مقالات دکتر گرشاسبی

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1392/12/5 | 
Published Journal Papers: 

1. A. Shidfar and M. Garshasbi, Numerical study of in cylinder pressure in an internal combustion engine, Appl. Math. Comput., 165 (2005) 163-170.
2. A. Shidfar, M. Djalalvand and M. Garshasbi, A numerical scheme for solving special class of nonlinear diffusion-convection equation, Appl. Math. Comput. 167 (2005) 1080-1089. 
3. A. Shidfar, A. Shahrezaee, and M. Garshasbi, A method for solving an inverse biharmonic problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 302 (2005) 457_462. 
4. M. Fakhraee, A. Shidfar and M. Garshasbi, A Computational Procedure for Estimation of an Unknown Coefficient in an Inverse Boundary Value Problem, Appl. Math. Comput. 187 (2007) 1120-1125. 
5. A. Shidfar and M. Garshasbi, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Investigation of Heat Flux at the External Surface of Cylinder of an Internal Combustion Engine, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 18,( 2007), 31-34.
6. R. Nikpey, M. Garshasbi and J. Damirchi, Existence, Uniqueness of Solution for Diffusion Problem in Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 3 (2008), 1379 – 1383. 
7. K. Nouri, M.Garshasbi, J. Damirchi, Application of Adomian Decomposition Method to Solve a Class of Diffusion Problem Arises During MRI, Mathematical Sciences, 2 (2008), 207-218. 
8. M. Garshasbi, A. Shidfar and P. Reihani, A modification of variational iteration method for solving a class of nonlinear initial-boundary value problems, J. Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics, 1 (2009), 35-44.
9. A. Shidfar, and M. Garshasbi, An alghorithm based on Adomian decomposition method for solving an special class on evolution equations, J.Non. Sci. Num. Simul. 14 (2009) 1146-1151. 
10. A. Shidfar , M. Alinejadmofrad , M. Garshasbi, A numerical procedure for estimation of the melt depth in laser material processing Optics & Laser Technology, 41 (2009), 280-284.
11. A.Shidfar , Z.Darooghehgimofrad , M.Garshasbi, Note on Using Radial Basis Functions and Tikhonov Regularization Method to Solve an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33 (2009), 1236-1238.
12. M. Garshasbi, M. Bakhoday Paskyabi, A. Hashemi Hosseini, A. Ketabi, Development of some numerical techniques to estimate the pressure sensor's fault in an internal combustion engine, J. Advanced Research in Sci. Comput. 2 ( 2010) 14-21. 
13. M. Garshasbi1, J. Damirchi, P.Reihani, Parameter estimation in an inverse initial-boundary, value problem of heat equation, J. Advanced Research in Differential Equations, 2 (2010), 49-60. 
14. M. Garshasbi, H. Kadkhodaie Khalafi, A Modified Series Solution of a Class of Nonlinear Helmholtz Type Equations, Word Appl. Sci. J. 11 (2010), 1307-1311. 15. M. Garshasbi , F. Momeni , Numerical Solution of Hirota-Satsuma Coupled MKdV Equation with Quantic B-Spline Collocation Method, J. Comput. Sci. & Comput. Math. 3 (2011), 13-18.
16. B. Jazbi, M. Djalalvand, M. Garshasbi, A Numerical Algorithm Based on Adomian Decomposition and Product Integration Methods to Solve a Class of Nonlinear Weakly Singular Integral Equations, Int. J.Non. Sci., 3 (2011), 353-357. 17. M. Garshasbi, H. Kamal Gharibi, Numerical Investigation of thr Release of Drug from a Drug Delivery Device, Int. .J. Mod. Phy. 9 (2012), 119–126. 
18. M. Garshasbi, P. Reihani, H. Dastur, A Stable Numerical Solution of a Class of Semi-Linear Cauchy Problems, J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Cont. Sys. 4 (2012), 56 – 67. 19. M. Garshasbi, H. Kamal Gharibi, P. Reihani, A Numerical Treatment of the Release of Drug in Nonswelling Transdermal Drug-Delivery Devicesm, Africa Mathematica, 25 (2014), 949–960. 
20. M. Garshasbi, F. Janbaz, Neural Network Solution of Biharmunic Equation, J. Adv. Res. Sci. Comput., J. Adv. Res. Sci. Comp. 1 (2013), 1-14. 
21. M. Koohi, M. Garshasbi, A numerical treatment of magnetic resonance imaging process in blood vessels, J. Adv. Res. Sci. Comput.. 5 ( 2013), 44-57. 
22. M. Garshasbi, H. Dastour, M, Jalalvand, A stable numerical solution for an inverse moving boundary value problem, H. Adv. Math. Exten., 2 (2013) 47-60.
23. M. Garshasbi, H. Dastour, Proportional Factor Estimation in an IHCP, J. Hyperstruct, 3 (2014), 53-67. 
24. M. Garshasbi, H. Dastour, Estimation of unknown boundary functions in an inverse heat conduction problem using a mollied marching scheme, Num. Alg., (2015), 68:769–790. 
25. M. Garshasbi, M. Khakzad, The RBF Collocation Method of Lines for the Numerical Solution of the $CH-gamma$ Equation,, J. Adv. Res. Dyn. Cont. Sys. 7 (2015), 65 83. 
26. M. Garshasbi, H. Dastour, A mollified marching solution of an inverse ablation-type moving boundary problem, Comp. Appl. Math. 35 (2016), 61–73.
27. M. Garshasbi, F. Hassani, Boundary Temperature Reconstruction in an Inverse Heat Conduction Problem Using Boundary Integral Equation Method, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 42(5) (2016), 1039-1056.
28. S. Toubaei, M. Garshasbi, M. Jalalvand, A numerical treatment of a reaction-diffusion model of spatial pattern in the embryo, Comput. Meth. Diff. Eq. 4(2) (2016), 116-127. 
29. M. Garshasbi, P. Reihani, An iterative time variable finite difference approach for numerical solution of solving the mathematical model of drug delivery in spherical devices, Adv. Math. Model. 6(2) (2016), 15-29.
30. Kiana Pourabdolla, Hamid Rashedi, Hossein Golzar, Morteza Garshasbi, Numerical Analysis of Temperature-Sensitive Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Release, J. Appl. Biotech. Rep. 3( 1)( 2016), 365-372
31. Kh. Maleknejad, R.Dehbozorgi and M. Garshasbi, Direct operational matrix approach for weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations: application in theory of anomalous diffusion, Math. Commun. 24 (2019), 61–67. 
32. M. Garshasbi, M. Abdolmanafi, Identification of Some Unknown Parameters in an Aggressive-Invasive Cancer Model Using Adjoint Approach, Mediterr. J. Math . (2019) 16:3. 
33. F. Soltanian, M. Garshasbi, Unknown functions estimation in a parabolic equation arises from Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Comput. Meth. Diff. Eq. (to appear). 
34. M. Garshasbi, Determination of unknown functions in a mathematical model of DCIS, Num. Meth. Part. Diff. Equ. (to appear). 
35. M. Garshasbi , P. Reihani , S. Toubaei, Boundary Functions Determination in an Inverse Time Fractional Heat Conduction Problem, Comp. Appl. Math. (to appear).

دفعات مشاهده: 8171 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1079 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 21 بار   |   0 نظر