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According to the XRD and SEM test results, re-heat treatment causes phase
dissolution in the base sample and lack of formation of Li2ZrSi6O15 main phase.
According to the HSM chart, the shrinkage at 825°C is due to the formation of
Li2ZrSi6O15 phase, for this reason, this temperature is the optimal heat treatment
temperature. The presence of ceria in the sample heat treated at 825°C caused the
stability of the tetragonal zirconia phase in this sample because no peak containing
monoclinic zirconia was seen in this sample, and also in the XRD pattern, the shift
of the tetragonal zirconia peak to the left compared to the base sample and also We
can see the decrease in the intensity of the peak, which is caused by the presence of
ceria in the structure of zirconia, in the base sample and the sample containing
magnesia, we see the presence of monoclinic zirconia, which indicates the lack of
stability of the zirconia phase in these two samples, as well as early crystallization.
MgSiO3 prevents sintering of this sample