counseling- correction courses

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  Reviewing and reforming the Family Training course topics

    Since books and booklets for this course are not approved by the ministry of research and technology sciences, the consulting center at IUST prepared a course book entitled, The Training of Family and Life Skills. This book was written and compiled by:

  *Dr. Ali-Asghar Asgharnejad, PhD in clinical psychology, faculty at Iran University of Medical Sciences

  *Mr. Kakavand , MA in general psychology , faculty at Imam Hossein University

  *Dr. Jahangir Safari , research management, specialty psychology ( clinical psychology)

  *Mr. Seyyed ahmad saviz , director of the Student Consulting Center, University of Science and Technology

  *Mr. Mohammad –Hosseyn Bakhtazma , MA in psychology

  *Dr. Hosseyn Arshi , physician

  *Mrs. Shahnaz Niloofari , MA in educational psychology

  *Mrs. Razieh Mohammadzadeh , MA in Islamic jurisprudence


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