating plant wastewater. Bioresource Technology, ۹۸, ۲۱۱۶–۲۱۲۲, (۲۰۰۷).
  7. Mohammad A. Dehnavi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini a, S. Hassan Hashemabadi, S. Mehdi Ghafelebashi. CFD based evaluation of polymer particles heat transfer coefficient in gas phase polymerization reactors. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, ۳۵, ۱۳۷۵–۱۳۷۹ (۲۰۰۸).
  8. Javad Aminian, Shahrokh Shahhosseini. Evaluation of ANN modeling for prediction of crude oil fouling behavior, Applied Thermal Engineering ۲۸, ۷, ۶۶۸-۶۷۴ (۲۰۰۸).
  9. Yaghoub Behjat, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, S. Hassan Hashemabadi. CFD modeling of hydrodynamic and heat transfer in fluidized bed reactors. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. ۳۵, ۳, ۳۵۷-۳۶۸ (۲۰۰۸).
  10. Yaghoub Behjat, Mohammad Ali Dehnavi, Shahrokh Shahhossein, Seyed Hassan Hashemabadi. Heat Transfer of Polymer Particles in Gas-Phase Polymerization Reactors. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. ۶, A۸۱, (۲۰۰۸)
  11. Ahad Ghaemi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mohammad Ghanadi Maragheh. Nonequilibrium dynamic modeling of carbon dioxide absorption by partially carbonated ammonia solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal. ۱۴۹, ۱۱۰–۱۱۷, (۲۰۰۹).
  12. Ahad Ghaemi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mohammad Ghanadi Maragheh. Nonequilibrium Modeling of Reactive Absorption Processes. Chem. Eng. Comm., ۱۹۶:۱۰۷۶–۱۰۸۹, (۲۰۰۹)
  13. (J. Aminian), C. Galletti, S. Shahhosseini, L. Tognotti , Key modeling issues in prediction of minor species in diluted-preheated combustion conditions , Applied Thermal Engineering , ۳۱ , ۳۲۸۷, ۲۰۱۱
  14. Ghaemi), Sh. Shahhosseini, M. Gh. Maragheh , Experimental Investigation of Reactive Absorption of Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide by Carbonated Ammonia Solution , Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. , ۳۰, ۴۳-۵۰ , ۲۰۱۱
  15. (Yaghoub Behjat), Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast , CFD analysis of hydrodynamic, heat transfer and reaction of three phase riser reactor , Chemical Engineering Research and Design , ۸۹, ۹۷۸-۹۸۹ , ۲۰۱۱
  16. Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Samaneh Vakili , Optimization of Styrene Reactor Using Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm Methods , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING , ۹, ۱-۲۶ , ۲۰۱۱
  17. (Y. Behjat), Sh. Shahhosseini, M. Ahmadi Marvast , Simulation study of droplet vaporization effects on gas–solid fluidized bed , Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers , ۴۲ , ۱۴۹-۴۲۷ , ۲۰۱۱
  18. (J. Aminian), Sh. Shahhosseini۱ and M. Bayat , Numerical investigation of the application of high temperature air combustion in an industrial furnace , Jornal of Power and Energy , ۲۲۶ , ۶۹۴-۷۰۵ , ۲۰۱۲
  19. (J. Aminian) · Ch. Galletti · Sh. Shahhosseini · L. Tognotti , Numerical Investigation of a MILD Combustion Burner: Analysis of Mixing Field, Chemical Kinetics andTurbulenceChemistry Interaction , Flow Turbulence Combust , ۸۸ , ۵۹۷-۶۲۳ , ۲۰۱۲
  20. M. N.Kashania, J.Aminiana, Sh. Shahhosseini,M. Farrokhi , Dynamic crude oil fouling prediction in industrial reheaters
  21. using optimized ANN based moving window technique , Chemical Engineering Research and Design , ۹۰, ۹۳۸-۹۴۹ , ۲۰۱۲
  22. (M. R. Bandari) Y. Behjat Sh. Shahhosseini , CFD investigation of hydrodynamic and heat transfer phenomena around trilobe particles in hydrocracking reactor , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING , ۱۰ , ۱-۱۹ , ۲۰۱۲
  23. M. Bayat, ( J. Aminian), M. Bazmi, Sh. Shahhosseini. Kh. Sharifi , CFD modeling of fouling in crude oil pre-heaters , Energy Conversion and Management , ۶۴ , ۳۴۴- ۳۵۰ , ۲۰۱۲
  24. (Mohsen Kianpour), Mohammad Amin Sobati, Shahrokh Shahhosseini , Experimental and modeling of CO۲ capture by dry sodium hydroxide carbonation , chemical engineering research and design , ۹۰ , ۲۰۴۱-۲۰۵۰ , ۲۰۱۲
  25. (Mehdi Mohammadi), Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mahmoud Bayat , Direct numerical simulation of water droplet coalescence in the oil , International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow , ۳۶ , ۵۸- ۷۱ , ۲۰۱۲
  26. (Mehdi Mohammadi), Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mahmoud Bayat , Numerical prediction of the electrical waveform effect on electrocoalescence kinetic , chemical engineering research and design , ۹۱ , ۹۰۴ – ۹۱۸, ۲۰۱۳
  27. Ghaemi), M. Torab-Mostaedi, Sh. Shahhosseini, and M. Asadollahzadeh , Characterization of Ag(I), Co(II) and Cu(II) removal process from aqueous solutions using dolomite powder , Korean J. Chem. Eng , ۳۰ , ۱۷۲- ۱۸۰ , ۲۰۱۳
  28. (F. Kavousia), Y. Behjatb, Sh. Shahhosseinia , Optimal design of drainage channel geometry parameters in vane demister liquid–gas separators , chemical engineering research and design , ۲۰۱۳
  29. (H. Zarea) Hosseinabadi, M. Layeghi, D. Berthold b , K. Doosthosseini & S. Shahhosseini , Mathematical Modeling the Drying of Poplar Wood Particles in a Closed-Loop Triple Pass Rotary Dryer , Drying Technology , ۱۰ , ۲۰۱۳
  30. Yadollah Tavan, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini , Feed-splitting technique in the extractive distillation of CO۲ ethane azeotropic process , Separation an d Purification Technology , ۱۲۲ , ۴۷- ۵۷ , ۲۰۱۴
  31. (H. Zarea) Hosseinabadi, M. Layeghi, K. Doosthosseini, D. Berthold b & S. Shahhosseini , Simulation of Wood Particle Motion Through a Concurrent Triple-Pass Rotary Dryer , Drying Technology , ۱۸ , ۲۲-۵۲ , ۲۰۱۴
  32. (Mehdi Mohammadi) Shahrokh Shahhosseini , Mahmoud Bayat , Numerical Study of the Collision and Coalescence of Water Droplets in an Electric Field , Chem. Eng. Technol , ۳۷ , ۲۷-۳۵ , ۲۰۱۴
  33. (Mehdi Mohammadi) Shahrokh Shahhosseini , Mahmoud Bayat , Electrocoalescence of binary water droplets fallingin oil: Experimental study , Chemical Engineering Research and Design , ۹۲ , ۲۰۱۴
  34. Yadollah Tavan, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini , Design and simulation of ethane recovery process in an extractive , Journal of Cleaner Production , ۷۲ , ۲۰۱۴
  35. Mahdi Ayobi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Yaghoub Behjat , Computational and experimental investigation of CO۲ capture in gas–solid bubbling fluidized bed , Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers , ۴۵ , ۲۰۱۴
  36. (Somayeh Norouzbahari), Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Ahad Ghaemi , Modeling of CO۲ loading in aqueous solutions of piperazine: Application of an enhanced artificial neural network algorithm , Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering , ۲۴, ۲۰۱۵
  37. M. Mahmoudian , A. Ghaemi , Sh. Shahhosseini , Removal of carbonate and oxalate pollutants in Bayer process using thermal and chemical techniques , HYDROMETALLURGY , ۲۰۱۵
  38. (H. Niknafs) , Ghaemi , Sh. Shahhosseini , Dynamic heat and mass transfer modeling and control in carbon dioxide reactive absorption process , Heat and Mass Transfer , ۲۰۱۵
  39. (S.Norouzbahari) Sh. Shahhosseini A.Ghaemi , CO۲ chemical absorption into aqueous solotion s of piperazine: modeling of kinetics and mass transfer rate , Natural Gas Science and Engineering , ۲۰۱۵
  40. (M. Asadollahzadeh) Sh. Shahhosseini , M. Torab-Mostaedi , A. Ghaemi, Mass transfer performance in an oldshue-rushtton column extractor , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN , ۲۰۱۵
  41. (M. Ehsani),S. movahedirad ,Sh. Shahhosseini ,M.Ashtiani , Effects of restitution and sepecularity cofficents on solid –liquuid fluidized bed hydrodynamics , Chem. Eng. Technol , In press
  42. (M. Asadollahzadeh) Sh. Shahhosseini , M. Torab-Mostaedi , A. Ghaem , The effects of operating parameters on stage efficiency in an oldshue-rushton column, Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly
  43. MasoudRahimi, Salman Movahedirad, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, CFD study of the flow pattern in an ultrasonic horn reactor: Introducing a realistic vibrating boundary condition. UltrasonicsSonochemistry, In Press,
  44. Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Seyed Saeed Khademi, Mohammad Amin Sobati. A novel PFBHE (periodic fluidized bed heat exchanger): Introduction and preliminary performance evaluation.Energy, 443-452, 107, 2016
  45. YadollahTavan, HojatollahGholami, Shahrokh Shahhosseini. Some notes on process intensification of amine based gas sweetening process for better temperature distribution in contactor to reduce the amount of amine as a result of corrosion and foaming. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 169-177, 41, 2016
  46. SarehNaeem, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, AhadGhaemi, Simulation of CO 2 capture using sodium hydroxide solid sorbent in a fluidized bed reactor by a multi-layer perceptron neural network.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,305-312, 31, 2016
  47. MehranEhsani, Salman Movahedirad, Shahrokh Shahhosseini,The effect of particle properties on the heat transfer characteristics of a liquid–solid fluidized bed heat exchanger.International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 111-121, 102, 2016
  48. SarehNaeem, AhadGhaemi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Experimental investigation of CO2 capture using sodium hydroxide particles in a fluidized bed. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1278-1285, 33, 2016
  49. Ali Akbar Jamali, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, YaghoubBehjat, Experimental evaluation and modeling of liquid jet penetration to estimate droplet size in a three-phase riser reactor. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 293-309, 24, 2016
  50. Mehdi Asadollahzadeh, MeisamTorab-Mostaedi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, AhadGhaemi, Holdup, characteristic velocity and slip velocity between two phases in a multi-impeller column for high/medium/low interfacial tension systems. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 65-78,100,2016
  51. Mehdi Asadollahzadeh, AhadGhaemi, MeisamTorab-Mostaedi, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Experimental mass transfer coefficients in a pilot plant multistage column extractor.Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016
  52. Mehdi Asadollahzadeh, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, MeisamTorab-Mostaedi, AhadGhaemi, Drop behavior in a pilot plant Oldshue–Rushton extraction column for three various liquid–liquid systems.Separation and Purification Technology, 7-17,159, 2016
  53. Zahra Hajamini, Mohammad Amin Sobati, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Barat Ghobadian, Waste fish oil (WFO) esterification catalyzed by sulfonated activated carbon under ultrasound irradiation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 141-150, 94, 2016
  54. MasoudRahimi, Salman Movahedirad, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, CFD study of the flow pattern in an ultrasonic horn reactor: Introducing a realistic vibrating boundary condition. UltrasonicsSonochemistry,

    Selected Research Projects

  Ø Fixed bed reactive absorption pilot plant design, construction and simulation

  Ø Modeling of (salty) water droplet coalescence in the Oil

  Ø Fluidized bed reactor modeling, design and pilot plant construction.

  Ø CFD simulation of fluidized bed polymerization reactor.

  Ø CFD simulation of hydrocracking Isomax reactor

  Ø CFD simulation of liquid gas vane separators

  Ø CFD simulation of FCC reactor

  Ø CFD simulation of GTL reactor

  Ø CFD simulation of polyethylene production fluidized bed reactor

  Ø ANN modeling of crude oil fouling behaviour

  Ø Neuro-Fuzzy modeling of crude oil fouling in the heat exchangers

  Ø Neuro-Fuzzy modeling of SBR reactors

  Ø Simulation of trickle bed desulfurization reactor.

  Ø Modeling and computer based control of distillation and heat exchanger processes.

  Ø Modeling of urea production reactor of Khorasan petrochemical industry.

  Ø Pilot plate construction and modeling of NH3 and CO2 reactive adsorption column.

  Ø On-line computer control of an industrial ethanol distillation unit.

  Ø Modeling and control of rotary cement kilns.

  Ø Experimental and modeling experiences in solid-state fermentation using rotary drum and fluidized bioreactors.

  Ø A new method for microbial production of Xanthan using Xanthomonas campestris

  Ø Production of Hyaluronic Acid using aerobic by cultivation of Streptococcus zooepidemicus

  Ø Batch and fed-batch PHB production using Ralstonia eutropha

  Ø Dynamic Modeling and Control of the Rotary Sugar Drying Process.

  Ø Fuzzy supervisory control of a pilot packed distillation column.

  Ø Neuro-Fuzzy control of a distillation column.

  Conference Attendance

  International conference of CHEMECA 97 (world conference of chemical engineering), (held in New Zealand) 1997

  International conference on advances in wastewater treatment and reuse, (held by Tehran University Tehran) (as a paper presenter), Tehran, Iran, 20089

  The second national conference on CFD applications in chemical industries, (held by Iran University of Science and Technology) (as a paper presenter), Tehran, Iran, 20089

  The 12th Chemical Engineering Congress (held by Sahand University of Technology in Tabriz) (as a paper presenter), Tabriz, Iran, 2008

  The 12th Chemical Engineering Congress (held by Sahand University of Technology in Tabriz) (as a paper presenter), Tabriz, Iran, 2008

  The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (held by Irani Asociation of chemical Engineering in Kish Iasd) (as a paper presenter), Kish Iland, Iran, 2008

  The 11th Chemical Engineering Congress (held by Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran) (as a paper presenter), Tehran, Iran, 2006

    Awards and Scholarships

  Ø 1- John A. Brodie Medal From the Institution of Engineers of Australia for achievement in chemical engineering, 1997.

  Ø 2- Presenting the best paper of CHEMECA 97 (world conference of chemical engineering), as announced and documented by the chief referees of the conference, 1997.

  Ø 3- Overseas postgraduate research scholarship (OPRS) from Australian government, 1991.

  Ø 4- The first rank student award from the University of Amirkabir, 1990.

  Ø 5- Scholarship from the ministry of higher education of Iran to continue postgraduate study abroad, 1991.

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