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    Educational course

  The required two credit Family and Life Skills training course was offered for the first time in 2002 by professors and experts of the student consulting center. Students found this course to be very helpful and necessary for all students. The course covered issues including life skills and family relations.

  Part one covers the following topics: psycho health, self consciousness, problem solving and decision making, emotional intelligence, confidence , skills to say no, assertiveness, creative thinking , critical thinking, stress management, irritation, anger management, and skills for creating meaningful relationships and inter personal skills.

  Part two covers topics pertaining familial relationships including family statues and dignity, mental and psychological differences between men and women, marriage, and stability.


تمامی حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به مرکز مشاوره دانشجویی دانشگاه علم و صنعت است و هرگونه کپی برداری از مطالب این سایت با ذکر منبع بلا مانع است.
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