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پست الکترونیکی

تاریخ اخذ

محل تحصیلرشته تحصیلی


2003دانشگاه درکسل فیلادلفیا، امریکامهندسی سازهپسا دکترا
2001دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیهمکانیک سازه‌هادکترا
1996دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیهمکانیک سازه‌هافوق لیسانس
1994دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیهمکانیک سازه‌هاکارشناسی


  زمینه‌های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی


  سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

  مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین‌المللی (ISI, ISC)

  مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس‌های بین‌المللی داخلی و خارجی

  فصل کتاب

  پروژه‌های تحقیقاتی انجام شده

  افتخارات کسب شده


 زمینه‌های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی

  • بهینه‌یابی سازه‌ها
  • تحلیل سازه‌ها
  • شبکه‌های عصبی مصنوعی
  • سازه‌های فولادی
  • کاربردهای کامپیوتر در مهندسی سازه


  •  دانشیار دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیه، از سال 2004 تاکنون.

  •  پژوهشگر، دانشگاه درکسل فیلادلفیا، امریکا، از سال 2002 تا 2003.

  •  پژوهشگر پسادکترا، دانشگاه درکسل فیلادلفیا، امریکا، از سال 2001 تا 2002.

  •  پژوهشگر معین، فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیه، از سال 1996 تا 2001.

  سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

  •  مکانیک مهندسی 1

  •  تحلیل سازه‌ها

  •  بهینه‌یابی سازه‌ها

  •  اصول طراحی سازه‌های فولادی

  •  سازه‌های فولادی

  •  ارزیابی سلامت سازه‌ها

مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین‌المللی (ISI, ISC) 

  1. Hasançebi O, and Doğan E. A Comparative Study on Economical Span Lengths of Steel Truss Bridge Topologies Under Gravity Loadings. In: Proceedings of Ninth Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC), Beijing, China, October 2010.
  2.   Saka MP, Aydoğdu İ, and Hasançebi O. Evaluation of Recent Improvements in Harmony Search based Structural Optimization Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 2010.

  3.   Doğan E, and Hasançebi O . Investigating economical lengths of single-span truss bridge topologies under gravity loads, In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey, September 2010.

  4.   Hasançebi O, Bahçecioğlu T, Kurç Ö, and Saka MP. Optimum Design of High-Rise Steel Buildings Using an Evolution Strategy Integrated Parallel Algorithm. In: Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering . Stirling: Civil-Comp Press, Madeira, Portugal, 2009.

  5.   Hasançebi O, and Ulusoy AF. Discrete and continuous structural optimization using evolution strategies. In: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press, paper 23, 2005.

  6.   Ulusoy AF, Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. Discrete Optimization of Rigid Frames via Evolution Strategies. In: Proc. The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM’04), Seoul, Korea, September 2004.

  7.   Catbas N, Hasançebi O, Ciloglu K, and Aktan E. Fleet Strategy for Condition Assessment and its Application for Re-qualification of Pennsylvania's Aged T-Beam Bridges. In: Proc. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002.

  8.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. Yapi Optimizasyonunda Yeni Yaklasimlar, In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 6th International Congress, Ankara, November 2001.

  9.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. Layout Optimization Using GAs and SA, In: Proc. Workshop on Optimum Structural Design Using Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, San Francisco, 102-107, July 2001.

  10.   Hasançebi O, and Erbatur F . Layout Optimization of Trusses using Simulated Annealing “, The Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, In: Computational Engineering Using Metaphors From Nature (edited by B. H. V. Topping), pp. 175-190, 6-8 September 2000.

  11.   Hasançebi O, and Erbatur F. A genetic algorithm approach to determine most critical live load arrangements. In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th International Congress (Toklu, Y. C., and Erbatur, F., eds.), Gazimagusa, KKTC, 325 - 333, 2000.

  12.   Hasançebi O, and Erbatur F. Evaluation of crossover techniques in genetic algorithm based optimum structural design, In: Advances in Engineering Computation Technology (Topping, BHV, ed.), Civil Comp Press, Edinburg, 111-123, 1998.

  13.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. Structural design optimization using genetic algorithms. In: Proc. Ugur Ersoy Symposium, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1998.

  14.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. On use of genetic algorithms in structural optimization. In: Proc. 4th International Kerensky Conference, Structures in the New Millennium (Lee, P.K.K., ed.), Hong Kong, 655 - 660, 1997.

  15.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. GA based structural optimization. In: Proc. Worldwide ECCE Symposium, Computers in the Practice of Building and Civil Engineering, Finland, 263 - 268, 1997.

  16.   Erbatur F, and Hasançebi O. Uygulamaya donuk yapi optimizasyonu. In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 3th Congress (Erbatur, F., and Birgonul, T., eds.), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 127 - 136, 1997.

مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس‌های داخلی و خارجی

  1. Hasançebi, O. Çarbaş, S., and Saka, M.P., A Reformulation of the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Large Scale Structural Optimization. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Creete, Greece, September 2011.

  2. Hasançebi, O., and Doğan, E. A Comparative Study on Economical Span Lengths of Steel Truss Bridge Topologies Under Gravity Loadings. In: Proceedings of Ninth Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC), Beijing, China, October 2010.

  3. Saka, M.P., Aydoğdu, İ., and Hasançebi, O. Evaluation of Recent Improvements in Harmony Search based Structural Optimization Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 2010.

  4. Doğan, E., and Hasançebi, O., Investigating economical lengths of single-span truss bridge topologies under gravity loads, In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey, September 2010.

  5. Hasançebi, O., Bahçecioğlu, T., Kurç, Ö, Saka, M.P., Optimum Design of High-Rise Steel Buildings Using an Evolution Strategy Integrated Parallel Algorithm. In: Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press, Madeira, Portugal, 2009.

  6. Hasançebi, O., and Ulusoy A. F., Discrete and continuous structural optimization using evolution strategies. In: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press, paper 23, 2005.

  7. Ulusoy, A. F., Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. Discrete Optimization of Rigid Frames via Evolution Strategies. In: Proc. The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM’04), Seoul, Korea, September 2004.

  8. Catbas, N., Hasançebi, O., Ciloglu, K., and Aktan, E. Fleet Strategy for Condition Assessment and its Application for Re-qualification of Pennsylvania's Aged T-Beam Bridges. In: Proc. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002.

  9. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. Yapi Optimizasyonunda Yeni Yaklasimlar, In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 6th International Congress, Ankara, November 2001.

  10. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. Layout Optimization Using GAs and SA, In: Proc. Workshop on Optimum Structural Design Using Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, San Francisco, 102-107, July 2001.

  11. Hasançebi, O., and Erbatur, F., Layout Optimization of Trusses using Simulated Annealing “, The Fifth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, In: Computational Engineering Using Metaphors From Nature (edited by B. H. V. Topping), pp. 175-190, 6-8 September 2000.

  12. Hasançebi, O., and Erbatur, F. A genetic algorithm approach to determine most critical live load arrangements. In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th International Congress (Toklu, Y. C., and Erbatur, F., eds.), Gazimagusa, KKTC, 325-333, 2000.

  13. Hasançebi, O., and Erbatur, F., Evaluation of crossover techniques in genetic algorithm based optimum structural design, In: Advances in Engineering Computation Technology (Topping, BHV, ed.), Civil Comp Press, Edinburg, 111-123, 1998.  

  14. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. Structural design optimization using genetic algorithms. In: Proc. Ugur Ersoy Symposium, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1998.

  15. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. On use of genetic algorithms in structural optimization. In: Proc. 4th International Kerensky Conference, Structures in the New Millennium (Lee, P.K.K., ed.), Hong Kong, 655-660, 1997.

  16. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. GA based structural optimization. In: Proc. Worldwide ECCE Symposium, Computers in the Practice of Building and Civil Engineering, Finland, 263-268, 1997.

  17. Erbatur, F., and Hasançebi, O. Uygulamaya donuk yapi optimizasyonu. In: Proc. Advances in Civil Engineering, 3th Congress (Erbatur, F., and Birgonul, T., eds.), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 127-136, 1997.

فصل کتاب

  • Saka, M.P., and Hasançebi, O., Design Code Optimization of Steel Structures Using Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm. In: Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design, Ed. Z. W. Geem, Springer, 79-120, 2009.  

  • Saka, M.P., Aydogdu, I., Hasancebi, O. and Geem, Z.W., Harmony Search

  • Algorithms in Structural Engineering. In: Computational Optimization and Applications in Engineering and Industry, Eds. Slawomir Koziel and Xin-She Yang, Springer, 2011.

پروژه‌های تحقیقاتی انجام شده

  • Design of Transmission Towers to be Used in 380 kV, Double Circuit, Triple Bundled 1272 MCM (Pheasent) Conductor High Voltage Electricity Lines, METU-Revolving Fund Project (sponsered by Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation), Proje No: 10-03-03-2-00-90, Budget: 360,658 TL; 2010-2012. Position: Project Director

  • Optimum Design of Three Dimensional Steel Structures Using Stochastic Optimization Methods and Its Application to Engineering Practices In Turkey , TUBITAK Project ( sponsored by Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council) , Proje No: 108M070, Budget: 101,876 TL; 2008 – 2011. (Position: Project Director)

  • Investigating the Optimum Design of Multi-story Steel Buildings Using Stochastic Optimization Methods, METU-BAP Project (METU-Scientific Research Project), Proje No: BAP - 2008-03-03-02, Budget: 12,000 TL; 2008 – 2010. ( Position: Project Director )

  • Optimal Wind Bracing Systems for the Most Economical Design of Steel Buildings , METU-BAP Project (METU-Scientific Research Project), Proje No: BAP-2006-07-02-00-01, Budget: 2,130 TL; 2008 – 2009. ( Position: Project Director )

  • Finite Element Integrated Multi-Objective Optimum Topological Design of Butt Stock of Infantry Rifle, SANTEZ Project (sponsored by Ministry of Industry), Proje No: 285.STZ.2008-1, Budget: 101,591 TL; 2008-2011. ( Position: Researcher )

  • Optimum Practical Design of Steel Domes using Global Optimization Techniques , METU-BAP Project (METU-Scientific Research Project) , Proje No : BAP-2005-03-03-00-02, Budget: 5000 TL; 2005-2006. ( Position : Project Director )

  • R&D of economical seismic strengthening of masonry houses, TUBITAK Project ( sponsored by Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council) , Proje No: MAG 104I011, Budget: 40,000 TL 2004 – 2007. ( Position: Researcher )

  • Investigative Studies for Condition Assessment and Performance Evaluation of Commodore Barry Bridge , sponsered by Delaware River Port Authority of PA and NJ (DRPA), Budget: 1,050,000 USD (Phase I), 1,562,283 USD (Phase 2); 2001 – 2003. (Position: Researcher )

  • Re-Qualification of RC T-Beam Bridges in Pennsylvania , sponsered by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation; Budget: 800,000 USD, 2001 – 2003. ( Position: Researcher )

  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Optimum Structural Design , TUBITAK Project (sponsored by Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council), Project No: INTAG 554; 1997-2000 . ( Position: Researcher )

  • Structural Optimization with Artificial Intelligence Techniques , sponsored by Middle East Technical University, METU-BAP Project (METU-Scientific Research Project), Project No: AFP - 97-03-03-06; 1997–1999 . ( Position : Researcher )

  • Exploring Structural Behaviour of Wind Turbine Steel Lattice Towers and Investigation Their Optimum Designs, proposed to Ministry of Industry for support, Budget: 174,789 TL ( Position: Project Director )

  • Topology Optimum Design of Wind Turbine Reinforced Concrete Towers, proposed to TÜBİTAK for support, Budget: 101,500 TL ( Position: Project Director )

افتخارات کسب شده

  • جایزه بهترین پایان‌نامه دکترا، دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیه، 2001.
  • جایزه بهترین پایان‌نامه کارشناسی ارشد، دانشگاه فنی خاورمیانه آنکارا، ترکیه، 1996.

دفعات مشاهده: 8281 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1734 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 126 بار   |   0 نظر

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