School of Railway Engineering- Ghorbani Vaghei

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  ( 4/9/2010 )

  Personal Details

  Surname: Ghorbani Vaghei

  Name: Bahman

  Date of birth: 22/6/1976


  Persent Position: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran.

  Department : Railway Engineering

  Ph.D. Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran), 1/4/2007.

  Tel: +98-21-77491029

ResearcherID Profile: Ghorbani Vaghei.B
Profile ORCiD: Ghorbani Vaghei.B 
Google Scholar Profile: Ghorbani Vaghei.B

  Education and Qualifications

  i) University Degrees

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Electrical Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001 -2007.

  Master of Science (MSc) in Electrical Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, 1998 -2001

  Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Electrical Engineering , Amirkabir (Tehran Polytechnic) University of Technology, 1994 -1998.



  Assistant Professor, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, April 2008

  Teaching Experiences

  Railway Signal (Undergraduate course in School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ;)

  Foundamental of Electrical Engineering (Undergraduate course in School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ;)

  Foundamental of Electrical Machine (Undergraduate course in School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ;)

  Fuzzy Control and its Application in Electrical Railway (Postgraduate course in School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ;)

  Digital Control (Postgraduate course in School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology ;)


  Conference Attendance

*Arezoo Sarkheyli, Reza Askari Moghadam, Bahman Ghorbani Vaghei, Alireza Bagheri, Using Tabu Search Heuristic In Satellite Resources Scheduling Problem, 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010), (Abstract) 

*Arezoo Sarkheyli, Bahman Ghorbani Vaghei, Alireza Bagheri, New Tabu Search Heuristic in Scheduling Earth Observation Satellites", 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering(ICSTE) ., (Abstract) 

*Arezoo Sarkheyli, Reza Askari Moghadam, Bahman Ghorbani Vaghei, Alireza Bagheri, Scheduling Earth Observation Activities In LEO Satellites Using Graph Coloring Problem , 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST'2010) (Abstract) 

*Hossein Bolandi, Fani Saberi, Bahman Ghorbani Vaghei, Design of a Supervisory Adaptive Attitude Control (SAAC) System for a Stereo- Imagery Satelite Based on Multiple Model Con trol with Swiching, International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control vo 6, no 10, 2010. (Abstract)   

 The 8th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Feb. 18-20, 2009. 

  EUROSOIL 2008, Technical University (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Vienna, Austria, August 25 – 29, 2008.

 The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Sharif University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Feb. 19-21, 2008.

  ISME2007, T he 15 th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2007 , Amirkabir University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran , May 2007

 ICEE2007, T he 15th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering , ICEE2007, ITRC , (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2007.

 Aero2007, The 6th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, , (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.

 ICEE2006, T he 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering , ICEE2006, Amirkabir University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2006.

  ISME2006, The 14 th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2006 , Isfahan University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran , May 2006

 The 4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference,Amirkabir University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Feb. 2003. 

  ISME2002, T he 10th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2002 , Kh.N. Toosi University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran , May 2002

 The first Interrnational and 3th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Sharif University of Technology, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Dec. 30 2000- Jan. 1 , 2001 . 

  ISME2000 , T he 8th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2000 , Sharif University of Technology, , (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran , May 2000



ICRARE 2009, The Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 27-28 2009.
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