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   Conference report

  The 17th Family and University Relationship conference held for parents of newly enrolled students took place April 2011 in the Shahid Bahrami Culture and Art Hall.    The program began with the recitation of a few Quran verses.  Then Dr. Sharafi, psychologist and faculty member at Tehran university presented topics about the role of parents on a student's success.    He emphasized the challenges students are faced with as they enter a university, the widespread content of courses and  certain expectations  are among those challenges.  "The important thing to consider however, is the more supportive a family is effects a student's success at the university.  The stronger the family ties can guarantee a student's happiness and resistance against obstacles facing them in life."  Dr. Sharafi urged parents to be on the lookout for signs of withdrawal, taciturnity, depression, and the like, and to take precautions.  He asked parents to encourage their students to visit the consulting center, and suggested the following points.
  1- Students should feel free to communicate with us on issues concerning them 
  2- We should increase verbal interaction with our students
  3- Encourage students to increase their spirituality 
  4- The Consulting Center strives to create a secure psychological environment for the student so that he/she can feel strong enough to portray his/her talents.     5- It is important for parents to create healthy relationships with their students to motivate them in their success. 
  6- Students should be advised to enjoy extracurricular activities in the university community, essential for their social growth  The next speaker, Hujjat al–Islam Ebrahim Nejad, chair of the supreme leader unit at IUST, spoke about the spiritual effects a parent has on his/her child. 
  Dr. Jabal ameli, chairman of IUST, gave a brief introduction  about the facilities and commodities available to students at IUST.  He also added that they are increasing capacity for enrolling more M.A. and PhD students.  
  Dr. Jabal Ameli further addressed IUST's soon to launch satellites, Navid-e- Elmo Sanat and Zafar-e Elmo sanat.  IUST is rated first and second place among technical and engineering universities in Iran. 
  Dr. Jabal Ameli urged parents to stay involved with the university affairs and attend the opening ceremonies to familiarize themselves with the university environment. 
 Mr. Saviz, manager of the consulting center spoke next, again emphasizing parental role in student success.  He thanked and congratulated parents for their student's admission and presented information about the consulting center for students at the university.  He explained  the services offered to help provide the best and active psychological support in all stages of a student's academic  life at the university.
  The consulting center provides educational, academic, family, pre-marital,  and spiritual consulting, in person or through phone.  He introduced the required two credits  course offered about  life and family skills at Iran University of Science and Technology. Other activities offered at this center include but are not limited to:  camps and activities for newly admitted  students – social consulting camps for students- which create friendly relationships between students and university consultants; administration of workshops and lectures for students; publication of the Payam Ashena Journal for both parents and students; sponsoring plans that assist students; and monthly meetings with consultants and active members.  
  Towards the end of the conference small group meetings were held with university officials, with the office of culture, office of education, and the manager of the consulting center.  Officials explained their duties and assisted parents with questions they may have had. 
  The deputy of culture focuses on political, spiritual, and cultural aspects.  The
deputy for collegian manages the dormitories, nutrition office, health and physical education.  And the manager of the consulting center explained the functions of the consulting center at IUST.  

The conference ended with a question and answer session with the parents.

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