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آدرس: تهران، میدان رسالت، خیابان هنگام، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک

کدپستی: 13114-16846

صندوق پستی: 163-16765



کانال تلگرام تحصیلات تکمیلی  دانشکده

سیستم جامع گلستان


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جستجو در پایگاه

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سایت دانشکده مکانیک را چگونه ارزیابی می کنید:
قطب علمی


قطب علمی مکانیک جامدات تجربی و دینامیک



کانون دانش آموختگان و اساتید دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

:: آیت الهی ::


نام: دکتر مجیدرضا آیت اللهی

رتبه علمی: استاد ممتاز

تلفن: ۷۷۲۴۰۲۰۱

فاکس: ۷۷۲۴۰۴۸۸

پست الکترونیکی : m.ayat AT iust.ac.ir

آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران

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    مکانیک شکست
    مکانیک جامدات تجربی
    مکانیک جامدات محاسباتی

جوایز و افتخارات علمی

کسب عنوان استاد نمونه کشوری- وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری:
•    سال ۱۳۹۳

کسب عنوان پژوهشگر برگزیده کشوری - وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری:
•    سال ۱۳۹۶

کسب رتبه استادممتازی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران:
•    سال ۱۳۹۶

کسب عنوان استاد مکانیک برجسته سال - انجمن مهندسان مکانیک ایران:
•    سال ۱۳۹۷

کسب رتبه استاد برجسته مهندسی مکانیک - فرهنگستان علوم جمهوری اسلامی ایران:
•    سال ۱۳۹۸

•    جزو یک درصد دانشمندان برتر جهان (از نظر ارجاعات) مبتنی بر تحلیل داده‌های پایگاه طلایه داران علم تامسون رویترز( ISI ) در سال های ۱۳۹۴، ۱۳۹۵ ، ۱۳۹۶، ۱۳۹۷ و ۱۳۹۸

- پژوهشگر یا استاد برگزیده در سال های ۸۸، ۸۹، ۹۰، ۹۱ ، ۹۴ و ۹۵ در دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران.
- استاد برگزیده در فعالیت های برجسته بین المللی در سال های ، ۹۲، ۹۴ و  ۹۵ در دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران.

تجربیات تخصصی - اجرایی

  •     Vice Chair in Research Affairs (۲۰۰۰- ۲۰۰۸), School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Member of University research council (۲۰۰۰-۲۰۰۸), Iran University of Science and Technology.
  •     Member of committee for promotion assessment (۲۰۰۴-present), School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Head of the Solid Mechanics educational group (۲۰۰۸-present), School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Director of Fatigue and Fracture Research Laboratory (۲۰۰۱-present), School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Director of the B.Sc. projects office (۱۹۸۹-۱۹۹۳), School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Distinguished Professor ۲۰۱۷-, Iran University of Science and Technology.
  •     Professor ۲۰۰۷-۲۰۱۷, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Associate professor ۲۰۰۳-۲۰۰۷, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
  •     Assistant professor ۱۹۹۹-۲۰۰۳, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST.
همکاری های بین المللی

•    Editorial board member: Springer International book series on Structural Integrity (Since ۲۰۱۸)
•    Editorial board member: International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping (since June ۲۰۱۲)
•    Editorial board member: Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Since February ۲۰۱۳)
•    Editorial board member: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Since December ۲۰۱۳)
•    Editorial board member: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science (Since May ۲۰۱۶)
•    Editorial board member: Fatigue and Fracture f Engineering Materials and Structures (Since October ۲۰۱۶)
•    Editorial board member: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L
•    Editorial board member: The Journal of Adhesion (Since October ۲۰۱۷)
•    Editorial board member: Material Design and Processing Communication (Wiley) (Since August ۲۰۱۸)
•    Guest co-editor: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Mixed Mode Fracture, Vol. ۹۱, No. ۱۰. , ۲۰۱۷.
•    Guest co-editor: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Special issue "Brittle or Quasi-Brittle Fracture of Engineering Materials", ۲۰۱۴.
•    Member of ISRM committee for development of standard for fracture toughness testing by SCB specimen, (by invitation), ۲۰۱۱-۲۰۱۲.
•    Iran representative in the Asian Society of Experimental Mechanics (ASEM)
•    Research collaboration with University of Bristol, UK.
•    Research collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.
•    Research collaboration with University of Padua, Italy.
•    Research collaboration with ETH, Switzerland.
•    Research collaboration with Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
•    Research collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
•    Research collaboration with University of Rome (Sapienza), Italy.
•    Research collaboration with University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia.
•    Research collaboration with Technical University of Graz (TUGraz), Austria.
•    Research collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia.

داوری مجلات بین المللی (ISI)

۱.    Engineering Fracture Mechanics,
۲.    International Journal of Fracture,
۳.    Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
۴.    International Journal of Solids and Structures,
۵.    International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,
۶.    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science,
۷.    International Journal of Damage Mechanics,
۸.    Engineering Failure Analysis
۹.    Materials and Design,
۱۰.    Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
۱۱.    Meccanica,
۱۲.    Experimental Mechanics,
۱۳.    Experimental Techniques
۱۴.    European Journal of Mechanics- A. Solids,
۱۵.    Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,
۱۶.    Engineering Geology
۱۷.    Computational Materials Science,
۱۸.    ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics,
۱۹.    ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
۲۰.    Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,
۲۱.    Proceedings of IMechE-Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
۲۲.    Journal of Nanomaterials,
۲۳.    Carbon,
۲۴.    Materials Science and Engineering-A,
۲۵.    Materials Science and Engineering-C
۲۶.    Express Polymer Letters,
۲۷.    International Journal of Fatigue.
۲۸.    International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.
۲۹.    Ceramics International
۳۰.    Composites Part B
۳۱.    Journal of Composite Materials
۳۲.    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
۳۳.    Construction and Building Materials
۳۴.    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
۳۵.    Advances in Mechanical Engineering
۳۶.    Proceedings of IMechE-Part L, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications
۳۷.    International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
۳۸.    Journal of Adhesion
۳۹.    Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
۴۰.    Optics and Lasers in Engineering
۴۱.    Journal of Testing and Evaluation
۴۲.    Geotechnical Testing Journal
۴۳.    Computers and Concrete
۴۴.    Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
۴۵.    Scientia Iranica
۴۶.    Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
۴۷.    Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
۴۸.    Nanoscale Research Letters
۴۹.    Polymer Composites
۵۰.    Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
۵۱.    Polymer Testing
۵۲.    Thin-Walled Structures
۵۳.    Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment

Served as Reviewer for National Journals: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, ISME Journal, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Modarres Journal, Amirkabir Journal, Mechanical and Aerospace Journal of Engineering, JAST, Ferdowsi University, Esteghlal Journal.

سخنرانی های کلیدی
  • Keynote speaker, ۵th International Conference On Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, December ۲۰۱۹
  • Keynote speaker, The International Congress of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Materials (IC۳M), Sousse, Tunisia, December ۲۰۱۹
  • Keynote speaker, ۱st International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials (IWPDF), Ankara, Turkey, August ۲۰۱۹.
  • Invited speaker, IMAP, Technical University of Graz, Austria, May ۲۰۱۹.
  • Keynote speaker, ۷th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST۲۰۱۹), Karbala, Iraq, March ۲۰۱۹.
  • Keynote speaker, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME۲۰۱۸), Istanbul, Turkey, December ۲۰۱۸.
  • Plenary lecturer, ۲nd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability (ICSID-۲۰۱۸) , Dubrovnik, Croatia, October ۲۰۱۸
  • Keynote speaker, The First International Conference on Materials, Mimicking, Manufacturing from and for Bio Application, Milan, Italy, June, ۲۰۱۸.
  • Keynote speaker, ۲۶th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Semnan, Iran, April ۲۰۱۸.
  • Keynote speaker, ۳rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing, Modeling and Mechatronics (IC۴M ۲۰۱۸), Barcelona, Spain, February ۲۰۱۸.
  • Keynote speaker, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME۲۰۱۷), Istanbul, Turkey, December ۲۰۱۷.
  • Keynote speaker, Asian conference on Experimental Mechanics (ACEM۲۰۱۷), Indonesia, August ۲۰۱۷.
  • Keynote speaker, International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC۲۰۱۶), Austria, May ۲۰۱۶
  • Invited speaker, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia, January ۲۰۱۵
  • Keynote speaker, XVII International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals, Verbania, Italy, June ۲۰۱۴
  • Invited speaker, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), November ۲۰۱۴
  • Invited speaker, Technical University of Graz (TUGraz), Austria, November ۲۰۱۳
  • Invited speaker, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), April ۲۰۱۳
  • Invited speaker, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia, January ۲۰۱۳
  • Invited speaker, University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia, April ۲۰۱۲

راهنمایی پایان نامه های تحصیلات تکمیلی

دانشجویان دکترا

۱. Zakeri, M., “Photoelastic analysis of cracks under mode I, mode II and mixed mode loading”, ۲۰۰۸.
۲. Aliha, M.R.M., “Mixed mode fracture in rock materials”: ۲۰۰۹.
۳. Torabi, A.R., "Mixed mode brittle fracture in notched components", ۲۰۰۹.
۴. Shadlou, S., “Fracture behavior of epoxy-based nanocomposites reinforced by MWCNTs” ۲۰۱۱.
۵. Akbardoost, J. “Geometry and size effects on mixed mode fracture in quasi-brittle materials”, ۲۰۱۲.
۶. Pirmohammad S., “Experimental investigation of brittle fracture in hot mixed asphalt at low temperatures”, ۲۰۱۳.
۷. Saboori, B. “Investigation of the effect of out-of-plane shear load on fracture behavior of brittle polymers and carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites”, ۲۰۱۵.
۸. Chamani H.R. “Micromechanical study of fracture in ductile cast iron”, ۲۰۱۶.
۹. Rashidi Moghaddam, M. “Geometry effects on fatigue and fracture of cracked components – An energy-based approach”, ۲۰۱۷
۱۰. Akhavan Safar, A.R. “Failure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints based on the theory of critical distances”, ۲۰۱۷
۱۱. Mahdavi, E. “Study of crack growth in rock test specimens” ۲۰۱۷
۱۲. Karimzadeh, A. “Investigation on Orthodontic Bond Strength Using Experimental and Numerical Methods”,  ۲۰۱۷
۱۴. Rahimi, A.S. “Investigating nonlinear fracture behavior of notched polymer-based nanocomposites using equivalent material concept” , ۲۰۱۸
۱۵. Heydari Meybodi, M. “Rupture assessment of rubber-like materials weakened by cracks and notches with or without nanoparticle reinforcement”, ۲۰۱۸

دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد: بیش از ۱۰۰ دانش آموخته




۱.    Pirmohammad, S., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۲۰) Fracture behavior of asphalt materials, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۳-۰۳۰-۳۹۹۷۳-۳, Springer International, Switzerland.
۲.    Rahmandoust Moones, Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۹) “Nanomaterials for advanced biological applications”, ISBN: ISBN ۹۷۸-۳-۰۳۰-۱۰۸۳۴-۲, Springer International, Switzerland.
۳.    Rahmandoust Moones, Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) Characterization of Carbon Nanotube-Based composites Under Consideration of Defects, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۳-۳۱۹-۰۰۲۵۰-۷, Springer International, Switzerland.
۴.    Sedighiani, K. and Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) Finite element analysis; theory and application with ABAQUS, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۶۰۰-۵۷۱۶-۸۲-۵, In Farsi.
۵.    Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) Crack propagation in asphalt concretes, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۶۰۰-۲۶۹۰-۱۲-۸, In Farsi.
۶.    Ghafoori, R., Ayatollahi, M.R., Keshmiri, A.R (۲۰۱۲) Plastic injection process, Vol ۳ Injection Machines, Mold design an Standards, Design of Experiments, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۹۶۴-۲۱۰-۱۳۴-۴, In Farsi.
۷.    Ayatollahi, M.R., Ghafoori, R., Abbaszadeh, M. (۲۰۱۲) Plastic injection process, Vol. ۲ Gas-Assisted, Multi-material, Microcellular, Fiber Orientation, Compression, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۹۶۴-۲۱۰-۱۳۷-۵, In Farsi.
۸.    Ayatollahi, M.R., Ghafoori, R., Sedaghat, O. (۲۰۱۰) Plastic injection process, Vol. ۱ Simulation by software with some industrial applications, ISBN: ۹۷۸-۹۶۴-۲۱۰-۰۴۸-۴, In Farsi.


مقالات مجله (به روز نشده است)


۲۳۰) Saboori, B., Torabi,A.R., Ayatollahi,  M.R., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۷) Experimental verification of two stress-based criteria for mixed mode I/III brittle fracture assessment of U-notched components, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Article in press.

۲۲۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Samari, M., Razavi S.M.J, da Silva, L.F.M (۲۰۱۷) Fatigue performance of adhesively bonded single lap joints with non-flat sinusoid interfaces, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Article in press.

۲۲۸) Razavi S.M.J, Ayatollahi, M.R., Esmaeili, E., da Silva, L.F.M. (۲۰۱۷) Mixed-mode fracture response of metallic fiber-reinforced epoxy adhesive, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, Vol. ۶۵, PP. ۳۴۹-۳۵۹.

۲۲۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mirmohammadi, S.A. Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H. (۲۰۱۷) ,The tension-shear fracture behavior of polymeric bone cement modified with hydroxyapatite nano-particles, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Article in press.

۲۲۶) Heydari-Meybodi, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۷) Mixed-mode (I/II) rupture assessment of rubber-like materials weakened by cracks using the averaged strain energy density criterion, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Article in press.

۲۲۵) Nemati Giv, Ayatollahi, M.R., A., Razavi, S.M.J., Khoramishad, H. (۲۰۱۷) The Effect of orientations of metal macrofiber reinforcements on mechanical properties of adhesively bonded single lap joints, Journal of Adhesion, Article in press.

۲۲۴) Ayatollahi, M. R., Moghimi Monfared, R., Barbaz Isfahani, R. (۲۰۱۷) Experimental investigation on tribological properties of carbon fabric composites: effects of carbon nanotubes and nano silica, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, Article in press.

۲۲۳) Ch. Darabi, A., Chamani, H.R., Kadkhodapour, J., P.Anaraki, A., Alaie, A. Ayatollahi M. R. (۲۰۱۷) Micromechanical analysis of two heat-treated dual phase steels: DP۸۰۰ and DP۹۸۰, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. ۱۱۰, PP. ۶۸-۸۳.

۲۲۲) Heydari-Meybodi, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Dehghany, M., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۷) Mixed-mode (I/II) failure assessment of rubber materials using the effective stretch criterion, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Article in press.

۲۲۱) Rashidi Moghaddam, M. Ayatollahi, M.R., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۷) Mixed Mode Fracture Analysis Using Generalized Averaged Strain Energy Density Criterion for Linear Elastic Materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۱۲۰, PP. ۱۳۷-۱۴۵.

۲۲۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Majidi, H.R. (۲۰۱۷) Brittle fracture in key-hole notched polymer specimens under combined compressive-shear loading, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Research Mechanical Engineering, Article in press, (In Farsi).

۲۱۹) Safaei, S., Ayatollahi, M.R., Saboori, B. (۲۰۱۷) Fracture behavior of GPPS brittle polymer under mixed mode I/III loading, Theoretical and Applied Fracture mechanics, Article in press.

۲۱۸) Torabi,A.R., Saboori, B., Ayatollahi,  M.R. (۲۰۱۷) Mode III notch fracture toughness assessment for various notch features, Physical Mesomechanics, Article in press.

۲۱۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Berto, F., Campagnolo, A., Gallo, P., Tang, K. (۲۰۱۷) Review of local strain energy density theory for the fracture assessment of Vnotches under mixed mode loading, Engineering Solid Mechanics, Vol. ۵, PP. ۱۱۳-۱۳۲

۲۱۶) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R., Asnafi, A. (۲۰۱۷) To reduce both the maximum stress and stress shielding effect around a dental implant–bone interface using radial functionally graded biomaterials, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Article in press.

۲۱۵) Ayatollahi, M. R., Barbaz Isfahani, R., Moghimi Monfared (۲۰۱۷) Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotube and nanosilica on tensile properties of woven carbon fabric-reinforced epoxy composites fabricated using VARIM, Journal of Composite Materials, Article in press.

۲۱۴) Akhavan Safar, A.R; Ayatollahi, M. R.; Rastegar, S., da Silva, L.F.M. (۲۰۱۷) Impact of geometry on the critical values of the stress intensity factor of adhesively bonded joints, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Article in press.

۲۱۳) Akhavan Safar, A.R; Ayatollahi, M. R.; Bahreinian, S.A., da Silva, L.F.M. (۲۰۱۷) Application of adhesively bonded single lap joints for fracture assessment of adhesive materials, Journal of Adhesion, Article in press.

۲۱۲) Saboori, B., Ayatollahi, M. R. (۲۰۱۷). Experimental fracture study of MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposites under the combined out-of-plane shear and tensile loading, Polymer Testing, Vol. ۵۹, No ۵, PP. ۱۹۳-۲۰۲.

۲۱۱) Koloor S.S.R., Ayatollahi, M.R., Tamin, MN (۲۰۱۷) Elastic-damage deformation response of fiber-reinforced polymer composite laminates with lamina interfaces, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Article in press.

۲۱۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Zakeri, M. (۲۰۱۷) An Improved Definition for Mode I and Mode II Crack Problems, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۷۵, PP. ۲۳۵-۲۴۶.

۲۰۹) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Mirmohammadi, S.A., Shaali, M., Asnafi, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۷) A constitutive material model for a commercial PMMA bone cement using a combination of nano-indentation test and finite element analysis, Polymer Testing, Vol. ۵۹, PP. ۳۲۸-۳۳۵.

۲۰۸) Akhavan Safar, A.R; Ayatollahi, M. R.; da Silva, L.F.M. (۲۰۱۷) Strength prediction of adhesively bonded single lap joints with different bondline thicknesses: A critical longitudinal strain approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۱۰۹, PP. ۱۸۹-۱۹۸.

۲۰۷) Feng, P. Ayatollahi, M. R., Dai, F., Xu, N.W., Zhao, T. (۲۰۱۷) DEM Investigation on Fracture Mechanism of the CCNSCB Specimen under Intermediate Dynamic Loading, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol ۱۰, No ۲, PP. ۱-۱۵.

۲۰۶) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R., Karimi, A.R., Navidbakhsh, M. (۲۰۱۷) A comparative finite element analysis of two types of axial and radial functionally graded dental implants with Titanium one around Implant-Bone Interface, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Article in press

۲۰۵) Salimi Bani, M., Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R., Asnafi, A. (۲۰۱۷) A New Model for the Artificial Aorta Blood Vessels Using Double-sided Radial Functionally ‎Graded Biomaterials, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Article in press.

۲۰۴) Khoramishad, H; Akhavan Safar, A.R; Ayatollahi, M. R.; da Silva, L.F.M. (۲۰۱۷) Predicting static strength in adhesively bonded single lap joints using a critical distance based method: Substrate thickness and overlap length effects, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, Vol. ۲۳۱, (۱-۲), PP. ۲۳۷-۲۴۶.

۲۰۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Nemati Giv, A., Razavi, S.M.J., Khoramishad, H. (۲۰۱۷) Mechanical properties of adhesively single lap bonded joints reinforced with multi-‌‌‌walled carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles, The Journal of Adhesion, Article in press.

۲۰۲) Saboori, B., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۷) CNT influence on fracture toughness of a polymer-based nanocomposite under the out-of-plane shear in comparison with pure tensile loading conditions, Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. ۱۶(۱۰), PP. ۴۴۱-۴۴۷ . (In Farsi)

۲۰۱) Berto, F., A. Ayatollahi, M.R., Campagnolo (۲۰۱۷) Fracture tests under mixed mode I/III loading: an assessment based on the local energy, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Article in press.

۲۰۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi S.M.J, Sommitsch, C, Moser, C (۲۰۱۷) Fatigue Life Extension by Crack Repair Using Double Stop-Hole Technique, Materials Science Forum, Vol. ۸۷۹, PP. ۳-۸.

۱۹۹) Rashidi Moghaddam, M. Ayatollahi, M.R. Razavi, S.M.J. Berto, F. (۲۰۱۷) Mode II Brittle Fracture Assessment Using an Energy Based Criterion, Physical Mesomechanics, Vol. ۲۰(۲), PP. ۱۴۲-۱۴۸.

۱۹۸) Aliha, M.R.M., Mahdavi, E, Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۷) The influence of specimen type on tensile fracture toughness of rock materials, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Article in press.

۱۹۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Bahrami, B. (۲۰۱۷) Comprehensive notch shape factors for V-notched Brazilian disk specimens loaded under mixed mode І/ІІ from pure opening mode to pure closing mode, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. ۸۷, No ۲, PP. ۲۹۹-۳۱۳.

۱۹۶) Razavi S.M.J, Ayatollahi, M.R., Sommitsch, C, Moser, C (۲۰۱۷) Retardation of fatigue crack growth in high strength steel S۶۹۰ using a modified stop-hole technique, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۶۹, PP. ۲۲۶-۲۳۷.

۱۹۵) Hou; Y., Sun; W., Huang; Y., Ayatollahi, M.R., Wang; L., Zhang, J. (۲۰۱۷) A Diffuse Interface Model to Investigate the Asphalt Concrete Cracking Subjected to Shear Loading at Low Temperature, ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, Article in press.

۱۹۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Moazzemi, M. (۲۰۱۷) Digital Image Correlation Method for Calculating Coefficients of Williams Expansion in Compact Tension Specimen, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. ۹۰, PP. ۲۶-۳۳.


۱۹۳) Torabi, A.R., Majidi, H.R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) Brittle failure of key-hole notches under mixed mode Ι/ΙΙ loading with negative mode Ι contributions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۶۸, PP. ۵۱-۷۲.

۱۹۲) Chamani, H.R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) The effect of Berkovich tip orientations on friction coefficient in nanoscratch testing of metals, Tribology International, Vol. ۱۰۳, PP. ۲۵-۳۶.

۱۹۱) Berto, F., Marsavina, L., Ayatollahi, M. R., Panin, S. V., Tserpes, K.I (۲۰۱۶) Brittle or Quasi-Brittle Fracture of Engineering Materials, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID ۷۰۹۴۲۹۸.

۱۹۰) Berto, F., Ayatollahi, M.R., Borsato, T., Ferro, P. (۲۰۱۶) Local strain energy density to predict size-dependent brittle fracture of cracked specimens under mixed mode loading, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۸۶, PP. ۲۱۷-۲۲۴.

۱۸۹) Torabi, A.R., Bahrami, B., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) Mixed mode І/ІІ brittle fracture in V-notched Brazilian disk specimens under negative mode І conditions, Physical Mesomechanics, Vol. ۱۹(۳), PP. ۹-۲۴.

۱۸۸) Berto, F., Campagnolo, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. and Barnoush, A., (۲۰۱۶) Fracture assessment of graphite components weakened by rounded V-notches and subjected to static multiaxial loading. Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. ۲, PP.۱۸۰۵-۱۸۱۲.

۱۸۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Rashidi Moghaddam, M., Razavi, S.M.J., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۶) Geometry effects on crack path and fracture load in PMMA specimens, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۶۳(۹), PP. ۴۴۹-۴۶۱.

۱۸۶) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Bushroa, A. (۲۰۱۶), Effect of dental restorative material type and shade on characteristics of two-layer dental composite systems Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol ۱۳ (۱۰), PP. ۱۸۵۱-۱۸۶۵.

۱۸۵) Chamani, H.R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) Equivalent cone apex angle of Berkovich indenter in face-forward and edge-forward nanoscratch, Wear, Vol. ۳۵۶-۳۵۷, PP. ۵۳-۶۵.

۱۸۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J, Berto, F. (۲۰۱۶) Size effects on mixed-mode fracture behavior of polygranular graphite, Carbon, Vol. ۱۰۳, PP. ۳۹۴-۴۰۳.

۱۸۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Heydari-Meybodi, M., Dehghany, M., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۶) A new criterion for rupture assessment of rubber-like materials under Mode-I crack loading: The effective stretch criterion, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. ۱۸(۸), PP. ۱۳۶۴-۱۳۷۰

۱۸۲) Ayatollahi, M.R. Torabi, A.R., Rahimi, A.S. (۲۰۱۶) Brittle fracture assessment of engineering components in the presence of notches: A review, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol ۳۹, ۲۶۷-۲۹۱.

۱۸۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mahdavi, E., Alborzi, M.J., Obara Y., (۲۰۱۶) Stress intensity factors of semi-circular bend specimens with straight-through and chevron notches, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. ۴۹, No ۴, PP. ۱۱۶۱-۱۱۷۲.

۱۸۰) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R., Beigzadeh (۲۰۱۶) Preparation and characterization of hydroxyapatite derived from natural bovine bone and PMMA/BHA composite for biomedical applications, Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, Vol. ۳۱(۸), PP. ۴۴۸-۴۵۳.

۱۷۹) Pirmohammad S., Khoramishad, H., Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۱۶) Effects of asphalt concrete characteristics on cohesive zone model parameters of hot mix asphalt mixtures, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. ۴۳, PP. ۲۲۶-۲۳۲.

۱۷۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Bahrami, B. (۲۰۱۶) On the necessity of using critical distance model in mixed mode brittle fracture prediction of V-notched Brazilian disk specimens under negative mode І conditions, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۸۴, PP. ۳۸-۴۸.

۱۷۷) Ayatollahi M. R., Ch. Darabi, A., Chamani, H.R., Kadkhodapour, J. (۲۰۱۶) ۳D micromechanical modeling of failure and damage evolution in dual phase steel based on a real ۲D microstructure, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol. ۲۹, No ۱, PP. ۹۵-۱۱۰.

۱۷۶) Pakzad, R. and Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۶) A comprehensive study on crack tip parameters of modified ring specimen for mixed-mode fracture toughness tests on brittle materials, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. ۳۹, No. ۱, PP. ۱۴۴-۱۵۶.

۱۷۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Nemati Giv, A, Razavi, SMJ. (۲۰۱۶) The effect of macro fiber reinforcements on mechanical behavior of single lap adhesively bonded joints in two different orientations, Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. ۱۶(۱), PP. ۱۲۱-۱۲۸ (In Farsi)

۱۷۴) Saboori, B., Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۶) Mixed mode I/III brittle fracture in round-tip V-notches, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۸۳, PP. ۱۳۵-۱۵۱.


۱۷۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Naeemi, A.R., Alishahi, E (۲۰۱۵) Effects of mixed contents of carbon nanoreinforcements on the impact resistance of epoxy-based nanocomposites, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. ۵۶(۲), PP. ۱۵۷-۱۶۷.

۱۷۲) Ayatollahi, M.R. Rashidi Moghaddam, M., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۵) A generalized strain energy density criterion for mixed mode fracture analysis in brittle and quasi-brittle materials, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۹, PP. ۷۰-۷۶.

۱۷۱) Koloor, S.S.R., Ayatollahi, M.R, Tamin, M.N. (۲۰۱۵) Modeling interlaminar shear crack-jump phenomenon in fiber-reinforced polymer composites, Advanced Materials Research, Vol ۱۱۲۵, PP. ۷۴-۷۸.

۱۷۰) Berto, F., Campagnolo, A. Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Brittle Fracture of Rounded V-Notches in Isostatic Graphite under Static Multiaxial Loading. Physical Mesomechanics, Vol. ۱۸, No. ۴, PP. ۲۸۳-۲۹۷

۱۶۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi, S.M.J., Rashidi Moghaddam M., Berto, F. (۲۰۱۵) Mode-I fracture analysis of PMMA using modified energy-based models, Physical Mesomechanics, Vol. ۱۸(۴), PP. ۳۲۶-۳۳۶.

۱۶۸) Berto, F., Campagnolo, A. Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) V-notches with root hole subjected to combined tension and torsion loadings: the application of the fictitious notch rounding concept, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۴۸, PP. ۸۲-۹۶.

۱۶۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Rahimi, A.S., Karimzadeh, A. (۲۰۱۵) Atomic simulation of temperature effects on the mechanical properties of thin films, Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures, Vol. ۲, No ۱, PP. ۳۱-۳۸.

۱۶۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi, S.M.J., Yahya M.Y. (۲۰۱۵) Mixed mode fatigue crack initiation and growth in a CT specimen repaired by stop hole technique, Engineering Fracture mechanics, Vol. ۱۴۵, PP. ۱۱۵- ۱۲۷.

۱۶۵) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. Hosseinzadeh-Nik, T. (۲۰۱۵) Effects of a nano-composite adhesive on mechanical properties of tooth enamel after removing orthodontics bracket – An experimental study using nano-indentation test, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. ۵۵, PP. ۱۷۶۹-۱۷۷۷.

۱۶۴) Mahdavi, E., Obara Y., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Numerical investigation of stress intensity factor for semi-circular bend specimen with chevron notch, Engineering Solid Mechanics, Vol. ۳, PP. ۲۳۵-۲۴۴.

۱۶۳) Ayatollahi M. R., Akhavan-Safar A. (۲۰۱۵) Failure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints based on a new linear elastic criterion, Theoretical and Applied Fracture mechanics, Vol. ۸۰, PP. ۲۱۰-۲۱۷.

۱۶۲) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R., Naimi-Jamal, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Influence of hydroxyapatite nano-particles on the mechanical and tribological properties of orthopedic cement-based nano-composites measured by nano-indentation and nano-scratch experiments, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. ۲۴, No ۹, ۳۳۰۰-۳۳۰۶.

۱۶۱) Ayatollahi, M.R, Yahya, M.Y., Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Hassan, S.A. (۲۰۱۵) Mechanical and tribological properties of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles extracted from natural bovine bone and the bone cement developed by nano-sized bovine hydroxyapatite filler, Ceramics International, Vol. ۴۱(۹), PP. ۱۰۸۱۸-۱۰۸۲۷.

۱۶۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Saboori, B (۲۰۱۵) T-stress Effects in Mixed Mode I/II/III Brittle Fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol ۱۴۴, PP. ۳۲-۴۵.

۱۵۹) Torabi, A.R., Firoozabadi, M. Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Brittle fracture analysis of blunt V-notches under compression, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۶۷-۶۸, PP. ۲۱۹-۲۳۰.

۱۵۸) Ayatollahi M.R., Karimzadeh, A., Yazid Yahya, M. Nikkhooyifar, M., Ayob, A. (۲۰۱۵) Effects of temperature change and beverage on mechanical and tribological properties of dental restorative composites, Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol ۵۴, PP. ۶۹-۷۵.

۱۵۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Firoozabadi, M. (۲۰۱۵) Theoretical and experimental investigation of brittle fracture in V-notched PMMA specimens under compressive loading, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۳۵, PP. ۱۸۷-۲۰۵.

۱۵۶) Cheloee Darabi, A., Chamani, H.R., Ayatollahi M. R. (۲۰۱۵) Predicting macromechanical behavior of dual phase steels based on actual micromechanical modeling, Mechanics of Structures and Fluids, Vol. ۵ No ۱, PP. ۳۱-۳۸ (In Farsi).

۱۵۵) Pirmohammad S, Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Asphalt concrete resistance against fracture at low temperatures under different modes of loading, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Vol. ۱۱۰, PP. ۱۴۹-۱۵۹.

۱۵۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Saboori, B (۲۰۱۵) A new fixture for fracture tests under mixed mode I/III loading” European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. ۵۱, PP. ۶۷-۷۶.

۱۵۳) Choupani, M, Ayatollahi, M.R., Mallakzadeh, M.R. (۲۰۱۵) Investigation of fracture in an interface crack between bone cement and stainless steel, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol ۱۲ (۳), PP. ۴۴۶-۴۶۰.

۱۵۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Saboori, B. (۲۰۱۵) Maximum tangential strain energy density criterion for general mixed mode I/II/III brittle fracture, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. ۲۴(۲), PP. ۲۶۳-۲۷۸.


۱۵۱) Akbardoost, J., Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., Pavier, M.J., Smith, D.J. (۲۰۱۴) Size-dependent fracture behavior of Guiting limestone under mixed mode loading, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. ۷۱, PP. ۳۶۹-۳۸۰.

۱۵۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi, S.M.J., Chamani, H.R (۲۰۱۴) Fatigue life extension by crack repair using stop-hole technique under pure mode-I and pure mode-II loading conditions, Procedia Engineering, Vol. ۷۴, PP. ۱۸-۲۱.

۱۴۹) Heidari-Rarani, M., Aliha, M.R.M., Shokrieh, M.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Mechanical durability of an optimized polymer concrete under various thermal cyclic loadings- An experimental study, Construction and Building Materials, Vol ۶۴, PP. ۳۰۸-۳۱۵.

۱۴۸) Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Biomechanical analysis of functionally graded biomaterial disc in terms of motion and stress distribution in lumbar spine, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. ۸۴, PP. ۶۲-۷۸.

۱۴۷) Berto, F., Elices, M., Ayatollahi, M. R., Panin, S. V., Tserpes, K. (۲۰۱۴) Brittle or Quasi-Brittle Fracture of Engineering Materials: Recent Developments and New Challenges, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID ۳۴۷۴۸۵.

۱۴۶) Zare Najafabadi, M., Ayatollahi, M. R. (۲۰۱۴) Evaluation of indentation method in determining fracture toughness of rocks, Journal of Iranian Association of Engineering Geology, Vol. ۶, PP. ۶۱-۷۰. (In Farsi)

۱۴۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi, S.M.J., Chamani, H.R. (۲۰۱۴) A numerical study on the effect of symmetric crack flank holes on fatigue life extension of a SENT specimen, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۳۷, No. ۱۰, PP. ۱۱۵۳-۱۱۶۴.

۱۴۴) Akbardoost, J, Ayatollahi, M.R (۲۰۱۴) Experimental analysis of mixed mode crack propagation in brittle rocks: the effect of non-singular terms, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۲۹, PP. ۷۷-۸۹.

۱۴۳) Ayatollahi, M.R, Pirmohammad, S., Sedighiani, K. (۲۰۱۴) Three-dimensional finite element modeling of a transverse top-down crack in asphalt concrete, Computers and Concrete, Vol. ۱۳, No. ۴, PP. ۳۰۹-۳۲۳.

۱۴۲) Aliha M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R (۲۰۱۴) Rock fracture toughness study using cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc specimen under pure modes I and II loading- A statistical approach, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol ۶۹, PP. ۱۷-۲۵.

۱۴۱) Kuruppu, M.D., Obara, Y., Ayatollahi, M.R., Chong, K.P., Funatsu, T. (۲۰۱۴) ISRM-Suggested Method for Determining the Mode I Static Fracture Toughness Using Semi-Circular Bend Specimen, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. ۴۷, No ۱, PP. ۲۶۷-۲۷۴.

۱۴۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J. (۲۰۱۴) Size and Geometry Effects on Rock Fracture Toughness - Mode I Fracture, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. ۴۷, No ۲, PP. ۶۷۷-۶۸۷.

۱۳۹) Torabi, A.R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Compressive brittle fracture in V-notches with end holes, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. ۴۵, PP. ۳۲-۴۰.

۱۳۸) Sistaninia, Masoud, Ayatollahi, M.R., Sistaninia Meisam (۲۰۱۴) “On fracture analysis of cracked graphite components under mixed mode loading” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. ۲۱, No ۱۰, PP. ۷۸۱-۷۹۱.

۱۳۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Razavi, S.M.J., Chamani, H.R. (۲۰۱۴) Evaluation of stress intensity factors of a center cracked curved plate in the presence of crack flank stop drill holes, Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. ۱۴, No. ۹, PP. ۱۳۳-۱۳۹. (In Farsi)

۱۳۶) Pirmohammad S, Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Fracture resistance of asphalt concrete under different loading modes and temperature conditions, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. ۵۳, PP. ۲۳۵-۲۴۲.

۱۳۵) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Bushroa, A.R., Herliansyah, M.K. (۲۰۱۴) Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical and tribological properties of hydroxyapatite measured by nanoindentation and nanoscratch experiments, Ceramics International, Vol. ۴۰, PP. ۹۱۵۹-۹۱۶۴.

۱۳۴) Berto F., Lazzarin P., Ayatollahi M.R., (۲۰۱۴) Recent developments in brittle and quasi-brittle failure assessment of graphite by means of SED, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. ۵۷۷-۵۷۸, PP. ۲۵-۲۸.

۱۳۳) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Asgharzadeh Shirazi, H. (۲۰۱۴) Mechanical Properties of a Dental Nano-Composite in Moist Media Determined by Nano-Scale Measurement, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. ۲(۱), PP. ۶۷-۷۲.

۱۳۲) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Alizadeh, M. (۲۰۱۴) Finite element simulation of nano-indentation experiment on Aluminum ۱۱۰۰, Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۸۱, PP. ۵۹۵-۶۰۰.

۱۳۱) Khoramishad, H., Akbardoost, J., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Size Effects on Parameters of Cohesive Zone Model in Mode I fracture of Limestone, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. ۲۳, No. ۴, PP. ۵۸۸-۶۰۵.

۱۳۰) Aliha, M.R.M., Pakzad, R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۴) Numerical analyses of straight through cracked flattened Brazilian disc specimen under mixed mode loading, ASCE&#۳۹;s Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol ۱۴۰, No ۱, PP. ۲۱۹-۲۲۴.


۱۲۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J (۲۰۱۳) Size effects in mode II brittle fracture of rocks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۱۲-۱۱۳, PP. ۱۶۵-۱۸۰.

۱۲۸) Ayatollahi, M. R., Karimzadeh, A (۲۰۱۳) Nano-indentation measurement of fracture toughness of dental enamel, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۸۳ (۱), PP. ۱۱۳-۱۱۸.

۱۲۷) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) Assessment of thermocycling effect on mechanical properties of of dental nano-composite, Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. ۱۳(۳), PP ۱-۹. (In Farsi)

۱۲۶) Kaveh, Z., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) Computation of mode I notch stress intensity factors in a V-notched TPB specimen, Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. ۱۳(۵), PP. ۷۴-۸۲. (In Farsi)

۱۲۵) Hosseinzadeh-Nik, T. Karimzadeh, A. Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) Bond strength of a nano-composite used for bonding ceramic orthodontic brackets, Materials and Design, Vol. ۵۱, PP. ۹۰۲-۹۰۶.

۱۲۴) Lazzarin, P, Berto, F., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) Brittle failure of inclined key-hole notches in isostatic graphite under in-plane mixed mode loading, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۳۶(۹), PP. ۹۴۲-۹۵۵

۱۲۳) Berto F., Lazzarin P., Ayatollahi M.R., (۲۰۱۳) Brittle fracture of sharp and blunt V-notches in isostatic graphite under pure compression loading, Carbon, Vol. ۶۳, PP. ۱۰۱-۱۱۶.

۱۲۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Pirmohammad, S. (۲۰۱۳) “Temperature effects on brittle fracture in cracked asphalt concretes”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. ۴۵, No ۱, PP. ۱۹-۳۲.

۱۲۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J (۲۰۱۳) “Effects of specimen dimensions on combined shear-tension brittle fracture”, Iranian Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. ۸, No. ۱۸, PP. ۶۷-۷۹. (In Farsi)

۱۲۰) Shadlou, S., Alishahi, E., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) "Fracture behavior of epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with different carbon nano-reinforcements", Composite Structures, Vol. ۹۵, PP. ۵۷۷-۵۸۱.

۱۱۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Dehghany, M., Mirsayar, M.M. (۲۰۱۳) "A comprehensive photoelastic study for mode I sharp V-notches", European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. ۳۷(۱), PP. ۲۱۶-۲۳۰.

۱۱۸) Aliha, M.R.M., Hosseinpour, R., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) “Application of cracked triangular specimen subjected to three-point bending for investigating fracture behavior of rock materials”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol ۴۶(۵), PP. ۱۰۲۳-۱۰۳۴.

۱۱۷) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) “Two-parameter fracture analysis of SCB rock specimen under mixed mode loading”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۱۰۳, PP. ۱۱۵–۱۲۳.

۱۱۶) Alishahi, E., Shadlou, S., Doagou-R, S., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۳) “Effects of Carbon Nanoreinforcements of Different Shapes on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites” Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Vol. ۲۹۸(۶), PP. ۶۷۰-۶۷۸.

۱۱۵) Ayatollahi, M.R. , Dehghany, M., Kaveh, Z. (۲۰۱۳) Computation of V-notch shape factors in four-point bend specimen for fracture tests on brittle materials, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. ۸۳, PP. ۳۴۵-۳۵۶.


۱۱۴) Ameri, M., Mansourian, A., Pirmohammad, S., Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) "Mixed Mode Fracture Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۹۳, PP. ۱۵۳-۱۶۷.

۱۱۳) Aliha, M.R.M., Heidari-Rarani, M., Shokrieh, M.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) "Experimental determination of tensile strength and KIc of polymer concretes using semi-circular bend (SCB) specimens", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. ۴۳(۶), PP. ۸۲۳-۸۳۴.

۱۱۲) Shadlou, S., Ayatollahi, M.R., Shokrieh, M.M. (۲۰۱۲) " Fracture behavior of epoxy/DWNT nanocomposites using molecular dynamics simulation" Polymer Science and Technology, Vol ۲۵, No. ۴, ۳۱۵-۳۲۲, In Farsi.

۱۱۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J. (۲۰۱۲) Size Effects on Fracture Toughness of Quasi-Brittle Materials- A New Approach, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۹۲, PP. ۸۹-۱۰۰.

۱۱۰) Karimzadeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) Investigation of mechanical and tribological properties of bone cement by nano-indentation and nano-scratch experiments, Polymer Testing, Vol. ۳۱, PP. ۸۲۸-۸۳۳.

۱۰۹) Aliha, M.R.M., Sistaninia, M., Smith, D.J., Pavier, M.J. Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) “Geometry Effects and Statistical Analysis of Mode I Fracture in Guiting Limestone” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. ۵۱, PP. ۱۲۸-۱۳۵.

۱۰۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Karimzadeh, A. (۲۰۱۲) “Determination of Fracture Toughness of Bone Cement by Nano-Indentation Test” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۷۵, PP. ۱۹۳-۱۹۸

۱۰۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Sedighiani, Karo (۲۰۱۲) “A T-stress controlled specimen for mixed mode fracture experiments on brittle materials”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Vol. ۳۶, PP. ۸۳-۹۳.

۱۰۶) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) “Analysis of fracture initiation angle in some cracked ceramics using the generalized maximum tangential stress criterion”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۴۹(۱۳), PP. ۱۸۷۷-۱۸۸۳.

۱۰۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Doagou-Rad, S., Shadlou, S. (۲۰۱۲) “Nano/micro scale investigation of tribological and mechanical properties of epoxy/MWNT nanocomposites” Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, Vol. ۲۹۷(۷), PP. ۶۸۹-۷۰۱.

۱۰۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Alishahi, E., Doagou-R, S., Shadlou, S, (۲۰۱۲) “Tribological and mechanical properties of low content nanodiamond/epoxy nanocomposites” Composites, Part B, Vol ۴۳ (۸), PP. ۳۴۲۵-۳۴۳۰.

۱۰۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Sedighiani, K, (۲۰۱۲) “Mode I fracture initiation in limestone by strain energy density criterion” Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۵۷(۱), PP. ۱۴-۱۸.

۱۰۲) Berto, F., Lazzarin, P., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) “Brittle Fracture of Sharp and Blunt V-notches in isostatic graphite under torsion loading” Carbon, Vol. ۵۰, PP. ۱۹۴۲-۱۹۵۲.

۱۰۱) Shokrieh, M.M., Heidari-Rarani, M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) “Interlaminar fracture toughness of unidirectional DCB specimens: A novel theoretical approach” Polymer testing, Vol. ۳۱, PP. ۶۸-۷۵.

۱۰۰) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akbardoost, J. (۲۰۱۲) “Typical upper bound-lower bound mixed mode fracture resistance envelops for rock material” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. ۴۵(۱), PP. ۶۵-۷۴.

۹۹) Shokrieh, M.M., Heidari-Rarani, M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۲) “Delamination R-curve as a material property of unidirectional glass/epoxy composites”, Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۴, PP. ۲۱۱-۲۱۸.


۹۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Sedighiani, K, (۲۰۱۱) “Effects of wind and wave loads on stress intensity factors of a cracked offshore structure” Journal of Marine Engineering, Vol. ۷, No. ۱۳, PP. ۸۳-۸۹.

۹۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shokrieh, M.M., Shadlou, S., Kefayati, A.R., Chitsazzadeh, M. (۲۰۱۱) “Mechanical and electrical properties of epoxy/multi-walled carbon nanotube/nanoclay nanocomposites” Iranian Polymer Journal, Vol. ۲۰(۱۰), PP. ۸۳۵-۸۴۳.

۹۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mohammadi, Faezeh, Chamani, H.R. (۲۰۱۱) “Thermo-mechanical fatigue life assessment of a diesel engine piston” International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol. ۱(۴), PP. ۲۵۶-۲۶۶.

۹۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., (۲۰۱۱) “On the Use of Anti-Symmetric Four-Point Bend Specimen for Mode II Fracture Experiments” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۳۴, PP. ۸۹۸-۹۰۷.

۹۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shadlou, S., Shokrieh, M.M. (۲۰۱۱) "Mixed mode brittle fracture in epoxy/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites " Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.۷۸, PP. ۲۶۲۰-۲۶۳۲.

۹۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Alishahi, E, Shadlou, S. (۲۰۱۱) "Mechanical behavior of nanodiamond/epoxy nanocomposites" International Journal of Fracture, Vol ۱۷۰, PP. ۹۵-۱۰۰.

۹۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., (۲۰۱۱) “Experimental verification of RV-MTS model for fracture in soda-lime glass weakened by a V-notch “Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. ۲۵(۱۰), PP. ۲۵۲۹-۲۵۳۴.

۹۱) Shokrieh, M.M., Heidari-Rarani, M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۱) “Calculation of GI for a multidirectional composite double cantilever beam on two-parametric elastic foundation”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. ۱۵, PP. ۵۳۴-۵۴۳.

۹۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mirsayar, M.M., Dehghany, M. (۲۰۱۱) “Experimental determination of stress field parameters in bi-material notches using photoelasticity” Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۲, PP. ۴۹۰۱-۴۹۰۸.

۸۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mohammadi, F., Chamani, H.R. (۲۰۱۲) "Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Assessment of Diesel Engine Hot Components", Journal of Engine Research, Vol. ۲۳, PP ۵۹-۷۱, In Farsi.

۸۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Pourkavian, M.H., Aliha, M.R.M., (۲۰۱۱) Determination of minimum pressure required for initiation of crack growth in hydraulic fracturing process, Iranian Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. ۶(۱۲), PP. ۶۱-۷۰ (in Farsi).

۸۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., Saghafi, H. (۲۰۱۱) "An improved semi-circular bend specimen for investigating mixed mode brittle fracture" Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۸, PP. ۱۱۰-۱۲۳

۸۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R. (۲۰۱۱) "Failure assessment of notched polycrystalline graphite under tensile-shear loading" Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. ۵۲۸, PP. ۵۶۸۵-۵۶۹۵

۸۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shadlou, S., Shokrieh, M.M. (۲۰۱۱) "Fracture toughness of epoxy/multi-walled carbon nanotube nano-composites under bending and shear loading condition" Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۲, PP. ۲۱۱۵-۲۱۲۴

۸۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shadlou, S., Shokrieh, M.M. (۲۰۱۱) "Multiscale modeling for mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposites subjected to different types of loading" Composite Structures, Vol. ۹۳, PP. ۲۲۵۰-۲۲۵۹

۸۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Sistaninia, M. (۲۰۱۱) “Mode II fracture study of rocks using Brazilian disk specimens” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. ۴۸, PP. ۸۱۹-۸۲۶

۸۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shadlou, S., Shokrieh, M.M., Chitsazzadeh, M. (۲۰۱۱) "Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube aspect ratio on mechanical and electrical properties of epoxy-based nanocomposites" Polymer Testing, Vol. ۳۰, PP. ۵۴۸-۵۵۶.

۸۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Shadlou, S., Shokrieh, M.M. (۲۰۱۱) "Correlation between aspect ratio of MWCNTs and mixed mode fracture of epoxy based nanocomposites" Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. ۵۲۸, PP. ۶۱۷۳-۶۱۷۸

۸۰) Ameri, M., Mansourian, A., Heidary Khavas, M., Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۱) “Cracked asphalt pavement under traffic loading-A ۳D finite element analysis” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۸, PP. ۱۸۱۷-۱۸۲۶.

۷۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Berto, F., Lazzarin, P. (۲۰۱۱) "Mixed mode brittle fracture of sharp and blunt V-notches in polycrystalline graphite" Carbon, Vol. ۴۹, PP. ۲۴۶۵-۲۴۷۴.

۷۸) Zakeri, M., Ayatollahi M.R., Guagliano, M. (۲۰۱۱) " A Photoelastic study of T-stress in centrally cracked Brazilian disc specimen under mode II loading" Strain, Vol. ۴۷,  PP. ۲۶۸-۲۷۴

۷۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Torabi, A.R., Azizi, P. (۲۰۱۱) “Experimental and Theoretical Assessment of Brittle Fracture in Engineering Components Containing a Sharp V-Notch” , Experimental Mechanics, Vol. ۵۱, PP. ۹۱۹-۹۳۲

۷۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Dehghany, M., Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۱) "Fracture analysis of V-notched Components-Effects of first non-singular stress term" International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۴۸, PP. ۱۵۷۹-۱۵۸۹

۷۵) Berto, F., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۱) "Fracture assessment of Brazilian disc specimens weakened by blunt V-notches under mixed mode loading by means of local energy" Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۲, PP. ۲۸۵۸-۲۸۶۹

۷۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۱) "Determination of NSIFs and coefficients of higher order terms for sharp notches using finite element method" International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. ۵۳, PP ۱۶۴-۱۷۷

۷۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., (۲۰۱۱) “Fracture analysis of some ceramics under mixed mode loading” Journal of American Ceramics Society, Vol. ۹۴, No ۲, PP. ۵۶۱-۵۶۹

۷۲) Ayatollahi, M.R, Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۱) “Experimental evaluation of stress field around the sharp notches using photoelasticity” Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۲, ۵۶۱-۵۶۹

۷۱) Ayatollahi, M.R, Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۱) “An overdeterministic method for calculation of coefficients of crack tip asymptotic field from finite element analysis”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۳۴, PP. ۱۵۹-۱۷۶


۷۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Sedighiani, K. (۲۰۱۰) “Crack Tip Plastic Zone under Mode I, Mode II and Mixed Mode (I+II) Conditions” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol ۳۶, No. ۵, PP. ۵۷۵-۵۹۸

۶۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mirsayar, M.M., Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۰) "Evaluation of first non-singular stress term in bi-material notches" Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۵۰, PP. ۷۵۲-۷۶۰

۶۸) Ayatollahi, M.R, Torabi, A.R. (۲۰۱۰) “Investigation of mixed mode brittle fracture in rounded-tip V-notched components” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۷, ۳۰۸۷-۳۱۰۴

۶۷) Rezaei, A., Soltani, F., Vafaei, F., Khoshhal, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Soltani, N., Nejati, M. (۲۰۱۰) "Comparison of stresses induced by Fiber Post, ParaPost and Casting Post in root canals by Photoelasticity method" Iranian Endodontic Journal, Vol. ۵, PP. ۱۱-۱۶.

۶۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Dehghany, M. (۲۰۱۰) “On T-stresses near V-notches” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۶۵, No ۱, PP. ۱۲۱-۱۲۶

۶۵) Saghafi, H. Ayatollahi, M.R., Sistaninia, M. (۲۰۱۰) “A modified MTS criterion (MMTS) for mixed-mode fracture toughness assessment of brittle materials” Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. ۵۲۷, No. ۲۱-۲۲, PP. ۵۶۲۴-۵۶۳۰

۶۴) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Smith, D.J., Pavier, M.J. (۲۰۱۰) “Geometry and size effects on fracture trajectory in a limestone rock under mixed mode loading” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۷, No ۱۱, PP. ۲۲۰۰-۲۲۱۲

۶۳) Ayatollahi, M.R, Torabi, A.R. (۲۰۱۰) “Tensile fracture in notched polycrystalline graphite specimens” Carbon, Vol. ۴۸, No ۸, PP. ۲۲۵۵-۲۲۶۵.

 ۶۲) Ayatollahi M.R., Khoramishad, H., (۲۰۱۰) "Stress intensity factors for a semi-elliptical internal crack embedded in a buried pipe" International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping" Vol. ۸۷, No. ۴, PP. ۱۶۵-۱۶۹.

۶۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Hashemi, R., Rokhi, H. (۲۰۱۰) "New formulation for vibration analysis of Timoshenko beam with double-sided cracks" Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. ۳۴, No ۴. PP. ۴۷۵-۴۹۰.

۶۰) Ayatollahi M.R., Torabi A.R. (۲۰۱۰) "Determination of mode II fracture toughness for U-shaped notches using Brazilian disc specimen" International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۴۷, PP. ۴۵۴-۴۶۵.

۵۹) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۱۰) "Geometry effects on fracture behaviour of polymethyl methacrylate" Materials Science and Engineering-A, Vol. ۵۲۷, PP. ۵۲۶-۵۳۰.

۵۸) Ayatollahi M.R., Torabi A.R. (۲۰۱۰) "Brittle fracture in rounded-tip V-shaped notches" Materials and Design, Vol. ۳۱, PP. ۶۰-۶۷.


۵۷) Khoramishad, H., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۰۹) "Finite element analysis of a semi-elliptical external crack in a buried pipe" Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ۳۳, PP. ۳۹۹-۴۰۹.

۵۶) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Kharazi, B. (۲۰۰۹) "Mode II brittle fracture assessment using ASFPB specimen" International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۵۹, PP. ۲۴۱-۲۴۶.

۵۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Saghafi, H., Aliha, M.R.M., (۲۰۰۹) Effect of specimen dimensions on fracture toughness of Harsin marble rock, Journal of Iranian Association of Engineering Geology, Vol. ۲, PP. ۷۳-۸۲.

۵۴) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۰۹) “Brittle Fracture Evaluation of a Fine Grain Cement Mortar in combined tensile-shear deformation” Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۳۲, PP. ۹۸۷-۹۹۴.

۵۳) Ayatollahi M.R., Torabi A.R. (۲۰۰۹) Investigation of Fracture in V-notched Brittle Polymers under Pure Shear Loading, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. ۲۲, PP. ۶۳-۷۳.

۵۲) Ayatollahi M.R., Torabi A.R. (۲۰۰۹) "A criterion for brittle fracture in U-notched components under mixed mode loading" Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۶, PP. ۱۸۸۳-۱۸۹۶.

۵۱) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Bagherifard S., (۲۰۰۹) "Numerical analysis of an improved DCDC specimen for investigating mixed mode fracture in ceramic materials", Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۴۶, PP. ۱۸۰-۱۸۵.

۵۰) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Arian Nik, M. (۲۰۰۹) “Edge distance effects on residual stress distribution around a cold expanded hole in Al ۲۰۲۴ alloy” Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۴۵, PP. ۱۱۳۴-۱۱۴۱.

۴۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M., (۲۰۰۹) “Analysis of a new specimen for mixed mode fracture tests on brittle materials” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۶, PP. ۱۵۶۳-۱۵۷۳.

۴۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Aliha, M.R.M (۲۰۰۹) "Mixed-Mode Fracture in Soda-Lime glass Analyzed by Using the Generalized MTS Criterion" International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۴۶, PP. ۳۱۱-۳۲۱.


۴۷) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R, Mousavi, M.M.S. (۲۰۰۸) "Confining pressure effects on stress intensity factors: A ۳D finite element analysis" Revue Synthese, Vol. ۱۹, PP. ۳۳-۳۹.

۴۶) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Mousavi, M.M.S. (۲۰۰۸) "Confining pressure effects on mode I and mode II stress intensity factors of cracked rocks" Iranian Journal of Mining Engineering, Vol. ۳, No ۵, PP. ۲۱-۳۲.

۴۵) Aliha, M.R.M., Ayatollahi, M.R, Pakzad, R. (۲۰۰۸) "Brittle fracture analysis using a ring shape specimen containing two angled cracks" International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۵۳ (۱), PP. ۶۳-۶۸.

۴۴) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۸) "On the use of Brazilian disc specimen for calculating mixed mode I-II fracture toughness of rock materials", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۵, PP. ۴۶۳۱-۴۶۴۱.

۴۳) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۸) "Mixed mode fracture analysis of polycrystalline graphite - A modified MTS criterion", Carbon, Vol. ۴۶(۱۰), PP. ۱۳۰۲-۱۳۰۸.

۴۲) Aliha, M.R.M. and Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۰۸) "On mixed mode I/II crack growth in dental resin materials" Scripta Materialia, Vol. ۵۹, PP. ۲۵۸-۲۶۱.

۴۱) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Bagherifard, S. (۲۰۰۸) "Brittle fracture analysis of the offset-crack DCDC specimen" Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. ۲۹, No. ۳, PP. ۳۰۱-۳۱۰.

۴۰) Aliha, M.R.M. and Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۰۸) " Fracture toughness evaluation for brittle polymers under combined tensile-shear loads" Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. ۲۱, No ۲, PP. ۱۰۷-۱۱۷.

۳۹) Ayatollahi, M.R., Rokhi, H. and Hashemi, R. (۲۰۰۸) "Free vibration of beam with double-sided edge cracks" International Journal of Science and Technology (Amirkabir), Vol. ۱۸, PP. ۵۱-۴۸.


۳۸) Zakeri, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., and Nikoobin, A. (۲۰۰۷) “T-Stress Effects on Isochromatic Fringe Patterns in Mode II”, Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۴۱, PP. ۱۶۸-۱۷۶.

۳۷) Ayatollahi M.R. and Aliha M.R.M. and Rahmanian S. (۲۰۰۷) "Finite element analysis of an improved center crack specimen", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. ۳۴۷, PP. ۴۴۱-۴۴۶.

۳۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., and Zakeri, M. (۲۰۰۷) “T-Stress Effects on Isochromatic Fringe Patterns in Mode II”, International Journal of Fracture, Vol.۱۴۳, PP. ۱۸۹-۱۹۴.

۳۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۷) “Fracture toughness study for a brittle rock subjected to mixed mode I/II loading”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, Vol.۴۴, PP. ۶۱۷-۶۲۴.

۳۴) Guagliano M., Ayatollahi M.R., Zakeri M. and Colombo C. (۲۰۰۷) "Experimental investigation of T-stress effects on photoelastic fringes in Brazilian disk under mode II conditions" Key Engineering Materials, Vol ۳۴۸, PP. ۹۶۹-۹۷۲.

۳۳) Khojeh, A., Ayatollahi, M.R. and Ahmadian H. (۲۰۰۷) “Vibrational analysis of cracked beams using a special crack element” IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.۱۸, No ۱, PP. ۱۱-۱۸. (in Farsi)

۳۲) Ayatollahi M.R. and Hashemi, R. (۲۰۰۷) "Mixed mode fracture in an inclined center crack repaired by composite patching", Composite Structures, Vol. ۸۱, PP. ۲۶۴-۲۷۳.

۳۱) Ayatollahi M.R. and Hashemi R. (۲۰۰۷) “Computation of stress intensity factors (KI, KII) and T-stress for cracks reinforced by composite patching” Composite Structures, Vol. ۷۸, PP. ۶۰۲-۶۰۹.

۳۰) Ayatollahi M.R. and Aliha M.R.M. (۲۰۰۷) “Wide Range Data for Crack Tip Parameters in Two Disc-Type Specimens under Mixed Mode Loading” Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۳۸, No ۴, PP. ۶۶۰-۶۷۰.

۲۹) Ayatollahi M.R. and Mostafavi M. (۲۰۰۷) “Finite element analysis of a center crack specimen warm pre-stressed under different modes of loading” Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۳۸, No ۴, PP. ۸۴۷-۸۵۶.


۲۸) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Aliniaziazi, A. (۲۰۰۶) "Effects of lateral load on warm pre-stressing in a center crack plate, Materials Science and Engineering – A, Vol. ۴۴۱, PP. ۱۷۰-۱۷۵.

۲۷) Hashemi, R. and Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۰۶) “The effect of hygrothermal composite patch on fracture strength of a reinforced crack” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. ۵-۶, PP. ۱۸۹-۱۹۶.

۲۶) Aliha M.R.M., Ashtari, R. and Ayatollahi M.R. (۲۰۰۶) “Mode I and Mode II fracture toughness testing for a coarse grain marble” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. ۵-۶, PP. ۱۸۱-۱۸۸.

۲۵) Ayatollahi M.R., Aliha M.R.M. and Hassani M.M. (۲۰۰۶) “Mixed mode brittle fracture in PMMA - An experimental study using SCB specimen” Materials Science and Engineering – A, Vol. ۴۱۷, PP. ۳۴۸-۳۵۶.

۲۴) Smith, D.J., Ayatollahi, M. R. and Pavier, M.J. (۲۰۰۶) “On the Consequences of T-stress in Elastic Brittle Fracture”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. ۴۶۲, PP. ۲۴۱۵-۲۴۳۷.

۲۳) Ayatollahi M.R. and Mostafavi M. (۲۰۰۶) “Effects of Crack Tip Blunting and Residual Stress on a Warm Pre-Stressed Crack Specimen” Computational Materials Science, Vol. ۳۷, PP. ۳۹۳-۴۰۰.

۲۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۶) “On Determination of Mode II Fracture Toughness using Semi-circular Bend Specimen”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. ۴۳, PP. ۵۲۱۷-۵۲۲۷.


۲۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Asadkarami, A. and Zakeri, M. (۲۰۰۵) “Finite element evaluation of punch-type crack specimens” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. ۸۲, PP. ۷۲۲-۷۲۸.

۲۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۵) “Cracked Brazilian disc specimen subjected to mode II deformation” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. ۷۲, PP. ۴۹۳-۵۰۳.

۱۹) Asadkarami, A. and Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۰۵) “E-shape specimen for determining fracture toughness in shear loading” IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. ۱۶, No ۴, PP. ۱۱-۲۰. (in Farsi)

۱۸) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Zanbilbaf, A. (۲۰۰۵) “Path of crack growth under pure shear”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol ۱۶, No ۲, PP. ۷۵-۸۳. (in Farsi)


۱۷) Ayatollahi, M.R., Faritus, M.R. and Asadkarami, A. (۲۰۰۴) “Three-dimensional stress analysis of two standard crack specimens” IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. ۱۵, No. ۴, PP. ۹۷-۱۰۲.

۱۶) Ayatollahi, M.R., Smith, D.J. and Pavier, M.J. (۲۰۰۴) “Effect of constraint on the initiation of ductile fracture in shear loading” Key Engineering Materials, Vol. ۲۶۱, PP. ۱۸۳-۱۸۸.

۱۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., and Aliha, M.R.M. (۲۰۰۴) “Fracture Parameters for Cracked Semi-circular Specimen”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, Vol. ۴۱, Supplement ۱, PP. ۲۰-۲۵.

۲۰۰۳ and earlier

۱۴) Ayatollahi, M.R., Abbasi, H. (۲۰۰۳) “Crack growth prediction based on the maximum hoop strain criterion- Plane stress”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. ۱۴, No. ۴, PP. ۱۲۳-۱۳۷. (in Farsi)

۱۳) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Safari, G.H. (۲۰۰۳) “Evaluation of crack tip constraint using photoelasticity”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. ۸۰, No. ۹, PP. ۶۶۵-۶۷۰.

۱۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Pavier, M.J. and Smith, D.J. (۲۰۰۲) "Mode I cracks subjected to large T-stresses", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۱۷, No ۲, PP. ۱۵۹-۱۷۴.

۱۱) Ayatollahi, M.R., Mohammad-Aliha, M.R., Aliniaziazi, A. (۲۰۰۲) “Variation of nonsingular stress parameter in terms of crack length”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol ۱۳, No ۳, PP ۱۷۳-۱۸۶.

۱۰) Ayatollahi, M.R., Smith, D.J. and Pavier, M.J. (۲۰۰۲) “Crack tip constraint in mode II deformation” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۱۳, No ۲, PP ۱۵۳-۱۷۳.

۹) Ayatollahi, M.R. and Abbasi, H. (۲۰۰۱) “Prediction of fracture using a strain based mechanism of crack growth” Building Research Journal, Vol. ۴۹, No ۳, PP ۱۶۷-۱۸۰.

۸) Ayatollahi, M.R., Smith, D.J. and Pavier M.J. (۲۰۰۱) “Effect of higher order stresses in an internal crack problem” IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. ۱۲, No ۲, PP ۵۳-۶۶.

۷) Ayatollahi, M.R. (۲۰۰۱) “On biaxially loaded internal cracks” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۱۰۹, PP. L۹-L۱۴.

۶) Smith, D.J., Ayatollahi, M. R. and Pavier, M.J.(۲۰۰۱) “The role of T-stress in brittle fracture for linear elastic materials under mixed mode loading”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. ۲۴, No ۲, PP ۱۳۷-۱۵۰.

۵) Ayatollahi, M.R., Pavier, M.J. and Smith, D.J. (۱۹۹۸) "Determination of T-stress from finite element analysis for mode I and mixed mode I/II loading", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۹۱, PP ۲۸۳-۲۹۸.

۴) Smith D.J., Ayatollahi, M.R., Davenport, J.C.W. and Swankie, T.D. (۱۹۹۸) "Mixed mode brittle and ductile fracture of a high strength rotor steel at room temperature", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۹۴, PP ۲۳۵-۲۵۰.

۳) Ayatollahi, M.R., Smith D.J. and Pavier, M.J. (۱۹۹۸) "A method for calculating T-stress for mixed mode problems", International Journal of Key Engineering Materials, Vol. ۱۴۵, PP ۸۳-۸۸.

۲) Ayatollahi, M.R., Pavier, M.J. and Smith, D.J. (۱۹۹۶) "On mixed mode loading of a single edge notched specimen", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. ۸۲, PP R۶۱-R۶۶.

۱) Eslami, M.R. and Ayatollahi, M.R., (۱۹۹۳) "Modal Analysis of Shell of Revolution on Elastic Foundation ", International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. ۵۶, PP ۳۵۱-۳۶۸.

آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی

ارائه دروس

  • Strength of Materials I (Undergraduate)
  • Advanced Numerical Methods (Graduate)
  • Engineering Mechanics - Statics (Undergraduate)
  • Computer Aided Machine Design (Undergraduate) Structural Integrity (Undergraduate)
  • Strength of Materials Lab. (Undergraduate)
  • Finite Element Methods (Graduate)
  • Fracture Mechanics (Graduate)
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