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Showing 67 results for Mechanical

E. Mohammadi, M. Pourabdoli,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2019)

The effect of mechanical activation on the kinetics of ammoniacal thiosulfate leaching of a refractory oxide gold ore containing 2.8 ppm Au was investigated. The gold extraction of 99.81% was achieved by 16 h leaching of a sample mechanically activated for 60 minutes. The gold extraction observed for a similar reference sample without mechanical activation was only 55%. Studies revealed that leaching progresses at two different rates depending on the leaching time (0-2 h and 2-16 h). It was observed that diffusion through an ash layer as a dominant mechanism controls the leaching of samples mechanically activated up to 45 minutes during total leaching time, while reaction control and liquid film diffusion are dominant mechanisms for leaching of a sample mechanically activated for 60 minutes during 0-2 h and 2-16 h, respectively. The extraction observed during the ash diffusion step depends significantly upon mechanical activation time.  Mechanical activation of 60 minutes results in high gold extraction in this step which when combined with subsequent chemical reaction gives close to 100% gold extraction in a 16 hour leach.  Mechanical activation for up to 45 minutes leads to a modest improvement in overall gold extraction compared with the reference test without mechanical activation

R. Buitrago-Sierra, J. F. Santa, J. Ordoñez,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2019)

Polypropylene (PP) has been one of the most widely used polymers due to the versatility and cost benefits obtained with this material. In this work, composites of PP modified with nanostructured ZSM-5 zeolite were prepared and their thermal and mechanical properties were evaluated. Zeolites were synthetized by hydrothermal method and the crystallization time was modified to evaluate the effect of that parameter on zeolites properties. Scanning electron microscopy, thermal analyses, x-ray analysis, among others, were used to analyse the nanostructured particles. Composites were prepared by melt mixing in a torque rheometer and compression moulding. After obtaining the composites, mechanical and thermal properties were evaluated. The results showed that some properties (surface area, and crystallinity) of zeolites depend on the crystallization time. Young’s modulus and elongation at rupture of composites were modified when the zeolites were added to the polymer matrix. No significant modifications were found on thermal properties.
M. Demouche, E. H. Ouakdi, R. Louahdi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2019)

 In this study, high-carbon, chromium alloy steel (100Cr6) having the initial spheroidized microstructure was welded using the rotary friction welding method. The effects of process parameters such as friction time and friction force were experimentally investigated. The friction welded joints were produced of two 100Cr6 steel rods. In order to examine the microstructure and mechanical properties of the friction welded 100cr6 steel joints, tensile and hardness tests were conducted. The microstructure of weld zone was examined by optical microscopy. It was found that after cooling, martensitic structure is obtained at the core and periphery of the weld joint. It was found that the tensile strength of friction welded samples is increased with increasing time and force of friction up to a certain level and then decreases again. Hardness measurements show a higher hardness at the centre of the weld joint in comparison with its periphery.

H. Aydın,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Mullite–zirconia composites were prepared using lanthanum oxide (La2O3) additive which three different mole ratio by the reaction sintering (RS) route of alumina, kaolinite and zircon. Starting materials were planetary milled, shaped into pellets and bars and sintered in the temperature range of 1450–1550 0C with 5 h soaking at peak temperature. In this work, the mullite-zirconia composites were characterized by thermal expansion coefficient, physical, microstructures and mechanical properties. The XRD method were employed for determining the crystalline phase composition of these composites. Microstructure of the composites was examined by SEM. ZrO2 takes part in both the intergranular as well as intragranular positions. However, intragranular zirconias are much smaller compared to intergranular zirconias.

A. Hasanvand, M. Pourabdoli, A. Ghaderi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2020)

The main problem of cobalt oxide as a thermochemical heat storage material is its slow re-oxidation kinetics. In addition, redox (reduction and oxidation) behavior of as-received Co3O4 is degraded with increasing the number of redox cycles. To overcome this drawback, Al2O3 and Y2O3 were added to Co3O4 and  effect of mechanical activation time (2, 4, 8, and 16 h) on the redox behavior (weight change value/rate, redox reversibility, reduction and re-oxidation values, and particle morphologies) of Co3O4-5 wt.% Al2O3 and Co3O4-5 wt. % Y2O3 composites was investigated using thermogravimetry method. The composites were studied by SEM, EDS, and X-ray map analyses before and after redox reactions. Results showed that increasing the mechanical activation time improves the redox kinetics of Co3O4-5wt. % Al2O3 in comparison with as-received Co3O4. Although, the alumina-containing samples, activated in short time showed the better redox kinetics than samples activated in long time. It was found that increasing the activation time to more than 8 h for alumina-containing samples reduces the redox kinetics due to decreasing the positive effect of Al2O3 in controlling the particle size growth and sintering. In the case of Co3O4-5wt. % Y2O3, an increase in activation time generally reduced the redox kinetics. As a result, redox reactions in a 16 h-activated Co3O4-5wt.% Y2O3 composite was completely stopped. In addition, results showed that weak performance of Co3O4-5 wt. % Y2O3 is related to intensive sintering and growth of cobalt oxide particles during redox reactions

F. Hosseinabadi, A. Rezaee-Bazzaz, M. Mazinani, B. Mohammad Sadeghi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2020)

An experimental–numerical methodology was used in order to study the microstructural effects on stress state dependency of martensitic transformation kinetics in two different TRIP800 low alloy multiphase steels. Representative volume elements extracted from actual microstructure have been utilized for simulating the mechanical behavior of mentioned steels. The mechanical behavior for each constituent phases required in the model has been taken out from those reported in the literature. A stress invariant based transformation kinetics law has been used to predict the martensitic phase transformation during deformation. Crystallographic and thermodynamic theories of martensitic phase transformation have been utilized for estimating the constant parameters of the kinetics law, in a recently performed investigation, but the sensitivity of the transformation to the stress state remained as an adjusting parameter. The results of the current work show that the stress state sensitivity of martensitic phase transformation in the investigated steels is microstructure-dependent and the value of this parameter is almost equal to half of the bainite volume fraction. Therefore, the volume fraction of bainite in the low-alloy multiphase TRIP800 steels can be used as a first postulation for the value of the martensitic phase transformation sensitivity to the stress state and the microstructure based model previously developed for calculating the mechanical behavior of the TRIP800 steels can be utilized as a virtual design tool for development of TRIP steels having specific mechanical properties.

H. Jafarian, H. Miyamoto,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2020)

In the present work, accumulative roll bonding (ARB) was used as an effective method for processed of nano/ultrafine grained AA6063 alloy. Microstructural characteristics indicate considerable grain refinement leading to an average grain size of less than 200 nm after 7 ARB cycles. Texture analysis showed that 1-cycle ARB formed a strong texture near Copper component ({112}<111>). However, texture transition appeared by increasing the number of ARB cycles and after 7-cycle of ARB, the texture was mainly developed close to Rotated Cube component ({100}<110>). The results originated from mechanical properties indicated a substantial increment in strength and microhardness besides a meaningful drop of ductility after 7 ARB cycles.

I. Kakaravada, A. Mahamani, V. Pandurangadu,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2020)

In the present investigation, A356-TiB2/TiC composites with a various weight fractions (0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5%) were synthesized through a K2TiF6-KBF4-Graphite (C) reaction system. Formation of TiB2 and TiC particulates and their distribution are confirmed by various characterization techniques. The tensile properties such as ultimate strength, yield strength, young's modulus and percentage of elongation in addition to their failure behavior of these composites were studied at ambiance and high temperatures (100, 200 and 3000C). The increment in the volume fraction of the composite raises the hardness and the enhancement of hardness was reported up to 49% at 7.5% reinforced composite due to the strengthening effect. The density and porosity of fabricated composites were investigated. The rise in volume fraction of reinforcement phase declines the density and increase the porosity of composites. Further, the ultimate strength, yield strength, young's modulus is declining by raising the temperature. Result analysis illustrates that the 7.5% reinforced composite retaining the ultimate strength up to 84.4% and the ductility is raised by 27% at 3000C. Yield strength and young's modulus are also retained 74.31% and 71.09% respectively at the similar material and experimental conditions. The fracture surface analysis of the composites illustrates that, the ductile nature of failure appearance microscopically with the formation of fine dimples and voids on fracture surface at elevated temperatures. Cleavage facets and tear crumples observation indicates the brittle kind of failure at the ambient temperature. Findings from the experimental study provide the tensile behavior of the composites at the regular working temperature of the automobile engine piston.

S. Mortezaei, H. Arabi, H. Seyedein, A. Momeny, M. Soltanalinezhad,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2020)

Dynamic Recrystallization (DRX) is one of the likely mechanisms for fine-graining in metals and alloys. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) phenomena occurs in different thermo-mechanical processing (TMP) conditions for various metallic materials. DRX depends on various materials and thermo-mechanical parameters such as temperature, strain rate, strain, stress and initial microstructure. in the present study, the restoration mechanism of the 17-7PH stainless steel has been investigated using a hot compression test under different conditions of thermo-mechanical treatment. The microstructural characteristics and the behavior of the hot deformation of the under study steel are investigated using flow curves and microstructure images obtained from optical microscopy. The results show that the maximum and steady state stresses are significantly affected by the strain rate and the deformation temperature. So that, the flow stress increases with decrease in the deformation temperature and increase in the strain rate. Microstructural studies confirm the occurrence of DRX as a restoration mechanism in the microstructure for the two phases of austenite and ferrite.

B. Mirzakhani, Y. Payandeh, H. Talebi, M. Maleki,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (9-2020)

In this paper, the effect of two-step precipitation hardening on the mechanical properties of Al-3.7Cu-1Mg was investigated. For this meaning, some specimens were subjected to the first step aging at 175, 190 and 205°C for 2 h, once the samples solution treated at 500°C. To have stable precipitates uniformly distributed in the microstructure and to reduce the heat treatment time, the second step was implied at 65°C. The tensile and hardness tests were performed at ambient temperature immediately after aging. The results indicated that depending on the first step temperature, the second aging time affects the alloy mechanical behavior in different aspects. A factor named SNMP introduced to determine the cycle giving the best mechanical properties. The strength and elongation increase 1.5 and 2 times respectively; compared to the values reported in the DIN EN 755-2 standard by performing the two-step aging cycle, consisting of the first-stage at 175°C and the second step at 65°C for 10 hours. Moreover, using the proposed two-step aging, the heat treatment time was reduced considerably compared to the conventional precipitation hardening process.

Reza Mirahmadi Babaheydari, Seyed Oveis Mirabootalebi, Gholam Hosein Akbari Fakhrabadi,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Cu-based alloys have a wide range of applications in the electronics industry, communications industry, welding industries, etc. Regarding the type and percentage of the second phase, changing in the alloying elements has a significant effect on the mechanical and electrical properties of copper composites. The aim of the present work is to synthesize, investigate, and compare the micro-structure, micro-hardness, and electrical properties of different Cu-based nanocomposites. For this purpose, Cu-Al, Cu-Al2O3, Cu-Cr, and Cu-Ti were fabricated via ball milling of copper with 1, 3, and 6 weight percentages. The vial speed was 350 rpm and the ball-to-powder weight ratio was kept at 15:1. The milling process was performed at different times in Argon. Next, the prepared composites were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Based on XRD patterns, crystallite size, lattice strain, and lattice constant were calculated by Rietveld refinement using Maud software. The results show a decrease of crystallite size, and an increase of the internal strain and lattice constant by rising the alloying elements in all composites. Then, the produced powders compressed via the cold press and annealed at 650˚C. Finally; the micro-hardness and the electrical resistance of the manufactured tablets were measured. The results of these analyses show that micro-hardness is increased by enhancement of the reinforcement material, due to the rising of the work hardening. Cu-6wt%Ti with 312 Vickers and Cu-1wt%Al2O3 with 78 Vickers had the highest and lowest micro-hardness, respectively. Moreover, the results of the electrical resistance indicate a dramatic rise in the electrical resistance by increasing the amount of alloying material, which Cu-1wt%Al with 0.26 Ω had the highest electrical conductivity.
Mahdi Alishavandi, Mahnam Ebadi, Amir Hossein Kokabi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (6-2021)

Friction-Stir Processing (FSP) was applied on AA1050 Aluminum Alloy (AA) to find the highest mechanical properties among 28 combinations of the rotational and traverse speed (800-2000 rpm and 50-200 mm.min-1) and four different tool probe shapes (threaded, columnar, square and triangle). To this aim, the AA standard sheet went through a single pass of FSP. The 1600 rpm and 100 mm.min-1 with threaded tool probe was chosen as the best combination of rotational and traverse speed. Grain size at the Stirred Zone (SZ) was studied using Optical Microscopy (OM). The results showed that the SZ’s grain size was refined from 30 μm down to about 12 μm due to dynamic recrystallization during FSP. The processed sample exhibited improved hardness, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, elongation up to 65, 80, 66, and 14%, respectively, compared to the annealed AA sample. Studying fractographic features by OM and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) revealed a dominantly ductile fracture behavior.
Mojtaba Hosseini, Ali Allahverdi, Mohammad Jaafar Soltanian Fard,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (3-2022)

The aim of the present research work is to evaluate the feasibility of processing and utilizing steel slag
in binary and ternary cement blends with limestone. The physical and microstructural properties of binary and
ternary composite cements produced by inter-grinding mixtures of ordinary Portland cement clinker, processed
steel slag and limestone in a laboratory ball mill with replacement levels varying from 0 wt.% to 30 wt.% were
studied. The effects of processed steel slag and limestone incorporation on density of dry cement mixes and water
consistency, setting time and volume stability of fresh and hardened cement pastes were investigated. Also,
density, water absorption, total open pore volume (%) and compressive strength of cement mortars were measured.
The mix with 15 wt.% limestone and 15 wt.% processed steel slag was selected as a typical ternary cement mix
for complementary studies including X-ray diffractometry, thermal gravimetry, Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy analyses. The results show that removal of relatively high
metallic content of steel slag increases its grindability for mechanical activation and improves its hydraulic
properties effectively and makes it suitable for being recycled in cement industry. The results show that
mechanical activation of the cement mixes enhances the poor hydraulic activity of the processed steel slag and
compensates the strength loss to some extent. The physical and chemical properties of all studied composite
cement mixes comply with ASTM standard specifications, except the compressive strength of the cement mixes
at 28-days containing 20 wt.% or higher amounts of limestone ground to the relatively low Blaine specific surface
area of about 3000 cm2/g.

Ehsan Tarighati, Majid Tavoosi, Ali Ghasemi, Gholam Reza Gordani,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (3-2022)

In the present study, the effects of boron on the structural and magnetic properties of AlCrFeNiMnSiBx high entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated. In this regards, different percentages of boron element were added to the based composition and the samples were identified using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) methods. Based on results, the tendency of Si element to formation of silicide phases prevents from the stabilization of single FCC and BCC solid solution phases in AlCrFeNiMnSi alloy. The boron element has significant effects on destabilization of silicide phases and by increasing in the percentage of this element, the simple BCC solid solution phase has been dominate phase. Of course, boron has distractive effects on magnetic properties of prepared alloys and the saturation of magnetization of AlCrFeNiMnSiBx HEAs decrease from 29.8 emu/g to about 6 emu/g by increasing the boron content.  
Behzad Pourghasemi, Vahid Abouei, Omid Bayat, Banafsheh Karbakhsh Ravari,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (9-2022)

It has long been thought-provoking and challenging as well for researchers to design and produce a special low-modulus β titanium alloy such as Ti‐35Nb‐7Zr‐5Ta, representing optimal mechanical properties that is needed to successfully simulate bone tissue. In order to identify the key effects of processing pathways on the development of microstructure, Young’s modulus, and strength, a nominal Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta alloy was made via casting, hot forging, homogenizing, cold rolling and finally annealing. Results from tensile test alongside microscopic and XRD analysis confirm the importance influence of processing method on fully β phase microstructure, low elastic modulus and high strength of the alloy. The specimen with post-deformation annealing at 500 °C demonstrated the Young’s modulus of 49.8 GPa, yield strength of 780 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 890 MPa, all of which are incredibly close to that of bone, hence suitable for orthopedic implants. At temperature above 500 °C, a sharp fall was observed in the mechanical properties.

Sravanthi Gudikandula, Ambuj Sharma,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2022)

The lean duplex stainless steels (LDSS) have excellent features due to the microstructural phase
combination of austenite and ferrite grains. These steels have low Ni and Mo contents which can reduce the cost
and stabilize the austenite fraction in the microstructure. In recent years, welding is used to enhance the
microstructural behaviour of LDSS. In this paper, Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) was performed on LDSS
S32101 with different heat energy inputs and varying welding currents. The influence of heat inputs (0.85 and 1.3
kJ/mm) on welded samples was investigated to study the microstructural behaviour, phase balance, and mechanical
& corrosion performance. The microstructures studies were carried out using an optical microscope, scanning
electron microscope and X-ray diffraction. The effect of Heat input led to the significant microstructural evolution
in weld metals with high austenite reformation. The microstructure of weldments consisted of inter-granular
austenite (IGA), grain boundary austenite (GBA) and Widmanstatten austenite (WA). Important mechanical
properties such as tensile strength and micro-hardness were investigated to understand the performance of
weldments. The polarization method was used to understand the corrosion behaviour of weldment in a 3.5% NaCl
solution. The experimental results showed enhanced properties of welds that could be suitable for industrial
Mohammad Abankar, Hossein Arabi, Mohammad Taghi Salehi, Majid Abbasi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (3-2023)

The aims of this research were to evaluate the effects of different thermomechanical treatments on the microstructure and investigate some of the mechanical properties of a TWIP steel rich in Mn & Al. So, a block of a TWIP steel with nominal composition Fe-17.5Mn-1.36Al-0.8C was cast and then subjected to hot rolling followed by cold rolling and heat treatment. Cold rolling was performed before heat treatment in order to reduce the grain size and improve the tensile and fatigue properties. X-ray diffraction technique was used before and after the heat treatment to evaluate the possibility of any phase formation. No sign of martensitic transformation after cold deformation was observed. However, by increasing the amount of cold deformation, the number of mechanical twins and slip band increased resulted to an increase in hardness and strength. The best tensile and fatigue result were obtained after 47% thickness reduction and annealing at 715˚C for 10 min. Under these conditions, the mean grain size reduced from 138 to 9 μm resulted to an increase in yield strength from 395 to 510 MPa, and the fatigue life improvement from the mean life of 10200 for the cast sample to 21500 cycles for the treated sample, when these samples underwent fatigue tests at a stress range of 650 MPa and R=0. In addition, the diameter and depth of dimples in fracture surfaces decreased by reducing the grain size but the fracture mode was remained ductile and adequate plastic deformation occurred before failure.
Maryam Salehi, Milad Dadashi, S. Parsa Kashani Sani,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2023)

In the present study, bulk refined-structured Al 5083 alloy with high mechanical properties was successfully fabricated by hot consolidation process of nanostructured melt- spun flakes. The influence of cooling rate and pressing conditions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy were investigated using X-ray diffractometer (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), microhardness, and compression tests. Rapid solidification combined with the hot consolidation at T=753 K (480 °C) and P= 800 MPa for 20 min produced a bulk sample with the desirable bonding, good microhardness (184.2±12.4 HV), and high strength (273±8 MPa) combined with 7 pct. fracture strain. These amounts are 78.6±5.1 HV, 148 ±9 MPa and about 5 pct. for the as-cast sample. Microstructural refinement during the controlled consolidation of nanostructure rapidly- solidified flakes contributes to such high mechanical properties of the bulk sample.

Zahra Shamohammadi Ghahsareh, Sara Banijamali, Alireza Aghaei,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2023)

Various analysis techniques were used to investigate the effects of P2O5 on the crystallization, mechanical features, and chemical resistance of canasite-based glass-ceramics. The results showed that canasite-type crystals were the primary crystalline phase in the examined glass-ceramics subjected to the two-step heat treatment, while fluorapatite was the secondary crystalline phase in some specimens. The microstructural observations by field emission electron microscope indicated that the randomly oriented interlocked blade-like canasite crystals decreased with an increase in the P2O5 content of the parent glasses. Among the examined glass-ceramics, the Base-P2 composition (containing 2 weight ratios of P2O5 in the glass) showed the most promising mechanical features (flexural strength of 176 MPa and fracture toughness of 2.9 MPa.m1/2) and chemical resistance (solubility of 2568 µg/cm2). This glass-ceramic could be further considered as a core material for dental restorations.


Deepak Jagannathana, Hiriyannaiah Adarsha, Keshavamurthy Ramaiah, Ramkumar Prabhud,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Several extensive researches are being carried out in the field of 3D printing. Polymer matrices, such as High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), are less explored in particular on the microstructure and mechanical properties of HDPE composites developed via Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) process. Very scarce amount of works is devoted to study HDPE’s reinforced with carbon nano-tubes (CNT’s) . In the present work, we report on the mechanical properties of  HDPE composites prepared via FDM process. Varying proportions of CNTs ( 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2%) are used as reinforcements. It is found that increasing CNT content enhances impact and tensile strength, with HDPE/2.0%CNT outperforming pure HDPE by approximately 71.6% and 25.4%, respectively. HDPE/2.0%CNT composite also showed Young's modulus approximately 49.2% higher than pure HDPE. According to fracture analysis, pure HDPE failed near ductile, whereas composites failed brittle. CNTs occupy the free positions in the polymeric chains, and their tendency to restrict chain mobility causes HDPE to lose ductility and begin to behave brittle. The use of CNTs as reinforcement successfully improved the mechanical properties of HDPE.

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