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 Personal Details:

 Surname: Karimi

 Name: Hamid

 Date of birth: Jun. 1963

 Rank: Assistant professor

 Group: Islamic Knowledge

 Internal Tel.: 3608

 E-mail: h_karymi@yahoo.com



 Education background:

 A) Islamic Seminary Education:

 - Ph.D. in Islamic Theology, Place of study: Ghom, Date of receiving the degree: 2007


 - Credits passed: Example: Teaching workshop, evaluation & consultation workshop

 - Specialized and research fields (list of scientific priorities of university):

 1- Islamic Theology

 2- Islamic Philosophy

 3- Jurisprudence & Principles


 B) Employment

 - Member of the board, Islamic Knowledge Group, Iran University of Science and Technology, from 2002 up to now

 - Other educational & research backgrounds: Teaching the subjects of Islamic Knowledge


 C) Academic Teaching Backgrounds:

 - Subject taught: Islamic Knowledge 1 & 2

 - Islamic Azad University (Central Tehran), 1994-95

 - Islamic Azad University (Ashtiyan branch), 1995-1998

 - Tehran University, 1999-2002


 Research Backgrounds:


 1- Essays published in the International magazines (ISI,ISC)

 1. The essay under the title of “The study of difference between retaliation and blood money of women in Shiite jurisprudence” was published in scientific and research magazine of women studies by Al-Zahra University in 2008.

 2. The essay “Infallibility of the prophet” has been published in Marefat Scientific and promotion magazine in No.39 in 2000.

 3. The essay “Study of issue of Veil wisdom” has been published in Marefat Scientific and promotion magazine in No.118 in 2007.




 2- Essays published in the International domestic & foreign conferences:

 Number: Title of essay: Name of magazine:

 Place of publication: Date published:


 3- Books published:

 Authorship: Woman law, Andisheh Javan center

 Pen Permeations, Darol Hoda Publications

 Dark World, Book Garden


 4- Selected scientific works in the International & domestic scientific festivals

 Title: Name of festival:


 5- Number of research projects you have participated.

 No.: 1 The understanding and criticism of devilism sect

 The Contracting party: Research Vice-presidency of Iran University of Science and Technology - Date of beginning & completing: 2007



 Honors obtained:

 Creative and valuable work – Invention & Discovery

 Name & subject: --------- Place of presentation: ------------- Date: -----------



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