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 دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

دانشکده عمران، طبقه سوم،

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محمدپولاد ساکا


تاریخ تولد
استادمرتبه علمی
مهندسی سازهگروه

2382 210 312 90+


4462 210 312 90+

 mpsaka AT metu.edu.trپست الکترونیکی

تاریخ اخذ

محل تحصیلرشته تحصیلی


1975دانشگاه آستون بیرمنگام انگلستانمهندسی سازهدکترا
1969دانشگاه فنی استانبول - ترکیهمهندسی عمران - سازهفوق لیسانس
1968دانشگاه فنی استانبول - ترکیهمهندسی عمرانکارشناسی
زمینه‌های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی
  • بهینه‌یابی سازه‌ها

  • تحلیل خطی و غیرخطی ماتریسی سازه‌ها

  • پایداری سازه‌ها

  • طراحی سازه‌های فولادی و چوبی


  • استاد دانشگاه بحرین - بحرین، از سال 2010 تاکنون

  • استاد دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا - ترکیه، از سال 2005-2010.

  • استاد دانشگاه بحرین - بحرین، از سال 1993 تا 2005.

  • دانشیار دانشگاه بحرین - بحرین، از سال 1984 تا 1993.

  • دانشیار دانشگاه فنی Black Sea ترابزون - ترکیه، از سال 1982 تا 1984.

  • استادیار دانشگاه فنی Black Sea ترابزون - ترکیه، از سال 1978 تا 1982.

  • محقق ارشد دانشگاه آستون بیرمنگام انگلستان، از سال 1975 تا 1978.

سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

دروس تدریس شده در سطح کارشناسی در دانشگاه‌های فنی آنکارا و بحرین

  • استاتیک

  • تحلیل سازه‌های 1 و 2

  • مکانیک سازه‌ها 1 و 2

  • طراحی فولادی 1 و 2

  • طراحی سازه‌های چوبی

  • کاربرد کامپیوتر در مهندسی عمران

  • روشهای عددی در مهندسی عمران

  • روشهای کامپیوتری در مهندسی

  • مدیریت مهندسی و تحقیق در عملیات

  • برنامه‌نویسی کامپیوتری

دروس تدریس شده در سطح کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا در دانشگاه‌های فنی آنکارا و بحرین

  • تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها

  • تحلیل غیرخطی سازه‌ها

  • طراحی پلاستیک سازه‌ها

  • طراحی فولاد پیشرفته

  • مقاومت مصالح پیشرفته

  • روشهای بهینه‌یابی

  • پایداری سازه‌ها

  • پایداری ارتجاعی

  • روشهای عددی پیشرفته در مهندسی

  • روشهای عددی برای حل معادلات دیفرانسیل معمولی

مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین‌المللی (ISI, ISC)

  1. K.I. Majid, M.P. Saka and T. Celik, The Theorems of Structural Variation Generalized for Rigidly Jointed Frames, Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, London, Vol. 65, Dec., pp: 839-856, 1978. 

  2. K.I.Majid, P.  Stojanovsky and M.P. Saka, Minimum Cost Topological Design of Steel Sway Frames, The Structural Engineer, Vol. 58 B, March, No.1, pp:14-20, 1980. 

  3. M.P. Saka, Shape Optimization of Trusses, Journal of Structural Division, ASCE Vol. 106, ST5, May, pp:1155-1174, 1980. 

  4. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Rigidly Jointed Frames, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 5,  May, pp:411-419., 1980.

  5. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Space Trusses, J.  of Computers and Structures, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp:545-551, 1988. 

  6. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pin Jointed Steel Structures with Practical Applications, J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No.10,Oct. pp:2599-2620, 1990. 

  7. M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of  Roof Trusses by Optimality Criteria Method, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 38, No.1, pp:83-92, 1991. 

  8. M.P. Saka  and  M. S. Hayalioglu,Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic steel   Frames,  J . of  Computers  and   Structures, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp:329-344, 1991. 

  9. M.P. Saka, Finite Element Application of Theorems of Structural Variation, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 41, No.3, pp:519-530, 1991. 

  10. M.P. Saka and M. Ulker, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Space Trusses, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp:1387-1396, 1991. 

  11. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Stability Constraints, J. of Computers and Structures,  Vol. 41, No. 6, pp:1365 - 1377, 1991. 

  12. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Multi-story structures with Shear Walls, J.  of Computers and Structures, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp:925-936, 1992. 

  13. M. S. Hayalioglu  and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic Steel Frames with Tapered Members,  J. of Computers and Structure, Vol. 44,  pp:  915-924, 1992.  

  14. B. Ahmadi  and  M.P. Saka, Behavior of Composite Timber Concrete Floors, J. of  Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, Nov., pp:3111-3130, 1993. 

  15. M.P. Saka, Optimum  Design  of  Steel  Frames  with  Tapered  Members, J. of Computers and  Structures, Vol.63, No. 4, pp. 797-811, 1996. 

  16. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of  Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, Journal of  Computer aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 13, pp:223-238, 1998. 

  17. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Elastic Framed  Domes, Journal  of  Advances  in  Engineering  Software, Vol. 29,  No.7-9,    pp.519-528, 1998. 

  18. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for Solid and Cubic Elements, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 68, pp:89-100, 1998. 

  19. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of  Unbraced Rigid Frames   Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 69, pp:433-442, 1998.

  20. S. S. Al-Mosawi and  M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of  Single Core Shear Walls  Journal  of  Computers and Structures, Vol. 71, No.2, pp:143-162, 1999.

  21. S. Weld Ali and M.P. Saka, Optimum  Geometry and Spacing Design of Roof  Trusses According to BS5950 Using  Genetic algorithm, Design  Optimization, International Journal for Product and Process Improvement, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.198-219, 1999.

  22. U. Uzman, A. Daloglu and M.P. Saka,  Optimum Design of Parabolic and       Circular Arches with Varying Cross-Section,  Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, Vol. 8, No. 5, Nov., pp.465-476, 1999.

  23. M.P. Saka, The theorems of Structural Variation for Grillage systems, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 77, pp:413-421, 2000. 

  24. S.S. Al-Mosawi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Shape Design of Cold-Formed Thin- Walled Steel Sections,   Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp:851-862, 2000. 

  25. M.P. Saka,  A. Daloglu and F. Malhas, Optimum Spacing Design of Grillage Systems using Genetic Algorithm, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp:863-873, 2000. 

  26. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Prediction of  the Shear Strength of  Reinforced   Concrete Deep Beams by Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of  Structural   Engineering, The American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 127, No. 7, pp:818-   828, 2001. 

  27. E. S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Using a Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 79, pp:1593-1604, 2001. 

  28. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Bracing Design of  Non-Swaying Tall  Frames , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 57, pp:1081-1097, 2001. 

  29. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Design of Nonlinear  Steel Frames with Various Semi-Rigid  Connections,  Journal  of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 59, 1,pp:109-134, 2003. 

  30. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pitched Roof Steel Frames with Haunched Rafters by Genetic algorithm, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 81,pp:1967-1978, 2003. 

  31. I. Amayreh and M.P. Saka, Failure Load Prediction of Castellated Beams Using Artificial Neural Networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp:35-54, 2005. 

  32. M.P. Saka, The theorems of structural variation for rectangular finite elements for plate flexure, J. of Computers and Structures, Vol. 83, pp:2442-2452, 2005. 

  33. M.P. Saka, Discussion of Design of Steel frames Using Ant Colony optimization by C. V. Camp, B. J. Bichon and S. P. Stovall, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 7, July, pp:1179-1180,  2006. 

  34. A. A. Khalaf and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Structural Design of Steel gusset plates, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, U.K., Vol. 63, pp: 71-81, 2007. 

  35. E.S.Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Nonlinear Braced Domes using Genetic Algorithm, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 85, 1-2, 71-79, 2007. 

  36. M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Geodesic Domes Using Harmony search Algorithm, Advances in Structural Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 10, No.6, 595-606, 2007. 

  37. M.P. Saka, Optimum Topological Design of Geometrically Nonlinear single Layer Latticed Domes Using Coupled Genetic Algorithm, Computers and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 85, 21-22, 1635-1646, 2007. 

  38. S. O. Degertekin, M.P. Saka, M. S. Hayalioglu, Optimal Load and Resistance Factor Design of Non-Linear Steel Space Frames via Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm, Engineering Structures, Vol. 30, 197-205, 2008. 

  39. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Effect of Beam Spacing in the Harmony search based optimum design of grillages, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 9, No: 3, 215-228, 2008. 

  40. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Swaying Frames To BS5950 Using Harmony Search Algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, An International Journal, Vol. 65, No. 1, 36-43, 2009

  41. S. Carbas and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Single Layer Network Domes Using Harmony Search Method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No: 1, 97-112, 2009.  

  42. M.P. Saka and F. Erdal, Harmony Search Based Algorithm for The Optimum Design of Grillage Systems To LRFD-AISC, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,  Vol. 38, No: 1, 25-41,  2009. 

  43. O. Hasançebi, S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, M.P. Saka, Performance evaluation of metaheuristic search techniques in the optimum design of real size pin jointed structures, Computers and Structures, An International Journal,  Vol. 87, No: 5-6, 284-302, 2009. 

  44. O. Hasançebi, F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of geodesic steel domes under code provisions using metaheuristic techniques, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 88-103, 2009. 

  45. E. Doğan, O. Hasançebi and M.P. Saka, A Refinement of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Large-Scale Truss Structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, 321-334, 2009. 

  46. O. Hasançebi, S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Improving the Performance of Simulated Annealing in Large-Scale Structural Optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 41, 2, 189-203, 2010. 

  47. O. Hasançebi, F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, An Adaptive Harmony Search Method for Structural Optimization, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, (Accepted for publication), 2010.

مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس‌های بین‌المللی داخلی و خارجی

  1. K. I. Majid and M.  P. Saka, Optimum Shape Design of Rigidly Jointed  Frames,  Proceedings of Symposium on Application of Computer Methods in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp:521-532, University of Southern California, USA, August, 1977.

  2. M.P. Saka, Structural Shape Optimization - A Review , Proceedings of  15th Yugoslavian Congress of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp:135-145, 1-5 June 1981, Kupari, Yugoslavia. 

  3. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Grillages Including Warping, Proceedings of International Symposium on Optimum  Structural  Design,  pp:9-13 to 9-20, 19-22 Oct. 1981, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 

  4. M.P. Saka, Minimum Cost Topological Design of Trusses, Proceedings of International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, pp:10-41 to 10-46,  19-22 Oct. 1981, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 

  5. M. P. Saka, The use of Approximating Programming in the Optimum Structural Design, Proceedings of International Symposium on Mathematics Organized on the memory of Prof. Nazim Terzioglu, 15-25 Sept. 1982, University of  Black Sea, Trabzon, Turkey. 

  6. P. Stajonovsky and M.P. Saka, Optimizacija Konfiguracija Elicmh Ramovskih Konstruckja, Proceedings of Symposium of Yugoslavian Structural Engineers, 25-28 April 1982, Novcat, Yugoslavia. 

  7. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of  Space Trusses with Buckling Constraints, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Space Structures, pp:656-660,  11-14 Sept. 1984,  University of Surrey, Guilford, U.K. 

  8. M.P. Saka  and T. Celik, Nonlinear Analysis of  Space Trusses by Theorems of  Structural  Variation, CIVIL-COMP 85,  Proceedings  of  the   Second International  Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing,Vol. 2, pp:153-158, Dec. 1985, London, U.K. 

  9. T. Celik and M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation in their General form, SECTAM XI, Proceedings of Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and  Applied Mechanics, Vol. II, pp:726-731, University of   Southern  California, April 1986, USA. 

  10. M.P. Saka, Optimum design of Steel Grillage Systems, Proceedings of   Third International Conference on Steel Structures, pp:273-290,Singapore Structural Steel Society, March, 1987, Singapore. 

  11. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of  Nonlinear Space Trusses, CIVIL-COMP87, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 1, pp:279-284, Institution of Civil Engineers, Sept. 1987, London, U.K. 

  12. M.P. Saka and B. Attili, Shape Optimization of Space Trusses, Proceedings of International Conference on the Design and Construction of  Non-conventional  Structures, Vol. 2, pp:115-121,  Dec.,1987, London, U.K. 

  13. A. Barakat and M.P. Saka, Lateral Load Analysis  of  Irregular Tall Buildings by Microcomputers, SECTAM XIV, Proceedings of  Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The University of Missisippi, April 1988, USA. 

  14. A. R. Buzdar and M.P. Saka, Basic Concepts in Planning New Engineering Laboratories - Case Study of Bahrain University,  Proceedings of Regional Conference on Establishing Engineering Laboratories in Colleges of Engineering, March 1988, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. 

  15. M.P. Saka, E. El-Khatip and B. Ahmadi, Effect of Curing methods on the Durability of Concrete in Aggressive Environments, Proceedings of International Conference on Re-evaluation of Concrete Structures, pp:47-57,  July 1988 Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

  16. M.P. Saka, Optimum Slope Design of Roof Trusses, Proceedings of The First International conference in Civil engineering, pp: 45-67, March 1989, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. 

  17. M.P. Saka, S. Al-Mosawi and S. Hussain, Computer Aided Design of Composite Slabs with Profiled Steel Sheeting, Proceedings of  The First International conference in Civil engineering, pp:77-101, March, 1989, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. 

  18. M.P. Saka, Optimum Shape Selection in Roof trusses, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair, June 1989,  London, U.K. 

  19. M.P. Saka and A. R. Buzdar, Nonlinear Analysis of  Strip Foundations through Microcomputers, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Foundation and Tunnels, September 1989, Institute of Education,  University  of  London, U.K.    

  20. M.P. Saka and M. Ulker, Optimum Design of Geometrically Non-linear Space Trusses, CIVIL-COMP89, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 2, pp:175-184, September 1989, City University, London, U.K. 

  21. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Stability Constraints, CIVIL-COMP89, Proceedings of  the Fourth International  Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Vol. 2, pp:141-155, September 1989, City University, London, U.K. 

  22. M.P. Saka, Optimum design of Multi-Story Structures with Shear Walls, Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Vol. 1, pp:149-160, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K. 

  23. M.P. Saka,  Finite Element Applications of the Theorems of Structural Variation, Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Vol. 1, pp:137-148, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K. 

  24. M. S. Hayalioglu and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic Steel Frames with Tapered Members, Proceeding of First International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 20-22 August 1991, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K. 

  25. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Composite Slabs with Profiled Steel, Parts 1 & 2,  ICCS-3, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Steel and Concrete Structures, pp:497-508, 26-29  September 1991, Fukuoka, Japan. 

  26. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames with Tapered Members, CIVIL-COMP 93, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:63-79, 17-19 August 1993, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K. 

  27. M.P. Saka and E. S. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Multi-Story Unbraced Frames, Proceeding of Second International Conference on Computational  Structures Technology, Vol. J, pp:27-34, 30th August-1st September 1994, Athens, Greece. 

  28. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for solid and Cubic Elements, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol.: Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, pp:261-272, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. 

  29. M.P. Saka and E. S. Kameshki, Optimum Design of  Nonlinear Elastic Framed Domes, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol.: Developments in Computational Techniques for Structural  Engineering, pp:295-304, August 1995, University of  Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. 

  30. A. Al-Tamimi and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames According to BS 8110, CIVIL-COMP 95, Vol. : Developments in Computer Aided Design and Modeling for Structural Engineering, pp:91-100, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. 

  31. U. Uzman, A. Daloglu and M.P. Saka,  Optimum Design of Arches with Varying cross-section, CIVIL-COMP 95,Vol: Developments in Computational Technique for Civil Engineering, pp:227-235, August 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,  U. K. 

  32. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Neural Networks  Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer applications, Research and Practice, Vol. 1, pp:69-84, 6-8 April 1996, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. 

  33. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Civil Engineering on Computer Applications, Research and Practice, Vol. 1, pp:285-296, 6-8 April  1996,  University of Bahrain, Bahrain. 

  34. M.P. Saka, A.Daloglu and F.Malhas, Optimum  Spacing Design of Grillage Systems Using Genetic Algorithm, The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. E, pp: 137-148, 19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,  U. K. 

  35. M.P. Saka, The Theorems of Structural Variation for Grillage systems, The Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. E, pp:101-111, 19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. 

  36. S. Al-Mosawi and M.P. Saka,  Optimum Design of Cold Formed Thin Walled Steel Sections, The  Mouchel  Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil  and  Structural  Engineering, Vol. C,  pp:215-228,19-21 August 1997, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. 

  37. M.P. Saka and E. Kameshki, Optimum Design of Multi-Story Sway Steel Frames to BS5950 using Genetic Algorithm, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, pp:135-141,18th-20th August 1998 Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. 

  38. A. Sanad and M.P. Saka, Prediction of Ultimate Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Using Neural Network, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:147-157,  13th-15th September 1999, Oxford, England. 

  39. S. Weldali and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry and Spacing Design of Roof Trusses based on BS5950 using Genetic Algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:119-130, 13th-15th September 1999, Oxford, England. 

  40. E.S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Nonlinear Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections Using a Genetic Algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 99, The Seventh International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, pp:95-105, 13-15 September 1999, Oxford, England. 

  41. H.M. Assiri and M.P. Saka, Condition Assessment of Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Structural Components in the Bahrain Aluminum Smelter (ALBA), Proceeding of 6th International Conference on Deterioration and Repair of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf, 23rd-25th October 2000, pp:761-782, Bahrain Society of Engineers, Bahrain. 

  42. E.S. Kameshki and M.P.Saka, A Genetic Algorithm Based Optimum Bracing Design of Non-Sway Tall Steel Frames, Proceeding of 5th International Conference in Computational Structures Technology, pp:111-119, 6-8 September 2000,,Leuven, Belgium. 

  43. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Pitched Roof Steel Frames with haunched Rafters by genetic algorithm, CIVIL-COMP 01, The Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Paper 46, 19th-21th September 2001, Einsenstadt, Austria. 

  44. M.P. Saka, The theorems of structural variation for rectangular finite elements for plate flexure, CIVIL-COMP 03, The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2-4 September 2003, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands. 

  45. S. Savas, M. Ulker and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Topological Design of three-dimensional Solid Structures, CIVIL-COMP 03, The Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, 2-4 September 2003, Egmond-aan-Zee, The Netherlands. 

  46. E. S. Kameshki and M.P. Saka, Optimum Geometry Design of Non-linear braced domes using genetic algorithm, Paper No. 294, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures technology, Editors: B.H.V. Topping and C. A Mota Soares, Civil-Comp Press, 7-9 September 2004, Lisbon, Portugal. 

  47. A. A. Khalaf and M.P. Saka, Evolutionary Structural Design of  Steel gusset Plates, The Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Paper No. 122, CIVIL-COMP 05, 30th August-2nd September 2005, Rome, Italy. 

  48. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of grillage systems using the harmony search algorithm, Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, CST 2006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006. 

  49. M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Swaying Frames To BS5950 Using Harmony Search Algorithm, Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Civil,     Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 18-21 September 2007, St. Julians,  Malta. 

  50. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Cellular Beams Using The Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:81, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008. 

  51. S. Carbas and M.P. Saka, A Harmony Search Algorithm for Optimum Topological Design of Single Layer Lamella Domes, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:50, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008. 

  52. E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Unbraced Steel Frames to The LRFD-AISC Code Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Paper No:48, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlings, Scotland, 2008.

  53. F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of castellated beams using harmony search method, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal. 

  54. E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Particle swarm design optimization of moment resisting steel frames with semi-rigid connections to LRFD-AISC, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal. 

  55. S. Carbas, I. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, An adaptive harmony search algorithm based optimum design of steel frames according to LRFD-AISC, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 1-5, 2009, Lizbon, Portugal. 

  56. I. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, Ant colony optimization of irregular steel frames including effect of warping, Civil-Comp 09, The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September, 2009, Madeira, Portugal. 

  57. O. Hasançebi, T. Bahçelioğlu, Ö. Kurç and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of High-Rise Steel Buildings Using an Evolution Strategy Integrated Parallel Algorithm, Civil-Comp 09, The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September, 2009, Madeira, Portugal. 

  58. M.P. Saka, I. Aydoğdu and O. Hasançebi, Evaluation of recent improvements in harmony search based structural optimization algorithms, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.

  59. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of concrete cantilever retaining walls using harmony search algorithm, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.

  60. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum detailed design of RC continuous beams using harmony search algorithm, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 september 2010, Valencia, Spain.

  61. S. Savaş, M. Ülker and M.P. Saka, Evalutionary structural optimization of three dimesional solids under impact loads, The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.

  62. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of RC Column Sections Subjected to Axial Force andUniaxial/Biaxial Bending Using Harmony Search Algorithm, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey

  63. A. Akın and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls Using Harmony Search Algorithm, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.

  64. S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Optimum design of cold-formed open thin-walled sections using harmony search algorithm, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 27-30 September 2010, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.

انتشارات به زبان ترکیه‌ای

  • M.P. Saka, The Application of the Theorems of Structural Variation to Rigidly Jointed Frames, Journal of  Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul Turkey,Vol. 34,  No. 6, 1976. 

  • M.P. Saka, The Application of  the Theorems of Structural Variation in Shape Optimization of Structures, Proceeding of  Sixth Scientific Congress, Turkish Science and Research Council, Ankara, Turkey, October, 1977. 

  • M.P. Saka, The Application of  Theorems of structural Variation to frames with Tapered Members, Journal of Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 37, No. 6, 1979. 

  • M.P. Saka, Optimization Techniques, Lecture Notes, Published by State Academy of Engineering and Architecture, Elazig, Turkey, Publication No: 6, 1982. 

  • M.P. Saka and N. Cihan, Optimum Design of Space Trusses by Optimality Criteria Method, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September, 1983. 

  • R. Erdol, M.P. Saka and I. Sungur, The Effect of Warping in the Analysis of  Grillages, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September 1983. 

  • O. Demir and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Space Trusses by Mathematical Programming, Proceedings of Third National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September 1983. 

  •  A. Turhan, M.P. Saka and I. Sungur, Nonlinear Analysis of Space Trusses Proceedings of Fourth  National Congress of Mechanics , Istanbul Turkey,  September, 1985. 

  • M.P. Saka and O. Hartavi, Elastic-Plastic Analysis Frames with Tapered Members, Proceedings of Fourth  National Congress of Mechanics, Istanbul, Turkey,  September, 1985. 

  • M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of trusses by Mathematical Programming,  Proceedings Fifth National Congress of Mechanics, Bursa, Turkey, September, 1987. 

  • İ. Aydoğdu and M.P. Saka, Effect of warping in the analysis of irregular 3D steel frames under the lateral loads, Proceedings of Fifteenth National Congress of Mechanics, pp: 167-176, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta,  Turkey, 3-7 September, 2007. 

  • E. Doğan and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Steel Frames Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method According To LRFD-AISC, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics, Paper ID:49, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009.

  • F. Erdal and M.P. Saka, Optimum Design of Cellular Beams Using Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics,  Paper ID:50, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009. 

  • S. Çarbaş and M.P. Saka, Optimum Topology Design of Single Layer Lamella Domes Using Harmony Search Method, Proceedings of Sixteenth National Congress of Mechanics,  Paper ID:51, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 22-26 June, 2009.

فصولی از کتابها

  • Chapter 10: “Optimization Design of Skeletal Structures- A Review” in a book titled “Progress in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing”, Edited by B. H. V. Topping, Saxe-Coburg Publications, U.K, ISBN: 1-874672-20-9, pp: 237-284, 2003. 

  • Chapter 6, “Optimum Design of Steel Frames using Stochastic Search Techniques Based on Natural Phenomena: A Review”, in a book titled “Civil Engineering Computations: Tools and Techniques”, Edited by B. H. V. Topping, Saxe-Coburgh Publications, UK,  ISBN: 978-1-874672-32-6, pp:105-147, 2007. 

  • Section 2.3, “Structural Design”, of the Chapter titled “Recent Advances in Harmony Search” in a book titled “Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms”, InTech Publishing,  ISBN: 978-3-902613-32-5, May, 2008.

  • Chapter 8, Optimum Design of Steel Skeleton Structures”, in a book titled “Music-inspired Harmony Search Algorithm, Theory and Applications”, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 191, Ed. Z. W. Geem, ISBN: 978-3-642-00184-0, Springer, 2009.

  • Chapter 7, “Design Code Optimization of Steel Structures Using Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm”, in a book titled “Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design Optimization”,  Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Ed. Z. W. Geem, Vol. 239,  ISBN: 978-3-642-03449-7, Springer, 2009.

  • Chapter 2, “Optimization in Structural Engineering”, in a book titledHarmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design”, Old City Publishing, (Expected to be published in spring, 2010).

طرح‌های تحقیقاتی انجام شده

  • B. H. Ahmadi and M.P. Saka, “Improvement and Cost  Saving for Composite Wood-Concrete Floor Construction in Bahrain” ,Technical Report No. 18 , Research Sponsored by Bahrain Center for Studies and Research , November 1991 , Bahrain. 

  • M. P. Saka, İ. Aydoğdu and A. Akın, “Optimum Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures under Earthquake Loads”, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey, Project No: 106M490,    (50000US $), Started on: 1st  February 2007, To be Completed on: 1st  February 2009.

  • O. Hasançebi, M. P. Saka, Ö.Kurç, S. Çarbaş, E. Doğan, F. Erdal, T. Bahçecioğlu, “Optimum Design of 3-D Steel Frames using Stochastic Optimization Techniques and Applications in Structural Engineering in Turkey”, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK), Ankara, Turkey, Project No: 108M070,    (90000US $), Started on: 1st  June 2008, To be Completed on: 1st  December 2010

افتخارات کسب شده

  • TELFORD PREMIUM: Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London in 1979 for the paper titled “The Theorems of Structural Variation Generalized for Rigidly Jointed Frames” published in Proceedings of ICE, London, U.K. together with Prof. K. I. Majid  and Dr. T. Celik.

  • Given an Academic Excellence Award by the University  Administration for his    outstanding academic performance in College of Engineering  between 1994-1996 

  • Included in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, in each volume from 1998 to 2005.

  • Included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, International    Biographical Center, Cambridge CB2 3QP, England.

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