IUST Chancellor Speeches in Iran- China Science and Technology Collaboration Session

 | Post date: 2021/06/3 | 
IUST Chancellor Speeches in Iran- China Science and Technology Collaboration Session
Professional session for scientific, technological, and academic cooperation in Iran- China strategic plan for collaboration held online on June 1, 2021, hosted by Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT), with the presence of MSRT minister, vice ministers, and presidents of major Iranian universities and research centers. Prof. Gholami, Minister of MSRT, Prof. Salar Amoli, acting minister for international scientific cooperation, and Dr. Mohajer, deputy foreign minister for economic diplomacy delivered speeches on the process of the scientific and international cooperation between Iran and China. In session with the presence of vice chancellor and directors of international affairs of IUST, Prof. Zakeri, IUST chancellor presented details about IUST cooperation with Chinese universities, and IUST plan for establishing the Silk Road transportation and logistics research center in Chabahar (southeast port in Iran), and planning for implementation of 2+2 international program (2 universities and 2 industries) regarding the industry of high speed train with China at IUST. Also Prof. Zakeri suggested establishment of a mutual fund for supporting the researchers.

In the session MSRT deputy minister for research and technology, and deputy minister for students’ affairs, as well as presidents of University of Tehran, Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Shahid Beheshti University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, and Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute presented speeches about scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries. The session ended by conclusion delivered by Iranian Ambassador in China and MSRT Minister.