IUST Ranking in SIR Promoted in 2011 SIR (SCIMAGO Institutions Ranking) has published its 2011 annual rankings report. According to the 2011 SIR report, Iran University of Science and Technology, was promoted from 922 in 2010, to 774 in 2011, a good 149 difference.
SIR bases its reports on a number of factors, including an institution’s quantitative data, scientific documents, advanced research procedures, and rankings from its’ surrounding regions. This appraisal was, more specifically, based on the number of published articles compiled by researchers in the university or national research institutions, acknowledgement from the international community, the ratio of an institution’s scientific impacts to the global average, the ratio of an institutions’ published scientific articles in accredited scholarly journals, the number of a university’s specialized topics publications, and a 10% publication of accredited scholarly articles by professors within the field. This ranking was based on 3042 universities and research centers of 104 countries. We applaud all members of our advisory board and Iran University of Science and Technology community for this achievement. 