Dr. Afandizadeh, Shahriar

Shahriar Afandizadeh Zargari



Professor of Civil Engineering Department

Program Area:

Transportation Engineering and Planning


(+98-21) 73227138


(+98-21) 77240398


zargari AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran

Professional Education:

•    B.Sc. Civil Engineering from Iran University of Science and TechNology
(With Average Grade Point of 3.49 out of 4)
•    M.Sc. Highway Engineering from Iran University of Science and TechNology
(With Average Grade Point of 17.01 out of 20)
•    Ph.D. Transportation and Traffic Engineering from Carlton University (Canada)
(With Average Grade Point of A)

Website: http://afandizadeh.com/cv
               Link to Google Scholar

 Teaching Experiences

•    Ph.D.: Transportation Modeling
•    M.Sc.: Transportation Demand, Transportation Planning, Public transportation, Transportation System Analysis and Transportation Project Evaluation
•    B.Sc.: Transportation Engineering, Railway Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Pavement and Highway Design.

 Vocational Experiences

•    Senior Advisor to the Deputy Mayor and CEO of Tehran Transport and Traffic Organization.
•    Senior Advisor to the Minister and Head of the National Center for Transportation Safety and Accidents.
•    Deputy Minister of Transportation of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.
•    Deputy Director of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipality.
•    Senior Advisor to the Deputy of Transport and Traffic of Tehran Municipality.
•    Advisor to the Minister of Roads and Urban Development in International Transport and Agreements
•    Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development and Head of Road and Transportation Organization
•    Managing Director of Tehran Municipality Comprehensive Transportation and Traffic Studies Company
•    Consultant and Supervisor of Transportation and Traffic Projects in the Country 
•    Director of Transportation Department, School of Civil Engineering - Iran University of Science and Technology.
•    Project Manager in Design and Implementation in the Fields of Construction, dam Construction, Sewage Treatment, Irrigation and Drainage Networks and Road Construction in the Country. 

Membership in Councils, Working Groups and Commissions

1.    Member of the Supreme Council of Traffic Coordination of the Country's Cities.
2.    Member of Iran Urban Planning and Architecture Council.
3.    Secretary of the Supreme Technical Council for Transport Infrastructure Affairs.
4.    The Secretary of the Council for the Organization of Authorized Land Entry and Exit Bases of the Country.
5.    The Secretary of the Transit Working Group of the Country.
6.    Member of the Council for Compilation of National Building Regulations.
7.    Member of the Council for the Implementation of General Environmental Policies.
8.    Secretary of the Country's Road Safety Commission.
9.    National Secretary of the Iranian Commission in the Trasica Corridor (Asia-Europe Transit).
10.    Secretary of the Country's Transportation Coordination Council.
11.    Secretary of Logistics Centers of the Country.
12.    - Head of the Transit and International Transportation Committee of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.
13.    Chairman of the Productivity Committee of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.
14.    Member of the Specialized Traffic Commission of Engineering System of Tehran Province.


  Research Experiences

A -Compilation and Translation of the Book

1.    Transportation Engineering (Translation), Printing of the University of Science and TechNology of Iran, First Edition in 2000 and Second Edition in 2005.
2.    Theoretical Foundations in Urban Studies (Compilation), Volume I, Nissa Publications, First Edition, 2016.
3.    Modeling and Analyzing Demand (Compilation) -Touch of the University of Science and TechNology of Iran, First Edition in 2018, and Second Edition of 2019. 
4.    Road Safety (Compilation), Printing of Jahad University of Kerman Province, First Edition, 2018. 
5.    Analysis of Transportation Systems and Socio-EcoNomic Models (Compilation), Iran University of Science and TechNology Publications, First Edition in 2019, Second Edition of 2020. 
6.    Fundamentals of Agent Modeling, Basis (Modeling Complex Natural, Social and Engineered Systems with Logo), (Translation), Imam Khomeini University Press, First Edition 2021. 
7.    Principles of Public Transportation Planning (Compilation) - Ayatollah Boroujerdi University Press - First Edition, Summer 2021.
8.    Traffic Flow Analysis Using Metaheuristics Algorithms, (Compilation) - Imam Khomeini University Press, First Edition 2022.
9.    The Principles of Traffic Safety Engineering (Compilation) – Ayatollah Boroujerdi University Press – First Edition, March 2023.

B) Articles

B-1) ISI and Research-Scientific Journals (English)

1)     A Simulation Model of the Bus Transit Way- Journal of Advanced Transportation- Volume 32- 1998. 
2)    Optimization of Travel in Bus Rapid Transit-Based Multimodal Corridors -Journal of Public Transportation-2003. 
3)    Fuel Consumption Model for Bus Rapid Transit, Journal of Advance Transportation, Volume 37, NO 2, 2003
4)    Sensitivity Analysis of Strategic Indicators in Pricing Model for Intercity Passenger Service, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No 2, 2003. 
5)    Estimation of Freight O-D Matrix Using Waybill Data and Traffic Counts in Iran Roods, Iranian Journal of Science and TechNology, Volume 30, No B1, 2006. 
6)    Selecting an Optimum Configuration of Urban One-Way and Two-Way Streets Using Genetic Algorithms, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 4, No 3, 2006. 
7)    Investment Optimization on Ports Development by Fuzzy Integer Programming, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 186, Issue1, 2008. 
8)    The Feasibility Study on Creation of Freight Village in Hormozgan Province, Transport, 2008. 
9)    An Integrated Urban Land Use and Transportation Demand Based on Lowry Linage, Journal of Applied Science, 2008. 
10)    Development an Approach for Tehran Residential Land Use Relocation Based on Equilibrium Trip Pattern International. Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 6. No 4, 2008. 
11)    A Hybrid Neuro- Genetic Approach to Short, Term Traffic Volume Prediction, International Journal of Civil Engineering Volume. 7. No 1, 2009. 
12)    Developing The Composed Probability Model to Predict Household Trip Production (A Case Study of Isfahan City), Transport. Vilnius: Technika, 2009, Volume 24, No1, 2009. 
13)    An Application of Combined Model for Tehran Metropolitan Area Incorporating Captive Travel Behavior, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2009. 
14)    Development of Bayesian Inference to Predict Household Trip Production (Case Study of Isfahan City), International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 7, No.3, 2009. 
15)    A Computational Intelligence-Based Approach for Short, Term Traffic Flow Prediction, The Journal of KNowledge Engineering, 2010. 
16)    Estimating the Parameters of Logit Model Using Simulated, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2010. 
17)    Determining the Likelihood Distribution of Average Household Trip Production (Case Study of Isfahan City), Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2010. 
18)    Simultaneous Determination of Optimal Toll Locations and Toll Levels in Cordon-Based Congestion Pricing Problem (Case Study of Mashhad City), International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2011. 
19)    Introduction a Modified Gradient Vector Method for Optimization of Accident Prediction Non-Linear Function, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Volume. 35, No 12, 2011. 
20)    The Optimization of Traffic Signal Timing for Emergency Evacuation Using the Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Transport, 2011. 
21)    Prediction of Accident Severity Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume. 9, No. 1, 2011. 
22)    Bus Network Modeling Using Ant Algorithms, Journal of Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2011. 
23)    Allocation Model of Rail Transportation Stations in GIS Environment. Amirkabir journals, 2011. 
24)    A Fuzzy Intervening Opportunity Model to Predict Home-Based Shopping Trips, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 39, 2012. 
25)    Presenting an Optimization Model for Signal Setting in The Network, Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering, Volume 4, No 1, 2012.  
26)    Bus Fleet Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm a Case Study of Mashhad, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2012. 
27)    A Partial Linearization Method for Multi- Objective Continuous Network Design Problem with Environmental Considerations, International Journal of Environmental Research, 2012. 
28)    Identifying the Optimal Configuration of one Way and Two-way Streets for Contraflow Operation During an Emergency Evacuation, Journal lf the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Volume 69, No 3, 2013. 
29)    Numerical Analysis of Thermal and Composite Stresses in Pre-Stressed Concrete Pavements, Computers and Concrete, Volume 11, No 2, 2013. 
30)    Optimal Signal Control in Urban Road Networks with High Priority Congested Centers, International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2013. 
31)    Novel Real Time Queue Estimation Method in over Saturated Road Networks, European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 100, No 2, 2013.
32)    An Ant Colony System Algorithm for the Time Dependent Network Design Problem, International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2013. 
33)    Traffic Control in over Saturated Arterials on the Basis of Metering Strategies and Improved Queue Estimation Method, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Volume 3, No 7, 2013. 
34)    Designing of Demand Models for Freight Public Transport in Intercity Roads of Iran, American Journal of Scientific Research, Issue 99, 2014.
35)    Mode Choice in Freight Transportation (Roads & Rail) Utilizing Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis Method, American Journal of Scientific Research, Issue 98,2014. 
36)    Real-Time Queue Length Estimation for Congested Arterials in Tehran, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 10, No 4, 2014.
37)    The Changing of the Limited Traffic Area in Tehran to the Cordon-Based Pricing Scheme, Emergencias. 2014.
38)    Evaluation of the Efficiency of Neural Networks and Statistical Models to Determine Daily Traffic Volume of the Suburban Roads of Mazandaran Province, Current World Environment, Vol. 10 (Special Issue 1), 2015.
39)    Optimization of Consecutive Signalized Intersections Based on Combined Algorithms, Comparing Results with Micro Simulation, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2015. 
40)    Modeling The Relationship Between All Network Access & EcoNomic Growth of Cities: Case Study of Iran, Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Science, 2015.
41)    Cordon Pricing Considering Air Pollutants Emission, Promet, Traffic & Transportation. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2016. 
42)    Improving Scats Operation during Congestion Periods Using Internal/External Traffic Metering Strategy, Promet, Traffic & Transportation. Vol. 28, No 2, 2016. 
43)    Optimal Traffic Lights Control Using Meta Heuristic Algorithms in High Priority Congested Networks, The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2016.
44)    Quick Link Selection Method by Using Pricing Strategy Based on User Equilibrium for Implementing an Effective Urban Travel Demand Management, PROMET-Traffic &Transportation 28 (6), 2016. 
45)    Development of a Model for a Cordon Pricing Scheme Considering Environmental Equity: A Case Study of Tehran, International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering. 2016. 
46)    Providing a Decision-Making Method for Evaluation of Exclusive BRT lanes Implementation Using Benefit-Cost Analysis–Case Study: Tehran BRT line 4, Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application 1 (1), 2017. 
47)    Technical and EcoNomic Analysis and Evaluation of Multimodal Terminals with a Focus on Performance of Port (Case Study of Noshahr Port), Helix 7 (2), 2017.
48)    Are Deceleration Numbers a Suitable Index for Road Safety? Proceedings Of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 2017.
49)    A Combined Model of Congestion Toll Pricing Based on System Optimization with Minimum Toll, Technical Gazette, Volume 25, Issue 4, 2018.
50)     Using Clustering Methods in MultiNomial Logit Model for Departure Time Choice. Hindawi, Volume 2020, 2020.
51)    Evaluating the Effect of Road way and Development Factors on the Rural Road Safety Risk Index, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020. 
52)    Comparison of Clustered-Based MNL and Duration Models in Departure Time Choice Modelling - Technical Gazette, Volume 28, No 1. 2021.
53)    A new Steady-State Traffic Noise Model for Estimating L10(h) On Free Flow Roads Using Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels. Building and Environment. Volume 196, June 2021.
54)      ybrid Approach of Technical Requirements Prioritizing to Meet the Needs of Road High-demand Public Transportation Under Uncertainty Conditions: A Case Study of Arba’een Trips. JournalsBooks. Case Studies on Transport Policy. March 2021. 
55)    A Structural Comparison Between the Origin-Destination Matrices Based on Local Windows with SocioecoNomic, Land-Use, and Population Characteristics, Hindawi, Journal of Advanced Transportation. Volume 2021, June 2021.
56)      Comparative Approach for Predicting Travel Time Reliability (A Case Study of Virginia Interstate). InNovative Infrastructure Solution, Volume 6, Issues 4, July 2021. 
57)    Optimizing Algorithm for Allocating Passengers in Shared Taxis, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 9, No 1, Summer 2021.
58)    A Model for Cordon Pricing Scheme Considering Spatial Equity, Transportation in Developing Economies, Issue 2, October 2021. 
59)    Hourly Origin– Destination Matrix Estimation Using Intelligent Transportation Systems Data and Deep Learning, Sensors, Issue 21, October 2021.
60)    Developing a Model to Determine the Number of Vehicles Lane Changing on Freeways by Brownian Motion Method, Nonlinear Engineering, Volume 10. Issue 1, November 2021. 
61)    Public Transport in Rural Roads: Measures to Increase Its Modal Share in Iran, Complexity, Volume 2021. Issue 1, December 2021. 
62)    Investigating the Effect of Marginal Areas around the Cities on Rural Road Accidents in Iran Using Linear and Logistic Regression Approaches, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, Winter 2022. 
63)    Pedestrian Self‑organization Modeling with Behavioral Variables at a Signalized Intersection, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No 1, March 2022.
64)    Novel Hybrid Method for Travel Pattern Recognition Based on Comparison of Origin-Destination Matrices in Terms of Structural Similarity, Promet–Traffic&Transportation, Volume 34, No 2, March 2022.
65)    A Novel Evaluation and Decision-Making Approach to Prioritizing the Service Quality Criteria in Road Transportation Systems, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 9, No 4, Spring 2022.
66)    Analyzing The Effects of Congestion on Planning Time Index – Grey Models Vs. Random Forest Regression, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Volume 2, No 276. May 2022.
67)    Evaluating the Efect of Heavy Vehicles on Traic of Two‑Way Two‑Lane Road in MountaiNous Area of Iran as a Developing Country, Iranian Journal of Science and TechNology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2022. 
68)    Determination of Passenger Car Equivalent for Heavy Vehicles in Iran in Comparison with Highway Capacity Manual 2016, Iranian Journal of Science and TechNology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2022.
69)    Travel Time Reliability Prediction by Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Models, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, Volume 1, No 1, December 2022.
70)    Investigating Factors Affecting Rural Crash Frequency at Marginal Areas Around Cities in Iran: A Random Parameter Modeling Approach, Transportation Letters, Volume 1, No 1, December 2022.
71)    Evaluating Geometric Design Characteristics of Two-Lane Two-Way Rural Roads on Crash Frequencies Occurrences, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No 1, February 2023.
72)    Predicting the Fluctuation of Travel Time Reliability as a Result of Congestion Variations by Bagging-Based Regressors, Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, Volume 1, No 1, May 2023.
73)    Using Machine Learning Methods to Predict Electric Vehicles Penetration in the Automotive Market, Scientific Reports, Volume 1, No 1, May 2023.
74)    A Model for Optimal Bus Routes Packaging in a Competitive Contracting Environment: A Case Study of Tehran, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Volume 13, September 2023.
75)    A Probabilistic Density Approach for Evaluating Factors Contributing to Injury Severity (Case Study: Borujerd-Khorramabad Rural Highway), International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 11, No 2. Autumn 2023.
76)    Investigation of Traffic Accidents Prediction Models and Effective Human Factors: A Review, Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application 1 (1), December 2023. 
77)    Modeling of Backward Elimination in Order to Estimate Demand in Rural Areas (Case Study: Qazvin Villages), Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application, Volume 8, No 1, January 2024.
78)    Application of Data Augmentation Techniques in Predicting Travel Time Reliability: Evidence from England, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No 1, March2024.
79)    Prediction of Traffic Flow Based on Calendar Data on Suburban Roads (Case Study: Chalus Road), Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Volume 1, No 1, March 2024.
80)    Deep Learning Algorithms for Traffic Forecasting: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison with Classical Ones, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Volume 2024, Issue 1, Jan 2024.
81)    Estimating Travel Time in the Helsinki Region Utilizing Sequential Bayesian Inference, Municipal Engineer, Volume 1, No 1, July 2024.
82)    Modeling of the Effect of Transportation System Accessibility on Residential Real Estate Prices: The case of Washington Metropolitan Area, USA, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Volume 1. No 1, August 2024.

B-2) Research-Scientific (Persian)

1.    Study and EcoNomic Evaluation of Systems in Transporting Fuel to Rail Station- International Journal of Engineering Sciences of Iran University of Science and TechNology, Volume. 12, No. 2, 2000.
2.    Evaluation Methods of Different Urban Transportation Systems in Tehran Regarding Air Pollution Reduction, International Journal of Engineering Sciences of Iran University of Science and TechNology, Volume. 12 No. 3, 2000.
3.    Designing Bus Network Using Genetic Algorithm, Amirkabir Research-Scientific Journal, No. 51, 2001
4.    Designing Public Transportation Network (Bus), Using Branch and Bone Method, Amirkabir Research-Scientific Journal, No 54, 2002.
5.    Designing Traffic Assignment between Highways and Intercity Arterials, Pajuheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, No. 1, 2004.
6.    Designing Price Model for Transporting Passengers in Intercity Roads of Iran, Pajuheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, Volume 1, No 5, 2004.
7.    Study and Evaluation of Supply and Demand Equilibrium Conditions for Freight Transportation from Gateways to Consumption Regions, Pajuheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, Third Year, No. 2, 2006.
8.    Using Ant Colony Optimization Method for Designing Public Transportation Network, Amikabir Research-Scientific Journal, No D-64, 2006.
9.    Designing a Model for Safety of City Entrances, Pajuheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, Volume 3. No 4, 2006.
10.    Model of Locating Urban Rail Transport Stations in GIS Environment, Amirkabir University of Medical Sciences, 2006.
11.    Development of Intercity Route Choice Model, Modares Technical and Engineering, No 27, 2007
12.    Comparing The Results of Neural Network Models to Predict the Number of Intersection Accidents, Transportation Journal, Volume: 4, Issue: 4, 2007.
13.    Analysis of Passenger Waiting Time in Metro Stations Using Simulation Techniques- Pajuheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, Volume 5, No 3, 2008.
14.    Analysis of the Waiting Time of Passengers in Subway Stationsusing the Simulation Technique Case Study of Tehran Subway, Transportation Journal, Volume 5, Issue: 1, 2008.
15.    Trip Generation Modeling Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Comparing with Regression Models, Amirkabir Research- Scientific Journal, Volume 69, 2008.
16.    Development of Mathematical Model for Passenger Flight Planning, Pajoheshkadeh Research-Scientific Journal of Transportation, Volume 2, 2008.
17.    Investigating The Methods of Optimizing Public Transportation Networks by Reducing Travel Exchange Times, Along with The Proposal for Development and Application in Tehran, Rahvar, 2008.
18.    Development of Methodology for Evaluating the Parameters Affecting the Demand for Air Travel in Iran, Industrial Engineering and Production Management, 2008.
19.    System of Toll Collection from the Country’s Road Network, Rahvar, 2009.
20.    A Model to Estimate the Number of Accidents in the City Case Study Zahedan, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 6, No 3, 2009.
21.    Prediction of Intersection (Level) Based on, Applying Statistic Models, Journal of Civil Engineering & Environment, Volume 38, No 3, 2010.
22.    Operative Analysis Model Regarding Selection of Effective Factors on Trip Demand by Intercity Bus- Journal of Transportation Research, No 22, 2010.
23.    A new Method for Optimization of Log Likelihood Function for the Purpose of Determining the Coefficients of Accident Prediction Models, No. 24, 2010.
24.    Development of a Model for Designing Urban Bus Transit Network Based on Tabu Search- Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 1, No. 4, 2010.
25.    Analyzing and Forecasting Railway Passenger Demand with Time Series Algorithm, Amirkabir Research- Scientific Journal, Volume 43, No 1, 2011.
26.    The Metro Line Network Design Based on Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Transportation Research, 2011.
27.    Estimation of Delay in Construction of Road Projects on Weather Conditions with Fuzzy Analysis, Journal of Transportation Research, 2011.
28.    Evaluate the Effect of Uncertainty in A Discrete and Continuous Demand in The Transport Network Design, Using Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume: 2, Issue: 3, 2011.
29.    Design of Network Transportation with Condition by Using Genetic Algorithms and the Ants Colony, Journal of Transportation Research, 2012.
30.    Application of Genetic Algorithm in Coordination of Variable Speed Limits and Ramp Metering, Journal of Transportation Research, 2012.
31.    An InNovative Methodology to Extend Intervening Opportunity Model for Predicting Home-Based Shopping Trips, Journal of Civil Engineering, 2012.
32.    Optimization of Location of Traffic Counting Points for Updating Origin- Destination Matrix Based on Multi-Objective Programming Mode, Journal of Transportation Research, 2013.
33.    Real-Time Queue Length Estimation for Congested Arterials in Tehran, Journal of Transportation Research, 2014.
34.    A model to Prioritize the Safety of level Crossings, Quarterly Journal of Rahvar Research, Summer 2014.
35.    Bus Travel Time Prediction Using Scats and Electronic Ticket Data (Tehran Case Study), Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume: 13, Issue: 3, 2016.
36.    Developing a Model for Estimating Weaving and Non-Weaving Speed within Highways Weaving Segments (Tehran), International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2016.
37.    Risk Assessment in Airlines Revenue Management in Terms of Possibility and Impossibility of Batch Booking, Journal of Transportation Research 14 (4), 2017.
38.    Identification of Road Accidental Locations Using Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis and Hierarchical Analysis (AHP / DEA), Journal of Transportation Research, No 53, 2017.
39.    Application of the Optimization and Meta-Heuristic Method to Reduce Bus Time Interval Case Study: Qazvin Bus Lines- Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 10, No 4, 2018.
40.    Integrated Modeling of Transportation and Land Use Using Simulation Methods (Case Study: Qom City), Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 18, No 1, 2021.
41.    The Use of DANP Method for Locating New Airports, Journal of Transportation Research, Year 18, Volume 2, Number 67, Summer of 2021. 
42.     Presentation of A Pedestrian’s Crossing Behavior Choice Model Based on A Latent Variable Approach, Journal of Transportation Research, Year 18, Volume 2, Number 67, Summer of 2021. 
43.     Modeling the Joint choice of Daily Activity Patterns of Household Members in Large Cities, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 12, Number 4, Summer of 2021.
44.      Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Modal Split Regarding Changes in Travel Time, Parking Cost and Operating Cost (Case Study: Qom), Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 18, No 68, Fall of 2021.
45.    Modeling the Effect of Behavioral Parameters on Mode Choice, Journal of Transportation Research, Year 18, Volume 4, Number 69, Winter of 2021.
46.    Assessing the Desirability of Using the Public Road Transport System with the Help of Information Analysis and Stakeholder Surveys (the Top 20 Terminals in the Country in Order of Priority), Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 13, Number 2, Winter of 2021.
47.    Estimation of Travel Time Index Using Machine Learning Methods, Journal of Transportation Research, Year 19, Volume 1, Number 70, Spring of 2022.
48.    Estimation Model of Origin and Destination Matrices in The Dynamic Assignment Model Under Congestion Conditions Journal of Transportation Research, Year 19, Volume 2, Number 71, May of 2022.
49.    Determining the Effect of Self-Driving Vehicles on Capacity in Arterial Passages. Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 19, No 72, Fall of 2022.
50.    Application of Density and Queue Length Functions in Mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 19, No 73, Winter of 2022.
51.    Determining the Effect of Traffic Management and Control Strategies on the Pattern of Suburban Travel during the Outbreak of Corona Virus, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 20, No 74, February 2023.
52.    Estimation of Basic Models of Activity Based and their Application and Implementation in the Structure of Activitysim, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 20, No 75, June 2023.
53.    The Role of Parallel Processing in Dynamic Assignment of Urban Public Transport Considering Capacity Constraint, Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 22, No 115, June 2023.
54.    Modeling the Formation of Trip Chains Using the Household Activity Plans, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 20, Issue3, No 76, Autumn 2023.
55.    Optimization Model of Ramp Input Rate, Variable Speed Limit and Highway Tolls based on Reinforcement Learning, Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 22, Issue3, no 116, Autumn 2023.
56.    Designing A Dynamic Model of Driving Behavior in Tehran, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 15, Number 1, Autumn 2023.
57.    Study of the Relationships Between the Components of the Urban Transportation System Evaluation Model Based on Sustainable Development Indicators (Case Study: Tehran Metropolitan Area), Urban Economics and Planning, Year 4, Number 3 -Autumn 2023.
58.    Modeling the Behavior of Pedestrians in Choosing the Time to Cross Urban Intersections, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 20, Issue4, No 77, Winter 2023.
59.    Spatial Modeling of the Spread of the Coronavirus due to the Mobility and Displacement of People (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis), Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 22, Issue4, No 117, Winter 2023.
60.    Optimal Routing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles Feeder Services in Urban Networks, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 21, Issue1, No 78, January 2024.
61.    Determining the Impact of Self-Driving Cars on Changes in the Number of Trips with Activity Sim Software, Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 23, Issue1, No 118, February 2024.
62.    Analysis of Effective Indicators and Determination of Different Passenger Car Equivalent in the Main Roads of Iran Software, Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 23, Issue, No 119, Summer 2024.
63.    Solving the Hub Location-Routing Problem for National Postal Network with an Integrative Approach, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 21, Issue2, No 79, Summer 2024.
64.    Clarifying the Place of Energy Consumption in the Transport Evaluation Model of the Metropolitan Area Based on Sustainable Development Indicators, Journal of Sustainable Energy Systems, Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2024.
65.    Travel Time Optimization Model in Public Bus Transportation by Using ITS, Road Scientific Quarterly, Volume 22, Issue3, No 120, September 2024.
66.    The Optimal Model of Dynamic Toll Pricing in Urban Freeways, Journal of Transportation Research, Volume 21, Issue3, No 80, September 2024.

B-3) Propagation-Scientific and Applied-Scientific Journals 

1.    Geotextiles and their Usage in Highway Engineering, Practical-Scientific Journal of Road, 1997.
2.    The Future of Intelligent Transportation, Journal of Transportation Industry, Feb, 1999.
3.    Study of Light Rail Transportation, Journal of Transportation Industry, Apr, 2000.
4.    Study of Traffic Control Tools in Areas Under Construction, Journal of Transportation Industry, May 2000.
5.    Location Finding for Container Terminals in Railroad Network, Journal of Transportation Industry, Aug 2000.
6.    Study of Management Methods of Urban Transportation Systems and its Role in Planning, Journal of Transportation Industry, Sep 2000.
7.    Study of Hidden Detriments of Unnecessary Trips of Urban Divers, Journal of Transportation Industry, Sep 2000.
8.    Study of Characteristics and Enhancing Motorcycle Transportation Systems in Tehran, Journal of Transportation Industry, 2000.
9.    Equipment, Schedule, and Income in Iran Transit, Journal of Transportation Industry, May 2000.
10.    Engineering Design in Highways Equipped with Intelligent Systems, Journal of Transportation Industry, May 2001.
11.    Study of Pricing Methods in Freight Transportation Services, Journal of Transportation Industry, Aug 2001.
12.    Evaluation of Public Transportation Level of Services, Journal of Transportation Industry, Sep 2001.
13.    Square Intersections and their Role in Urban Road Networks, Journal of Transportation Industry, Oct 2001.
14.    Role of Geometric Design of Roads in Producing Safe and Proper field for Transportation Vehicles, Journal of Transportation Industry, Dec 2001.
15.    Usage of Electronic Toll Collection in Roads, Journal of Transportation Industry, 2001.
16.    Presenting Methods of Reducing Energy Consumption in Transportation, Sharif Journal of Civil-Engineering, NO 30, Fall 2001.
17.    Need assessment Methodology for Optimum Timing in Signalized Intersections, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, Fall 2003.
18.    Presenting Demand Analysis for Intercity Trips, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, Winter 2003.
19.    Study of Types, Instructions and Function of Pedestrian Crossing, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, Summer 2004.
20.    Management of Determining Direction of Roads in Urban Networks with the Goal of Fuel Consumption Reduction based on Genetic Algorithm Modeling, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, Summer 2004.
21.    Appropriate Measures for Increasing Efficiency of Container Transportation Systems, Journal of Transportation Industry, July 2004.
22.    Railroad Network of Iran, Journal of Transportation Industry, Oct 2004.
23.    Study of Transportation Demand Management Approaches in Urban Areas, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, Fall 2005.
24.    Solving Route Choice Problems Using Logit Models, Journal of Tazehaye traffic, Spring 2006.
25.    Studying Effects of Human Factors in Geometric Design of Roads, Journal of Tazehaye traffic, Summer 2006.
26.    Developing Spaces around Subway Stations Creating Land Use of Retail and Services, Practical-Scientific Journal of Road, No 54, Summer 2006.
27.    Development of Analytical Method for Bottleneck Formation in Highways (After on Rams) Based on Volume, Delay Functions, Journal of Road, 2006.
28.    Development of an Allocation Model for Major Land Use of Trip Attraction for Urban Area, Journal of Tazehayetraffic, May 2007.
29.    Development of Model for Number of Public Vehicles Based on Demand Index, Journal of Traffic Management, June 2007.
30.    Designing of Bus Network for Kermanshah Urban Area, Journal of Tazehaye traffic, October 2007.
31.    Road Safety Estimation and Identification of Incidental Points, Journal of Traffic Management Studies, No 2, 2008.
32.    Model of Integrating Different Public Transport Systems to Optimize Travel Time and Investigate It Using Genetic Algorithm, Silk Road Journal of Ministry of Road and Transportation, 2009.
33.    Investigation and Comparison of Travel Production Models and its Effective Parameters for Emergency Discharge, Journal of Traffic Engineering, 2009.
34.    Models of Predicting the Intensity of Motorcycle Accidents on Urban Highways Using Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Traffic Management Studies,2009.
35.    Estimation of Demand Function of Agricultural Goods in Iranian Road Transport System. Journal of Students of Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2009.
36.    The Problem of Finding Optimal Complications for a Specific Belt in Busy Pricing, Journal of Traffic Engineering ,2010.
37.    Application of Ant Colony Hybrid Genetic Algorithm in Two-Level Terminal Positioning Problem and Bus Network Design, Journal of Traffic Engineering, 2011.
38.    Presentation of Optimized Method of Coordination of Time Intervals for Supersaturated and Sub saturated Conditions, Journal of Traffic Engineering, 2011.
39.    Presentation of Road Network Maintenance Optimization Model Using Ant-heuristic Algorithm, Road Journal, 2011.
40.    Robust Design of Transportation Networks in a Scenario-Based Demand Conditions with Genetic and Ant Colony Algorithms- Transportation Research Journal (TRJ), Volume 8, No 4, 2011.
41.    Bee Optimization Algorithm and its Applications in Transportation, Road Journal,2011.
42.    application of Genetic Algorithm in Coordination of Variable Speed Limits and Ramp Metering-Transportation Research Journal (TRJ), Volume 9, No 3, 2012.
43.    An InNovative Methodology to Extend Intervening Opportunity Model for Predicting Home-Based Shopping Trips, Civil Engineering Journal of Fardoci University, Volume 24, No 1, 2012.
44.    Presentation of Optimization Model of Road Network Maintenance with the Purpose of Increasing the Safety of Suburban Roads, Rahavar Scientific and Development Journal, 2012.
45.    Method of Calculating the Value of Complicated Complications in Urban Road Pricing Using Genetic Algorithm, Rahavar Scientific and Development Journal, 2012
46.    Estimating Parameters of Traffic Flow Prediction Model, Maintenance, for Tehran Highways, Journal of Traffic Engineering, 2012.
47.    Optimization of Location of Traffic Counting Points for Updating Origin- Destination Matrix Based on Multi- Objective Programming Mode- Transportation Research Journal (TRJ), Volume 10, No 2, 2013.
48.    Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Safety of Non-Belt Use in Suburban Public Vehicles, Rahavar Scientific and Development Journal, 2014.
49.    Application of a Combination of the Two Heuristic Methods of Genetic Programming and Genetic Algorithm in Optimizing Guidelines for Consecutive Junctions, Rahavar Scientific and Development Journal, 2016.
50.    Modeling The Risk of Collision Between Pedestrians and Vehicles at The Intersection in The Context of Traffic Interference Technique, Quarterly Journal of Traffic Management Studies, 2018.
51.    The Effectiveness of Technical Strategies on Urban and Suburban Traffic Relaxation, Rahavar Scientific and Development Journal, 2018.

C) Articles Submitted to Conferences

1.    Optimization of Travel in Integrated Urban Transportation Corridor, Submitted to Conference of CCEICE, Montreal, Canada, 1996.
2.    Partially Simultaneous Demand Modeling Framework, Submitted to Conference of CSCE (Canada Society of Civil Engineering), Halifax, Canada,1998.
3.    Bus Fuel Consumption Model, Submitted to Conference of CSCE (Canadian Society of Civil Engineering) London, Canada,2000.
4.    Designing an Optimization Model for Iran Transit Transit, 6th Conferences on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2001.
5.    Designing an Evaluation Method for TREP, 6th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2001.
6.    Prioritizing Construction of Container Terminals on the National Rail Network, Presented at the 6th Rail Transport Conference, 2001.
7.    Optimization of Trips in Urban Transport Corridors ,6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of TechNology, 2002.
8.    Method of Estimating Social Costs of Traveling by Public Transport and Automobiles and Subsidies, Sixth International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of TechNology, 2002.
9.    Application of Linear Programming to Improve Wheat Transportation Status in Iran, 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of TechNology, 2002.
10.    Designing Route Routing Methodology for Urban Buses, First National Congress of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of TechNology, 2004.
11.    Designing a Model for Determining Optimum Line Operating Capacity in Rail Transport System, First National Congress of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of TechNology, 2004.
12.    Analysis of Factors Affecting Pedestrian Accidents on Intercity Roads, First National Congress of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of TechNology, 2004.
13.    Presentation of Prioritization Method for Railway Safety in Iran, 2nd National Iranian Engineering Congress, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2005.
14.    Matrix Estimation of Origin, Destination of Goods Based on Bill of Lading Statistics and Traffic Counts on the Roads of Iran, Second National Congress of Iranian Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2005.
15.    Developing a Methodology for Analyzing and Evaluating Pricing Strategies in Urban Travel Demand Management, 2nd Iranian National Engineering Congress, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & TechNology, 2005.
16.    Investigation and Evaluation of Pricing Methods in Road Freight Transportation, Second Iranian National Engineering Congress presented at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & TechNology, 2005.
17.    The Effect of Changes in the Hours of Starting Daily Activities on Air Pollution Reduction, Conference on Air Pollution and its Effects on Health, 2005.
18.    The Role of Traffic Culture on Air Pollution Reduction, Conference on Air Pollution and its Effects on Health ,2005.
19.    Investigating the Role of Transport System Development on Air Pollution Reduction, Conference on Air Pollution and its Health Effects, 2005.
20.    The Effect of Reduction of Business Travel and Training on Pollution Reduction, Conference on Air Pollution and its Effects on Health, 2005.
21.    Presentation of a Combined Model of Travel Distribution and Traffic Allocation for Travel Purposes in Tehran ,7th International Congress of Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006.
22.    An Estimation of Total TurNover of a Multimodal Transportation Terminal, 7th International Congress on Civil Engineering Icce, Tarbiat Moddares University, 2006.
23.    Presentation of a Scientific Approach to Prioritize the Development of Substation Complexes around Subway Stations with the Purpose of Public Transport Development, Second Capital Construction Conference, Tehran University, 2006.
24.    Designing a Model for Locating Railway Stations Based on Line Capacity Increase, Eighth Rail Transport Conference, Iran University of Science & TechNology, 2006.
25.    Investigating the Impact of Inappropriate Traffic Culture on the Performance Indicators of Indoor Traffic Crossings, Third Regional Traffic Management Conference 2006.
26.    Presentation of Bus System Design Methodology (Case Study of Kermanshah City), 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, Tehran, 2006.
27.    Location of New Suburban Bus Terminals with the Aim of Reducing User Access Time, 7thConference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
28.    Investigation and Effect of Decentralization of Tehran Metropolitan Area on Improving Traffic Index, 7th Conferences on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
29.    Presentation of the Model of Attractive Travel Applications, 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
30.    Investigation of Replacement Indicators of Urban Light Intersections, 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
31.    General Model for Estimating the Number of Fleets Required by Public Transport System Based on Demand Index (Case Study: Taxi System of Tehran City), 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
32.    Presentation of a Methodology for Determining Travel Attrition Rate for Urban Area Applications, 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
33.    Presentation of the Model of Major Applications of Travel Adaptive Applications and Proposal for Future Development Using Transport Indicators ,7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
34.    Factors Influencing Safety at Crossroads, 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
35.    Applying Risk Index for Prioritization of Roads to Increase Safety of Pedestrians in Urban Roads, 7th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006.
36.    Investigation and Evaluation of Transportation Options in Emme/2 Software Environment and Presentation of Top Alternatives to Air Pollution Reduction in Tehran, Second Air Pollution Conference, Tarbiat Modarres University ,2006.
37.    The Effect of Motor Vehicle Tuning on Air Pollution Reduction, Tehran Second Air Pollution Conference, Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006.
38.    The Impact of Construction of Major Travel Adsorbents on Air Pollution- Second Air Pollution Conference- Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006.
39.    Investigation and Effect of Gas Conversion and Renewal Plan of Taxis Fleet on Tehran Air Pollution Reduction, Second Air Pollution Conference, Tarbiat Modarres University, 2006.
40.    Feasibility Study for Construction of Multipurpose Passenger Terminals in Iran, Second National Congress of Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, 2007.
41.    Designing an Accident Predictive Model at Intersections Using Statistical Models, Third National Congress of Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, 2007.
42.    Modeling of Accident Rates for Different Types of Inland Highways (Case study: Tehran), Third National Congress of Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, 2007.
43.    Evaluation of Factors Affecting Demand for Passenger Travel in the Isfahan-Tehran Corridor, Second National Congress of Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, 2007.
44.    An Application of Combined Trip Distribution and Assignment Model for Tehran Metropolitan Area Incorporation Captive Travel Behavior, 87th Avnnual Meeting, Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2008.
45.    Designing a Travel Demand Model at the Main Stations of the National Rail Network of Iran, 9th International Rail Conference, 2007.
46.    Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Model Based on Fuzzy Logic in Qazvin-Rasht-Eighth Conference of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
47.    Finding Optimal Complications for a Specific Belt in Busy Pricing, Eighth Transportation and Traffic Engineering Conference, 2008.
48.    Presentation of Short-term Solutions to Freedom Square and Its Role in Reducing Interference Travels and Increasing Service Level, 8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
49.    Feasibility of Applying Factor Analysis Technique to Reduce Data Structure in the Processes of Travel Creation and Fashion Selection from the Process of Air Traveling Modeling Process ,8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
50.    Estimation of Freight Demand Function in Road Transport System of Iran by Coherence Method, 8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
51.    Predicting Travel Time Using Vehicle Explorers and Presenting the Error Reduction Method -8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
52.    Formulation of Traffic Volume Forecasting Methodology Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Method -8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2008.
53.    Modeling Multivariate Analysis of Demand for Bus Passenger Trips Between Provinces, 4th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
54.    EcoNomic Evaluation of Modified Geometric Design of Cross-Border Crossings to Improve Safety, Fourth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
55.    Prioritizing Disaster Recovery Points in Roads Network, Fourth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
56.    Investigation and Evaluation of HCS and Synchro Software Applications in Urban Light Intersection Analysis, 4th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
57.    Investigating Methods for Measuring Road Slip Resistance and its Evaluation at Road Level, 4th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
58.    Evaluation of Defects needed to be regulated and provided for the Use of Road Safety Equipment (Protectors and Bumpers), 4th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
59.    Evaluation Of the Effects of Air Pollution Due to Transportation System in Tehran ,4th National Congress of Civil Engineering ,2008
60.    Investigating the Impact and Role of Video Imaging Systems in Disaster Management Discussion, 4th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2008.
61.    Forecasting the Traffic Share and Environmental Impact of BRT Using Discrete Choice models; Case Study of Isfahan, 8th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, 2009. 
62.    Presentation of a Methodology for Determining the Feasible Bus Route Network ,8th International Congress of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 2009.
63.    Presentation of Accident Prediction Models for Urban Roads Network, 8th International Congress of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 2009.
64.    Model of Urban Bus Fleet Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, 8th International Congress of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 2009.
65.    Vehicle Routing Methodology with Ant-Algorithm and Comparison of its Results with Neural and Warm-Bounded Search Algorithms, 8th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, Tehran, 2009.
66.    Identifying the Factors Influencing Road Traffic Accidents and Their Effectiveness, First National Conference on Road and Rail Accidents, Zanjan University, 2009.
67.    Presentation of Demand Model and Geographical Distribution of Fuel Consumption in Urban Transportation Network ,9th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2009.
68.    Evaluation of Dynamic Traffic Allocation Methods and their Applications in Transport Network Management, 9th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2009.
69.    Estimation of Road Transport Demand Function for Agricultural Goods from Khuzestan Province, 9th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2009.
70.    Designing and Manufacturing of Bus Stop Time Models at Special Bus Stations (Case Study: Tehran-Valiasr Railway Special Route), 9th Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2009.
71.    Developing a Model for Forecasting Demand for Petroleum Products in the Rail System of Iran, First National Conference on New Solutions for the Supply, Maintenance, Transmission and Distribution of Petroleum Products, 2009.
72.    Two-level Terminal Location Modeling and Bus Network Design Using Genetic-Colony Ant Colony Hybrid Algorithm, 10th International Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2010.
73.    Statistical Model for Estimation of Rail Network Length with Integrated Public Transport Network Approach ,10th International Conference on Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2010.
74.    Optimal Coordination of Traffic Lights Control ,10th International Conference on Traffic Engineering, 2010.
75.    Presentation of Pricing Model for Marginal Parking Using Economic Models ,10th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2010.
76.    Investigation of Traffic Based Traffic Allocation Algorithms, 10th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2010.
77.    Selection of Road Tolls in Public-Private Partnership Projects of Suburban Freeways by Construction, Operation, Assignment ,10th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2010.
78.    Analysis and Evaluation of Traffic Management Models for Urban Networks, 10th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2010.
79.    Comparison of Gradient and Conjugate Route Base Allocation Methods with Frank-Wolf Algorithm, Second National Conference on Civil Engineering, 2010.
80.    Investigation and Evaluation of Concentration Pricing Methods Based on Experiences of Other Countries, Second Conference on Urban Planning and Management, 2010.
81.    Application of Mathematical Optimization Techniques to the Problem of Traffic Allocation, Regional Conference on Modern Research in Mathematics, 2011.
82.    Presentation of Road Maintenance Optimization Model for Increasing the Safety of Suburban Roads, Second National Conference on Road Accidents, Rail and Air Accidents, 2011.
83.    Presentation of Optimization Model for Traffic Lights Scheduling Using Warm and Cool Simulation Algorithms, 6th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
84.    Investigating the Factors Influencing Accidents on Sandy and Dirt Roads, First National Traffic Safety Conference and Implementation Strategies for Improvement, 2011.
85.    The Effects of Traffic Relaxation Measures on Safety Improvement, First National Conference on Safety Traffic and its Implementation Strategies, 2011.
86.    Proposal of a Combined Hyper-heuristic Algorithm for Simultaneous Optimization Model of Bus and Terminal Network Design, Sixth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
87.    Presentation of Simultaneous Design of Multi-Modal Public Transport Network (Rail and Bus) Using Genetic Algorithm, 6th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
88.    Method of Calculating the Value of Complicated Complications in Urban Road Pricing Using Genetic Algorithm, Sixth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
89.    Design of Transportation Network Under Variable Demand Conditions, 6th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
90.    Presentation of Continuous Network Design Model with Tolls Belt, 6th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2011.
91.    InNovative Model of Metro Routing Routing Using Genetic Algorithm ,10th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
92.    Presentation of a Nonlinear Model of Maintenance and Maintenance of the Urban Road Network, 11th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
93.    Stable Equilibrium Allocation in Demand Elliptic Demand Uncertainty, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
94.    Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11thInternational Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
95.    InNovative Model of Rail Network Feeder Bus Design Using Antebellum Algorithm ,11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
96.    Presentation of Elastic Demand Multi-Compression Pricing Model in Urban Networks, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
97.    Evaluation of the Impact of Ramp Control on Highway Delay Using Microscopic Simulation (Case Study: Ashrafi Esfahani Entrance Ramp to Hemmat Highway), 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
98.    Analysis and Evaluation of Theoretical Foundations Effective in the Development of Models of Public Transportation Allocation, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
99.    Modeling Multi-Criteria Control Policy for over-Saturated Arteries, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
100.    Coordinated and Optimal Design of Variable Speed Permit and Controller of Input Ramp on Highway: Case Study: Sadr Highway, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
101.    Model of EcoNomic-Technical Evaluation of Out-of-Town Goods Allocation in Land Transport Options by Fuzzy Logic, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
102.    Modeling The Separation of Suburban Trips in Modes of Rail and Road Transport Using Fuzzy Logic ,11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
103.    Presentation of Elastic Demand Network Design Model Using Algorithm SA,11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
104.    Presenting a Method for Calculating Coefficient of Coordination in Suburban Areas, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
105.    , Introducing and Comparison of Traffic Counter Locator Models in the Inter-city Network for the purpose of Updating the Matrix of Origin, Destination of Travel ,11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
106.    Investigating the Behavior of Private Vehicle Drivers by Constructing High-Speed Lines in Buses Based on Economic and Social Properties, 11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2011.
107.    Model of EcoNomic-Technical Evaluation of Out-of-City Goods Allocation in Land Transport Options Using Fuzzy Logic ,11th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering ,2001.
108.    Multi-Purpose Model of Scheduling and Maintenance of Suburban Roads, Third National Conference on Civil Engineering, 2011.
109.    Localization of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Video Surveillance Cameras for Iranian Roads, Third National Conference on Urban Development, 2011.
110.    Presentation of Decision Algorithm for Increasing Sustainability of Urban Transportation Network Using Network Analysis Process (ANP) Technique ,12th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2012.
111.    Evaluation of Sustainability Indicators and Strategies in Urban Transport Network Using Entropy and Topsis Techniques ,12th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2012.
112.    Investigation and Evaluation of Integrated Land Use and Transport Models for Use in Tehran, 12th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2012.
113.    Optimization of Time-Dependent Network Design Problem Using Ant Colony System, Case Study: Semnan, 12th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2012.
114.    Artificial Intelligence-Based Software with Urban Transportation Network Evaluation Function, 11th National Conferences on Intelligent Systems, 2012.
115.    Evaluation of Different Methods of Simulation of Traffic Lights in Urban Network, 11th National Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2012.
116.    Predicting The Number of Traffic Accidents at Urban Traffic Lights and Intersections Using the Neural Network, Third International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, 2012.
117.    General Model Estimating the Number of Fleets Required by Public Transport System Based on Demand Index, Case Study of Taxis System in Tehran, 7th Civil Engineering Congress, 2012.
118.    Investigating the Behavior of Users by Constructing Special Lines on Urban Highway (Case Study: Tehran City), University of Isfahan, 7th Civil Engineering Congress, 2012.
119.    Time-Dependent Transportation Network Design Considering Land-Use and Equity Issue Between Land Owners with Ant Colony Optimization Method- 9th National and International Congress of Civil Engineering, 2012. 
120.    A Model for Evaluating the Dynamic Impacts of Highway Pricing on the Selection of Urban Transportation Travel Routes in Tehran Daily Travels ,13th International Conferences on Transport and Traffic, 2013.
121.    Multi Criteria Evaluation of Transport Systems for Access to Mehrabad Airport Using Topsis Method., 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
122.    Multi Criteria Evaluation of Transport Systems for Access to Mehrabad Airport Using Topsis Method., 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
123.    Dynamic Model of Airline Revenue Considering the Risk and Permissibility of Group Reserves, 13th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
124.    Barriers to Implementation of Urban Development with Public Transport Focus, 13th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
125.    Intelligent Methods and Systems for Paying Toll Charges for Implementation of Traffic Pricing Plan ,13th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
126.    The Effect of Marginal Parking on Latency at Traffic Light Intersections Using Aimsun Software with Model Calibration for An Intersection in Tehran, 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
127.    Designing a Potential Road Hazard Index Model Based on Traffic Violations, 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
128.    A Review of the Behavioral Models of Drivers of Vehicles, 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
129.    Presenting a Range Pricing Model Using the Banned Search Algorithm, 13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
130.    Developing a Statistical Model for Forecasting the Daily Traffic Volume of Suburban Roads Case Study of Mazandaran Suburbs, 13th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2013.
131.    Investigation of Locating Methods for Red Crescent Population Relief Bases, 13thInternational Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2013.
132.    Analysis of the Three-Lane High-Speed Bus (BRT) System in Tehran Using AHP And Comparative Study with Bogotá, Colombia ,13th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering ,2013.
133.    Investigating the Effects of Social Equality Considerations on the Problem of Time-dependent Network Design, Case Study: Semnan, First National Conference on Transport Infrastructure, 2013.
134.    Presenting an Optimal Location Model for Riders around the Pricing Range to Reduce Injustice to Users of Personal Vehicles, Eighth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2014.
135.    Introducing a New Strategic Planning Structure to Increase the Productivity and Efficiency of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Tehran, National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Urban Management, 2014.
136.    Designing and Implementing Safer Roads, Fifth National Conference on Traffic Management, 2014.
137.    Location of Bus Stations in Sequential Intersections Using Aimsun Software Case Study: Delawarean St, Intersection of Seraj Intersection to al-Ghadir Square, Eighth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2014.
138.    Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Safety of Non-Belt Vehicles in Suburban Urban Vehicles (Case Study: Central-Qom-Lorestan Province), Third National Conference on Road Accidents, Rail and Air Accidents, 2014.
139.    Modeling the Role of Human Factor in Accidents Using Artificial Neural Network ,14th International Conference on Transport and Traffic ,2014
140.    Analysis of Travel Demand with Approach to Neural Network Model and Regression Method, Case Study (Khalkhal, Ardabil), 14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2014.
141.    Estimation of Per Capita Parking Lots for Ahvaz City, 14th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2014.
142.    Evaluation of the Masters of BRT Bus System Using Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) and Comparative Study with BRT of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ,14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering ,2014.
143.    Optimal Timing of Serial Intersections to Reduce Delay by Combining Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm ,14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering ,2014.
144.    Decision Making Algorithm for Converting the Square to the Lighted Intersection and vice versa, 14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2014.
145.    Investigation of the Performance of Statistical Models in Predicting the Daily Traffic Volume of Urban Suburbs by Investigating the Suburbs of Mazandaran Province, 14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2014.
146.    Development of Prioritization Model for Construction of Intelligent Complexes of Road Services in Iranian Provinces, 14th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2014.
147.    Risk Analysis and Uncertainty in Baseline Activity Models, 14th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2014.
148.    Identification and Prioritization of the Factors Affecting the Safety of Non-Belt Vehicles in Suburban Urban Vehicles (Case Study: Central-Qom-Lorestan Province), Second National Conference on Road Accidents, Rail and Air Accidents, 2014.
149.    Presenting an Optimal Location Model for Riders around the Pricing Range to Reduce Injustice to Users of Personal Vehicles, Eighth National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2014.
150.    The Effect of Traffic Management Strategies on Metropolitan Traffic Concentration (with Emphasis on Tolls Pricing), 10th International Congress of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Tabriz, 2015.
151.    Comparison and Prioritization of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements in Transport Infrastructure, First National Conference on Concrete Procedures, Tehran, 2015.
152.    Investigating Methods of Locating Police Operational Teams Using Road Accident Management Implementation Approach, Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, Tehran, 2015.
153.    Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Non-Use of Helmets in Motorcyclists (Case Study: Damavand City), Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, Tehran, 2015.
154.    Evaluation and Prioritization of Provinces Safety Indicators in Road Transport, Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, Tehran, 2015.
155.    Dynamic Model of Airlines Revenue Management Considering the Risks Involved in Allowing Batch Booking, Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2015.
156.    Evaluation of Combined Fashion of Urban Bike and Urban Style Train in Metropolis Using Hierarchical Analysis (Case Study: Mashhad), 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
157.    Development of Trip Production and Attraction Models Divided to Land Use Type in Tehran Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Studies. The 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, Tehran 2015.
158.    EcoNomic Assessment of Shared Bicycle System in Urban Light Rail Combined Trips in Metropolises (Case Study: Mashhad), 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
159.    Presentation of a Practical Approach for Intelligent Traffic Control of Highway Corridors with Ramp Control Approach (Case Study: West Mission Highway from Sayyad to Khand Dam Bridge), 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
160.    Modeling Workplace Selection and Location Using Discrete Selection Models, 15th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
161.    Assessing the Impact of Speed Control Cameras on Reducing Road Accidents and Speed Violations on Isfahan Roads (Case Study: Esfahan-Delijan Axis), 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineeringc, 2015.
162.    Offshore Road Prioritization Model for Speed Control Cameras Using Network Analysis Process (ANP) (Case Study: Isfahan Province Roads), 15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
163.    Accessibility and its Interactive Role between Transport and Land Use, 15thInternational Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
164.    Development of a Meta-Heuristic Method for Solving the Optimal Location Problems of Combined Freight Terminals Considering the Time Value of Goods ,15th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
165.    EcoNomic Evaluation of Rail Freight Transport Development by Sustainable Transport EcoNomic Indicator Approach (Case Study: Tehran Metro), 15thInternational Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
166.    Prioritizing Safety Measures in Suburban Roads Using the RSAR Method, 15th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2015.
167.    The Effect of Traffic Management Strategies on Metropolitan Traffic Concentration with Emphasis on Tolls Pricing, Tabriz University, 10th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2015.
168.    Comparison and Prioritization of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements in Transport Infrastructure, First National Conference on Concrete Procedures, Tehran, 2015.
169.    Investigating Methods of Locating Police Operational Teams Using the Road Accident Management Implementation Approach, Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, 2015.
170.    Prioritizing Factors Influencing Helmet Use in Motorcycle Riders (Case Study: Damavand City), Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, 2015.
171.    Evaluation and Prioritization of Provinces Safety Indicators in Road Transport, Fourth International Conference on Road Traffic Accidents, 2015.
172.    Selection of Non-planar Intersection Based on Socio-Technical Indicators and Using Multilateral and Group Decision Making Techniques, International Conference on Urban EcoNomics, 2016.
173.    Dynamic Model of Airlines Revenue Management Considering the Risks Involved in Allowing Batch Booking, Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016.
174.    Identification of Citizens Satisfaction Indicators for Qhazvin Bus Service Quality, 16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2016.
175.    The Necessity of Using Perspective Theory and Identifying and Exploring the Parameters of This Theory in Travel Selection Analysis, 16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2016.
176.    The Impact of Traffic Limitation on the Status of Commercial Uses in Central Tehran, 16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2016.
177.    Technical And EcoNomic Assessment of Tagi Abad Railway Troubleshooting ,16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic ,2016
178.    Estimation of Travel Time for Public Transportation (Using SCATS Software and Electronic Ticket Data), Tehran City Case Study, Iranian Intelligent Systems Conference, 2016.
179.    Presentation of Optimal Model for Rescue and Rescue of Police Operational Teams Using ANP Method, 16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2016.
180.    Prioritizing Mass Transport Vehicles at Traffic Lights and Squares (Case Study: BRT Imam Khomeini Line, Rasht), 16th International Conference on Transport and Traffic, 2016.
181.    Analysis of Relationships between Personality Traits and Driving Error Reduction Capabilities Based on Drivers’ Demographic Characteristics, Ferdosi University of Mashhad ,9th National and International Congress of Civil Engineering ,2016.
182.    Prioritizing Mass Transport Vehicles at Traffic Lights and Squares (Case Study: BRT Imam Khomeini Line, Rasht), 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
183.    Model for Evaluating the Use of Pedestrian Bridges (Mechanized and Non-Mechanized) Based on Influential Indicators, 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
184.    Impact Model of Traffic on Suburban Road Accidents (Case Study: Khuzestan Suburban Roads), 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
185.    Analysis and Evaluation of Factors Affecting Citizens’ Use of Bicycles (Case Study: Tehran Region 5), 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
186.    Method of Determining Selection Set in Distribution of Shopping Trips in Large Cities, 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
187.    Prioritizing Mass Transport Vehicles at Traffic Lights and Squares (Case Study: BRT Imam Khomeini Line, Rasht), 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
188.    Presentation of Simultaneous Modeling of Pricing and Road Development in Urban Transport Networks, 16th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
189.    Road Safety Assessment Based on Compatibility of Route Geometry Using Smartphone GPS, 16th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
190.    Evaluation of Multi-criteria Transport Projects and Programs, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
191.    Travel Demand Model with Regression Approach and Logit Model, Case Study on One of the Axes Under Construction ,17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
192.    Prioritizing Public Transport Systems in Residential-Commercial Land Use Metropolises Using Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) Method, Case Study: Tohid Street, Mashhad, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
193.    Evaluation of Inter-University Transport Systems with Sustainable Development Approach, Case Study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineeringc, 2016.
194.    Evaluation of the Performance of Torpedo Intersections After Replacing the Direct Left Turn with the Center Turning Without Removing the Traffic Light, 2nd Conference on Civil, Architecture and Crisis Management, 2016.
195.    Evaluation of Traffic Relaxation Plans in Metropolises Using Hierarchical Analysis (AHP) Method, Case Study: Mashhad City, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
196.    Analysis of Urban Development Policies in Transport and Land Use in MoNonuclear Cities and Developing Appropriate Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Urban Transport in them (Arak City Case Study) ,17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
197.    Environmental Criteria for the Evaluation of Road Transport Projects, 17th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
198.    Prioritizing Passage Development to Reduce Network Vulnerability as a result of Functional Disorders, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
199.    Evaluation of Traffic Law Training and Reminder Methods in Metropolis, Case Study: Mashhad, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
200.    Application of Optimization and Metabolization Method to Reduce Bus Time Interval (Case Study: Qazvin Bus Lines), 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
201.    Modeling Backlog Elimination Regression to Estimate Demand in Rural Areas (Case Study: Qazvin Villages), 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
202.    Estimating Average Business Day Traffic Using Bayesian Data Update, 17th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
203.    Uncertainty about the Performance of Transport Systems in The Face of Terrorist Attacks, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
204.    Investigating Indices Affecting Non-Aviation Income Approaches with Airport Approach, 17thInternational Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
205.    Investigating the Impacts and Indicators of EcoNomic Development of Transportation Systems, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
206.    Prioritizing EcoNomic Evaluation Indicators of Internet Taxi System in Metropolises, Case Study: Mashhad, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
207.    Visual Impacts, Effects on Energy Consumption, Land Use Effects, and Cultural and Social Impacts on Transportation System Evaluation, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
208.    The Effect of Improving Transport Laws and Regulations to Increase the Efficiency of Transportation Safety Systems, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
209.    Presenting a Road Assistance Model to Improve the Performance of Emergency Medical Officers at the scene ,17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
210.    Method of Selection Selection in Distribution of Shopping Trips, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
211.    Presentation of Appropriate Organizational Structure for Disaster Management and Relief in Road Transport Network, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
212.    Presentation of Optimal Model of Transport Management and Fuel Consumption in the Country, 17th International Conference on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2016.
213.    Assessment and Modeling of Road Accidents Prediction by Combined Models (Case Study: Tehran-Tabriz Freeway), 11th National Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, 2017.
214.    Analysis and Modeling of Costs of Unauthorized Parks in Business Centers of Cities (Case Study: Qazvin) ,11th National Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran ,2017
215.    The Effect of Car Bosses on Travel Mode Selection Considering Three Variables of Travel Time, Parking Cost and Operating Cost (Case Study: Qom City), 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
216.    Prioritize Infrastructure Factors to Increase the Safety of Two-Way Roads, 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
217.    Investigating the Effect of High-Speed Buses (BRT) on the Amount of Air Pollution Emission by 2Tier Method - (Case Study of Rasht BRT Line one, Imam Khomeini Street), 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
218.    Creating A New Indicator to Check Road Safety Based on Traffic Inputs (Study Area: Qazvin-Abik Road) - 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
219.    Investigate and Study Traffic Calming Methods- 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
220.    Traffic Safety Forecasting Using Pso-svm Method and Post-Release Neural Network- 18th International Conferences on Traffic &Transportation Engineering, 2020.
221.    Provide Architecture Consistent with The Big Data of Transportation and Traffic of Big Cities, Case Study: Large Traffic Data in Tehran- 12th National Congress of Civil Engineering, 2020.
222.    Planning Level Estimation of Travel Time Reliability for Virginia Interstate Highways. Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 2021.

D) Theses (In Master's and Doctoral Degrees as Supervisor):

In More Than 225 Dissertations in Master's and Doctoral Degrees as Supervisors, I Have Directed the Students' Thesis at Various Universities.
Supervising M.Sc. and Ph. D Theses
1.    A Method for Optimum Usage of Central Traffic Network for Mid-sized Cities, 1995.
2.    Study of Motorcycle Role in Passenger Transportation in Tehran, 1995.
3.    Enhancing Urban Lighting Systems with the Goal of Reduction of Accident Rate, 1996.
4.    Enhancing Public Transportation Systems with the Goal of Air Pollution Reduction, 1996.
5.    EcoNomic Evaluation of Fuel Transportation Systems to Railroad Station and its Comparison with Other Transportation Systems, 1998.
6.    Evaluation of Iran Transit Network and Designing a Model of Optimum Itinerary for Transit Corridors, 1999.
7.    Evaluation of Container Transportation Systems for Prominent Iran Corridors, 1999.
8.    Study and Optimization of Cycle Time of Mineral Wagons, 1999.
9.    Determining a Method for Designing Bus Route Network, 2000.
10.    Designing a Model for Determining Capacity of Railroad Network Lines, 2001.
11.    Designing a Simulation Model for Predicting Rail Accidents and Casualties, 2001.
12.    Optimizing Location of Railroad Stations, 2001.
13.    Determining Expense Indices and Designing a Pricing Model in Intercity Roads, 2001.
14.    Designing a Route Choice Model in Urban Rail Systems, 2002.
15.    Designing a Methodology for Determining Origin-Destination Matrix of Freight Based on Traffic Counts Surveys in Iran Routees, 2002.
16.    Determining a Proper Classification for Using Safety Equipments and Signs in Iran Routees, 2003.
17.    Studying and Determining the Factors Which Affect Attractiveness of Trains to Passengers and Introducing Measures for Increasing Them, 2003.
18.    Designing a Traffic Assignment Model in Highways and Rural Arterials, 2003.
19.    Study and Evaluation of Safety Procedures for Introducing a Proper Approach in Enhancing Road Safety Equipments and Signs, 2003.
20.    Continuous Optimization of Transportation Systems, 2003.
21.    Optimizing Urban Roads Network Using Genetic Algorithm, 2003.
22.    Designing a Vehicle Ownership Model and its Effect on Travel Demands Models (City of Kermanshah), 2003.
23.    Designing a Methodology for Creating Network of Urban Bus Lines, 2003.
24.    Designing a Dynamic Traffic Model for Urban Squares, 2004.
25.    Designing Bus Lines Using Genetic Algorithm, 2004.
26.    Study and Evaluation of Pricing Methods in Road Freight Transportation and Presenting Proper Measures in that Respect, 2004.
27.    Analysis and Evaluation of Iran Road Network for Passenger and Freight Transportation, 2004.
28.    Designing a Model for Determining Safety Indices in Entry Squares of Cities, 2004.
29.    Analysis and Evaluation of Iran Rail Network Regarding Passenger and Freight Transportation, 2004.
30.    Designing a Demand Model for Passing Freight through Iran, 2004.
31.    Determining a Methodology for Location Finding of Overpass Pedestrian Crossing Using Demand Model of Users, 2005.
32.    Designing and Presenting an Index for Determining a Proper Mechanism of Traffic Calming in Local Streets and Study of Its Effects, 2005.
33.    Study and Evaluation of Motorcyclists Delinquencies in Urban Trips (City of Tehran), 2005.
34.    Presenting a Methodology for Analyzing Condition of Traffic Bottlenecks in Urban Highways (After Entry Ramp) Based on Volume-Delay Equations, 2005.
35.    Study and EcoNomic Evaluation (Cost-Benefit Method) in Urban Elevated Train System, 2005.
36.    Optimum Route Choice for Bus Service Using Simulated Algorithm of Simulated Annealing, 2005.
37.    Modeling of Freight Transportation Operation in Container Terminals using Fuzzy Logic, 2005.
38.    Presenting a Methodology for Assessing Traffic Effects of Creating Major Trip Production and Attraction Land Uses, 2005.
39.    Presenting a Methodology for Procedures of Network Analysis in Emme/2 and Transcad Software and Introducing a Method for Transmitting Networks from Emme/2 to Transcad, 2005.
40.    Designing a Model for Estimating Traffic Volume Using Neural Network, 2006.
41.    Designing a Model for Reducing Fuel Consumption and Pollutions in Urban Transportation, 2006.
42.    Designing an Emission Model for Transportation Vehicle Sin Urban Areas, 2006.
43.    Presenting a Methodology for Forecasting Trip Generation Using Artificial Neural Network, 2006.
44.    Designing a Model for Forecasting Number of Accidents in Intersections Using Statistical and Neural Network Analysis, 2006.
45.    Designing and Expanding a Mathematical Model for Scheduling Passenger Airplanes, 2006.
46.    Identification of Factors Affecting Urban Accident and Developing a Model of Them, 2006.
47.    Developing a Model for Locating Multi-Level Parking in Metropolitan CBDs, 2006.
48.    Developing Model of Lane-Changing Length in Highway U-Turns Based on Geometric and Traffic Parameters, 2007.
49.    Developing Positioning Models for the Urban Parking Lots Based on Merging AHP Method and GIS Analysis, 2008.
50.    Developing Model for the Traffic Flow Estimation Based on Applying Fuzzy Logic, 2008.
51.    Developing Urban Bus Lines Based on Applying Meta-Heuristic Method of Searching on basis of Prohibition, 2008.
52.    Developing Positioning Model for Suburban Bus Terminal Based on Titz & Bart Algorithms, 2008.
53.    Developing Model of Intercity Trip Demands & Passenger Transportation in Iran, 2008.
54.    Determination of Methodology for Security Rate of Urban Tunnels Regarding Representation of Appropriate Methods for Improving Their Security, 2008.
55.    Investigation for Sufficiency of Risk Management Methodology & Evaluation the Security of Railroad Passenger Transportation, 2008.
56.    Developing Public Transportation Model Demand in Suburban Road Trips in Ardebil Province, 2008.
57.    The Metro Network Design Model by Using Genetic Algorithms, 2010.
58.    The Optimization Model Designed to Locate Terminals and Bus Routes within the Town Using a Genetic Algorithm, 2010.
59.    Urban Network Design Using Ants Algorithm and Gradient Image, 2010.
60.    Multi Class Multi Layered Pricing Model in Urban Transportation Network, 2010.
61.    Assessed the Effects of Changes in the Radius of the Arch of Input and Output Field to Urban Transport by Using Simulation Models, 2010.
62.    On-Street Parking Pricing Modeling in the Central Business District up City, (Case Study of Tehran), 2010.
63.    Transportation System Utility Function Model Used to Possible Model, 2010.
64.    Ant Colony Algorithm for Modeling Maintenance Management Planning in Road Networks, 2011.
65.    Ant Colony Optimization of Network Design with Demand Uncertainty, 2011.
66.    Urban Transport Project Scheduling Model with the Ant Colony Algorithm, 2011.
67.    A Genetic Approach to Multimodal Transit Network Design (Rail, Bus), 2011.
68.    Evaluation of Ramp Control Effectiveness Indices Highway Traffic Microscopic Simulation Approach, 2011.
69.    Analysis of the Effect of Fuel Prices on Consumption and Demand Management in Urban Transport Sector, 2011.
70.    Developed A Model of Separation of Urban Passenger Transport, Rail and Road Options, 2011.
71.    Suburban Bus Trip Planning Model Using Genetic Algorithm in GIS, 2011.
72.    Designing Potential of the Model Based on Drivers' Traffic Violations, 2011.
73.    Matrix is Estimated Using a Model-Based Methodology Shopping Trips Home Opportunity, 2011.
74.    A Tabu Search Algorithm for Joint Cordon and Parking Base Pricing in Urban Transportation Network, 2011.
75.    A Simultaneous Model for Optimal Cordon Pricing and Continuous Network Design Problem by Simulated Annealing Algorithm, 2011.
76.    Accident Prediction Models and Their Relation with Traffic Assignment in Iranian Large Cities, 2011.
77.    Solving Optimal Signal Control and Network Design with Simulated Annealing Algorithm, 2011.
78.    Optimal Predictive Controller for Integrated Highway Control (Ramp and Variable Speed Limit Control), 2012.
79.    Multi-Mode Two-Level Network Design Model for Decision Making in Urban Transport Systems Using Combinatorial Optimization, 2012.
80.    Evaluation the Impact of Capacity Utilization on Train’s Timetable Reliability in Urban Rail Transit (URT) Corridors, 2012.
81.    Formulation of Real-Time Control Policy for Oversaturated Arterials, 2012.
82.    Private Vehicles’ Travel Demand Model in Response to Implementation of Hov-Lanes in Urban Highways Based on Stated Preference (SP) Method, 2012.
83.    Modeling Traffic Flow on Saturated Arterials, 2012.
84.    Modeling long-term Impacts of Congestion Pricing, with a Special Focus on Land Use Models, 2012.
85.    Signal Timing Optimization Model by Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 2013.
86.    Forecasting Model Designed for Business Trip System Dynamics Approach to the Construction of the High Occupancy Toll Lanes (Case Study: Tehran), 2013.
87.    Methodology of Urban Bus Network Modification with Combinatorial Optimization Method, 2013.
88.    Carbon Dioxide Levels and Price Optimization Model Permits the Transportation System, 2013.
89.    Modelling the Relationship Between Transportation Accessibility & Economic Growth, 2013.
90.    A Model of Network Design Using Urban Equilibrium (Location of Residential, Employment and Land Price), 2014.
91.    Presenting a Model of People's Daily Activities Planning in Basic Activity Models, 2015.
92.    Presentation of Integrated and Timed Highway and Arterial Corridor Control Model, 2015.
93.    Evaluating the Impact of Variables Affecting the Determination of Pedestrian Service Level (Tehran Case Study), 2015.
94.    Estimation of Public Transportation Time (Bus) Using Scats Water Vehicle Control Data (Tehran Case Study), 2015.
95.    Model of Network Performance Indicator Estimation Using Mobile Data in Cities, 2015.
96.    Optimal Positioning of Park Riders Based on Compression Pricing Range Position, 2015.
97.    Investigation of the Effect of Express Line Bus (BRT) on Tehran Highway Performance - A Case Study of Chamran Highway - 2016.
98.    Combining Dynamic Allocation Model and Traffic Control Approaches with the Approach of Using Simultaneous Traffic Data in Tehran, 2016.
99.    Modeling the Distribution of Temporal and Spatial Headings in Urban Tunnels, 2016.
100.    Introducing Discrete Network Design Solution Using Integer Programming, 2016
101.    Optimal Design of Traffic Scheme Scope Based on Determining the Scope and Price of Tolls in Multimedia and Multi-user Network with Variable Demand, 2017.
102.    Modeling the Impact of Urban Travel Demand Management on Land Use, 2017.
103.    The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology Has Launched A “Student Terminal System” At “Https://Irandoc.Ac.Ir” With the Aim of Maintaining the Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations of All Universities and Providing the Possibility of Simple and Advanced Search. Research Background and Similarity in Scientific Writings in This System for Students Are Available So All of the Titles of Dissertations Done After 2016, of Which I Am Their Supervisor, Can Be Obtained in the Mentioned System.

ÄMembership in Scientific Societies

1.    Society of Iran Transportation Engenderers
2.    Society of Rail Transportation Engineering
3.    Society of Iran Pavement Engineering
4.     Society of Iran Transportation Engineering
5.    Construction Engineering Disciplinary Organization of Tehran Province


Research Fields

1.    Transportation Planning
2.    Traffic Engineering
3.    Transportation Modeling
4.    Optimization of Transportation Systems
5.    Analysis and Evaluation of Transportation Systems
6.    Public Transportation
7.    Traffic Safety

Investigation Experiences

1.    EcoNomic Study, Research and Analysis of Container Transportation in Iran, Research Railway Center, 2000.
2.    Designing A Location Finding Model of Optimum Itinerary for Freight Transit Corridors, 2000.
3.    Study and Evaluation of Tehran-Karaj Rail Transportation Systems, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2000.
4.    Evaluation of Iran Transit Network, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2001
5.    Optimizing Location of Railroad Stations, Research Railway Center, 2001.
6.    Identification and Analysis of Rail Accidents and Presenting a Simulation Model, Research Railway Center, 2001.
7.    Planning the Development and Construction of Multi-Purpose Cargo and Passenger Terminals in Iran, 2001
8.    Planning Expansion and Construction of Multipurpose Passenger and Freight Transportation Terminals in Iran, Inter-University Center of Research, 2002.
9.    Technical and General Characteristics of Road Maintenance and Road Maintenance Unit Cost, Research Center of Ministry of Road and Transportation (in Cooperation with Iranians Management Services Co.), 2003.
10.    Designing a Traffic Allocation Model for Highways and Freeways in Iran, 2003.
11.    Design of Traffic Allocation Model Between Highways and Main Suburban Roads, 2003.
12.    Investigating the Safety Situation and Providing Safety Instructions for Railway Crossings, 2003.
13.    Development a Model for Traffic Assignment Between Highways and Rural Arterials, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2004.
14.    Studying the Safety Condition and Presenting an Instruction of Securing Railroad Passages in Iran, Research Center of Ministry of Road and Transportation, 2004.
15.    Investigation And Evaluation of Freight and Passenger Transportation System in the Country's Roads, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2004
16.    Investigation And Evaluation of Freight and Passenger Road Transport, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2004
17.    Study of Assessment and Evaluation of Iran Road Network for Passenger and Freight Transportation, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2005.
18.    Development A Methodology for Optimization Bus Route Networks Based on He Methods, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2006.
19.    Development of Prediction Model for Road Safety of Cities Entrances, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2007.
20.    Provide A Mathematical Model to Determine the Probability of Traffic Accidents at the Entrances of Cities, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2007.
21.    Analysis of Estimating Traffic Mass Using Phase Methods and Neural System, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2008.
22.    Model of Estimating the Volume of Traffic Flow Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2008.
23.    Designing a Modeling Model for Suburban Passenger Bus Terminals Using Non-InNovative Algorithms, 2009.
24.    Developing Positioning Model for Suburban Bus Terminals Based on Applying Meta-Heuristic Algorithms, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
25.    Optimizing the Public Transportation Fleet Allocation Based on Applying Genetic Algorithms, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
26.    Representing Pricing Model for the Border Parking Lots in Central Restrict of the Metropolises/Occasional Research About Mashhad City, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
27.    Technical & EcoNomical Investigation & Representation of Ramp Control Methodology in Highway Corridors Based on Applying Simulation, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
28.    Representation of the Trains Schedules Based on Applying Meta-Heuristic Algorithms on the Basis of Branch and Bone, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
29.    Developing Feeder Grid for Metro, Applying Ants Algorithms, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
30.    Transportation System Utility Function Model Used to Possible Model, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
31.    Model of the Utility Function of Selecting the Urban Transportation System Using the Probabilistic Model, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2010.
32.    Potential Road Hazard Index Model Based on Driver Violations, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2011.
33.    Design of Suburban Passenger Separation Model in Rail and Road Transportation Options, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2012.
34.    Investigating the Transit of Goods in the East-West Corridor and the Role of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2014.
35.    Analysis and Evaluation of the Effect of Optimizing Traffic and Driving Lights with Priority to Public Transport Vehicles in Reducing Fuel Pollutants, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2015.
36.    Analysis and Evaluation of the Use of Urban Light Trains in the Central Region of Tehran, Research and TechNology Department of Iran University of Science and TechNology, 2016.
37.    Technical and economic analysis and evaluation of the development and use of mechanized equipment on pedestrian bridges in urban transportation (case study: Tehran municipal areas), Research Vice-Chancellor, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2017
38.    Development of the pattern of using non-motorized transportation in the central zone of the cities and centers of the provinces, Research Vice-Chancellor, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2018
39.    Investigating the effect of marginal parking of arterial roads on reducing traffic density and increasing interest in using public transportation in big cities, Research Vice-Chancellor, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2019
40.    Investigation and analysis and economic evaluation of goods transportation by light trucks in high-density roads, Research Vice-Chancellor, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1401
41.    Research and analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of bus lines in the city of Isfahan, Research Assistant, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1402
42.    Analyzing and evaluating accidents in big cities using the spatio-temporal method, Research Assistant, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1403


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