Representatives of Harat University

Representatives of Harat University, Afghanistan Visited IUST


A delegation from Harat University, Afghanistan, visited IUST on July 2, 2007 and observed the educational and research activates of IUST.

This delegation was composed of 17 academicians from Harat University including Vice Chancellor for Students, Vice Chancellor for Administration, and Deans of its Colleges.

During the welcome session, IUST's Vice Chancellors for Education, Vice Chancellor for Students, and the Chancellor's Advisor on University Communications introduced IUST, and the representatives of Harat University also introduced their University and mentiond their aim of this visit as getting familiar with IUST capabilities and surveying the ways of cooperation between two universities. With this regard, in addition to the various ways of cooperation, the interest of IUST's College of Computer Engineering for cooperation with the newly established College of Computer Engineering in Harat University was emphasized.

The delegation visited various parts of university including central library, E-learning center, College of Railway Engineering, College of Physics, College of Mathematics, College of Chemistry and the university museum.

Office of International and Scientific Cooperation

 July 2007