Local reinforcement of adhesively bonded square shape aluminum energy absorber with CFRP under quasi-static axial loading: an experimental and
A Keshavarzi, H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103835
numerical study |
2024 |
Investigation on bending collapse behavior of similar and dissimilar Aluminum-Steel hat-section sandwich beams jointed by structural adhesive: An experimental, numerical and …
H Hampaiyan Miandowab, J Bidadi, H Saeidi Googarchin
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials |
2024 |
Adhesive bonding in automotive hybrid multi-cell square tubes: experimental and numerical investigation on quasi-static axial crashworthiness performance
J Bidadi, M Arabha, H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives |
2024 |
Experimental Study on the Residual Strength of Butt Adhesive Joints Subjected to Systematic Creep Damage
J Bidadi, H Saeidi Googarchin
Polymer Engineering and Science |
2024 |
Measurement of the interfacial energy release rate (ERR) and cohesive law parameters of polyvinyl butyral laminated glass using a novel beam-type test specimen
A Ashkpour, J Bidadi, H Saeidi Googarchin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
2024 |
Strain-based criteria for brittle failure prediction of solids containing blunt V-notches under pure mode I loading
J Bidadi, A Ashkpour, H Saeidi Googarchin, MR Ayatollahi
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics |
2024 |
Bending characteristics of partially reinforced aluminum/CFRP hybrid hat-section beam structures with an adhesively bonded joint: an experimental, numerical and analytical study
H Hampaiyan Miandowab, R Rahmani, H Saeidi Googarchin
Polymer Composites |
2024 |
Analysis of hot band effects on the vibration and stability of a rotating FGM heavy vehicle disc brake
SH GhasemiPourMasoule, H Saeidi Googarchin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science |
2024 |
Experimental and numerical investigation on the crashworthiness performance of double hat-section Al-CFRP beam subjected to quasi-static bending test
Jamal Bidadi, Hamed Hampaiyan Miandowab, Hamed Saeidi Googarchin, A Akhavan-Safsr, Da Silva Lucas FM
Polymer Composites |
2024 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of the energy absorption in hybrid double-hat thin-walled structures reinforced by adhesive bonding under three-point bending
H Golivari, H Saeidi Googarchin, AR Zaeri, A Keshavarzi
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives |
2023 |
A generalized- Park-Paulinho-Roesler cohesive zone model to simulate moderate ductile adhesive joints
M Gheibi, H shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin, A Zaeri
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives |
2023 |
Numerical analysis of mixed-mode I+II fracture behavior of automotive PVB laminated glass using a novel beam-type test specimen
A Ashkpour, J Bidadi, H Saeidi Googarchin
Engineering Solid Mechanics |
2023 |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Performance of Automotive Adhesively Bonded Crash Box Beams Under Transverse Loading
J Bidadi, H Hampaiyan Miandowab, H Saeidi Googarchin
Automotive Science and Engineering |
2023 |
Loading rate effects on mixed-mode I/II fracture envelope of epoxy resins with nonlinear behavior
J Bidadi, H Saeidi Googarchin, A Akhavan-Safsr, LFM Da Silva
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics |
2023 |
Theoretical development and numerical analysis on the energy absorption of tapered multi-cell automotive structures under oblique impacts
A Khorasani, H Saeidi Googarchin
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal … |
2023 |
Mixed-Mode I/II Fracture Load Prediction in Cracked Rock Geometries Using the Tangential Stress Contour (TSC) Method
J Bidadi, J Akbardoost, MRM Aliha, HS Googarchin, A Akhavan-Safar, ...
International Conference on Mechanics of Solids, 65-90 |
2022 |
A comparative study on energy-based fatigue criteria for lifetime calculation of magnetorheological elastomers under multiaxial loading
H Saeidi Googarchin, mohammad hassan shojaeefard, SM Hosseini, ...
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 31 (5) |
2022 |
The effect of repetitive magnetic and cyclic loading on the fatigue life prediction of a magnetorheological elastomer
SM Hosseini, H shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 54 (2) |
2022 |
An experimental investigation on the effects of severely plastic deformation process on the mechanical properties of automotive resistance spot welded aluminum joints
P Namdar, H Saeidi Googarchin, SH GhasemiPourMasoule
Automotive Science and Engineering 12 (1) |
2022 |
A comparative study on energy-based fatigue criteria for lifetime calculation of magnetorheological elastomers under multiaxial loading
H Saeidi Googarchin, mohammad hassan shojaeefard, SM Hosseini, ...
International Journal of Damage Mechanics |
2021 |
The effect of repetitive magnetic and cyclic loading on the fatigue life prediction of a magnetorheological elastomer
SM Hosseini, H shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics |
2021 |
Fatigue Life Prediction of Magneto-Rheological Elastomers in Magnetic Field
SM Hosseini, MH shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
Materials Research Express |
2021 |
Theoretical development and numerical analysis on the energy absorption of tapered multi-cell automotive structures under oblique impacts
A Khorasani, H Saeidi Googarchin
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal |
2021 |
Optimization of a piezoelectric energy harvester considering electrical fatigue
EHA Niasar, M Dahmardeh, HS Googarchin
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X20923086 |
2020 |
Three-dimensional coupled thermo-mechanical analysis for fatigue failure of a heavy vehicle brake disk: Simulation of braking and cooling phases
MR Moghanlou, HS Googarchin
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal Of Automobile Engineering |
2020 |
Prediction of vehicle impact speed based on the post-cracking behavior of automotive PVB laminated glass: Analytical modeling and numerical cohesive zone modeling
M Shahriari, H Saeidi Googarchin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
2020 |
Numerical investigation of the impact fracture performance of a composite laminated windshield considering the Park-Paulino-Roesler cohesive zone model
M Shahriari, H Saeidi Googarchin
Composite Structures |
2020 |
Roadway piezoelectric energy harvester design considering electrical and mechanical performances
E Hamsaye, M Dahmardeh, H Saeidi Googarchin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of … |
2020 |
A comparative study on the fracture energy determination theories for automotive structural adhesive in mode I: Experimental and numerical investigation
MR Gheibi, MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
2019 |
Experimental and numerical analysis on the cohesive behavior of an automotive adhesive improved by MWCNT subjected to mode I and II loadings
MR Gheibi, MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
2019 |
Analytical solution for free vibration of cracked orthotropic cylindrical shells
H Saeidi Googarchin, K Moazzez
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
2019 |
Experimental investigation on environmental degradation of automotive mixed-adhesive joints
AR Zaeri, H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives |
2019 |
Direct determination of a new mode-dependent cohesive zone model to simulate metal-to-metal adhesive joints
MR Gheibi, MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
The Journal of Adhesion, 1-28 |
2019 |
Analysis of automotive mixed-adhesive joints weakened by moist conditions: Experimental characterization and numerical simulation using cohesive zone model
AR Zaeri, H Saeidi Googarchin
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures |
2019 |
Energy absorption analysis for tapered multi-cell tubes improved by foams: Theoretical development and numerical simulation
HS Googarchin, M Pasandidehpoor, A Mahmoodi, MH Shojaeefard
Composite Structures 207, 213-222 |
2019 |
Analysis of constrained groove pressing and constrained groove pressing-cross route process on AA5052 sheet for automotive body structure applications
HS Googarchin, B Teimouri, R Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of … |
2019 |
Free vibration of an ultra-fast-rotating-induced cylindrical nano-shell resting on a Winkler foundation under thermo-electro-magneto-elastic condition
MH Shojaeefard, M Mahinzare, H Safarpour, HS Googarchin, M Ghadiri
Applied Mathematical Modelling 61, 255-279 |
2018 |
Vibration and buckling analysis of a rotary functionally graded piezomagnetic nanoshell embedded in viscoelastic media
MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin, M Mahinzare, M Adibi
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (11), 2344-2361 |
2018 |
Magnetic field effect on free vibration of smart rotary functionally graded nano/microplates: A comparative study on modified couple stress theory and nonlocal elasticity theory
MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin, M Mahinzare, SA Eftekhari
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (11), 2492-2507 |
2018 |
Natural frequency analysis of a cylindrical shell containing a variably oriented surface crack utilizing Line-Spring model
K Moazzez, HS Googarchin, SMH Sharifi
Thin-Walled Structures 125, 63-75 |
2018 |
Approximate stress intensity factors for a semi-circular crack in an arbitrary structure under arbitrary mode I loading
JA Kaklar, HS Googarchin
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 94, 71-83 |
2018 |
A novel cohesive zone model to simulate ductile adhesives in automotive structure metallic joints
HS Googarchin, MH Shojaeefard, MR Gheibi, Z Sarvi
International Journal of Computational Physics Series |
2018 |
Energy damping estimation in automotive magneto-rheological elastomers through finite element method
I Banagar, HS Googarchin
International Journal of Computational Physics Series |
2018 |
2D weight function for quarter‐elliptical cracks in lug attachments
S Akbari, SM Nabavi, H Saeidi Googarchin
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures |
2018 |
Free vibration and critical angular velocity of a rotating variable thickness two-directional FG circular microplate
MH Shojaeefard, HS Googarchin, M Mahinzare, M Ghadiri
Microsystem Technologies, 1-19 |
2018 |
Engineering critical assessments of marine pipelines with 3D surface cracks considering weld mismatch
SMH Sharifi, M Kaveh, H Saeidi Googarchin
Journal of Solid Mechanics |
2018 |
SMH Sharifi, M Kaveh, H Saeidi Googarchin
Iran University of Science & Technology 7 (4), 645-661 |
2017 |
Crack growth pattern prediction in a thin walled cylinder based on closed form thermo-elastic stress intensity factors
MA Niasani, R Ghajar, HS Googarchin, SMH Sharifi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31 (4), 1603-1610 |
2017 |
Low-velocity impact response of functionally graded doubly curved panels with Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation: An analytical approach
F Najafi, MH Shojaeefard, HS Googarchin
Composite Structures 162, 351-364 |
2017 |
Micro temperature-dependent FG porous plate: Free vibration and thermal buckling analysis using modified couple stress theory with CPT and FSDT
MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin, M Ghadiri, M Mahinzare
Applied Mathematical Modelling 50, 633-655 |
2017 |
An experimental and numerical study of geometrical parameters’ effects on the strength of adhesively bonded aluminum double-cantilever beam specimens using modified-PPR CZM
MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin, MR Gheibi, M Arjomandi
Tabriz Mechanical Engineering |
2017 |
Comparative study on the fatigue criteria for the prediction of failure in engine structure
H Saeidi Googarchin, SMH Sharifi, F Forouzesh
Engineering Failure Analysis 79, 714-729 |
2017 |
Nonlinear dynamic response of FGM beams with Winkler-Pasternak foundation subject to noncentral low velocity impact in thermal field
F. Najafi, M.H. Shojaeefard, H. Saeidi Googarchin
Composite Structures 167, 132-143 |
2017 |
The role of first non-singular stress terms in mixed mode brittle fracture of V-notched components: An experimental study
M. Dehghany, H.Saeidi Googarchin, M.R.M.Aliha
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 40 (4), 623 |
2017 |
An algorithm for prediction of die geometry effects on strength behavior of sheets fabricated by groove pressing process
Hamed Saeidi Googarchin, Bezad Teimouri
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (5), 261-270 |
2016 |
Simulation and strength and fatigue life improvement of adhesively bonded single lap joint using cohesive zone model with cyclic degrading
MH Shojaeefard, HS Googarchin, MR Gheybi, MA Nikkhah
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (5), 281-289 |
2016 |
Theoretical development and numerical investigation on energy absorption behavior of tapered multi-cell tubes
A Mahmoodi, MH Shojaeefard, H Saeidi Googarchin
Thin-Walled Structures 102, 98-110 |
2016 |
Three dimensional analysis of low cycle fatigue failure in engine part subjected to multi-axial variable amplitude thermo-mechanical load
SMH Sharifi, H Saeidi Googarchin, F Forouzesh
Engineering Failure Analysis 62, 128-141 |
2016 |
Stress intensity factor calculation for surface crack in a family of thin and thick rotating disks using two dimensional weight functions
R Ghajar, M Davoodabadi, HS Googarchin
Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (12), 84-94 |
2016 |
Engineering Critical Assessment of Offshore Pipelines under Operational Loading Phase According to BS 7910 Guideline
H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal Of Coastal And Offshore Engineering |
2016 |
Experimental and analytical investigation of dynamic crack patterns in automotive windshield sheets subjected to low velocity impact
P Shojaei Shahmirzadi, H Saeidi Googarchin
International Journal of Automotive Engineering 6 (4), 2277-2290 |
2016 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells - A review on opportunities and challenges
Golam Reza Molaeimanesh, Hamed Saeidi Googarchin, Ali Ghasemian
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (47), 22221-22245 |
2016 |
Nonlinear low-velocity impact response of functionally graded plate with nonlinear three-parameter elastic foundation in thermal field
F. Najafi, M.H. Shojaeefard, H. Saeidi Googarchin
Composites Part B: Engineering 107, 123-140 |
2016 |
Conceptual analysis of connecting rod strength using lumped mass method
SH Mohammad Hassan Shojaeefard, Hamed Saeidi googarchin
Tabriz Mechanical Engineering |
2016 |
Explicit expressions describing elastic properties and buckling load of BN nanosheets due to the effects of vacancy defects
Z Sarvi, M Asgari, M Shariyat, HS Googarchin
Superlattices and Microstructures 88, 668-678 |
2015 |
Buckling of cracked cylindrical panels under axially compressive and tensile loads
R Seifi, HS Googarchin, M Farrokhi
Thin-walled structures 94, 457-465 |
2015 |
Low Cycle Fatigue Simulation of Valve Bridge Region in Cylinder Head Based on Critical Plane Model
H Googarchin Saeidi, SMH Sharifi
International Journal of Automotive Engineering 5 (1), 955-960 |
2015 |
Explicit expressions of stress intensity factor for external semi-elliptical circumferential cracks in a cylinder under mechanical and thermal loads
R Ghajar, M Abbaspour, H Saeedi Googarchin
Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (9), 90-98 |
2014 |
Investigation of pressure gradient effect on stress intensity factor variations in autofrettaged cracked thick-walled tubes using two dimensional weight function method
Rahmatollah Ghajar, Hamed Saeidi Googarchin
Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (8), 137-145 |
2014 |
Stress intensity factors calculation for surface crack in cylinders under longitudinal gradient pressure using general point load weight function
H Saeidi Googarchin, R Ghajar
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 37 (2), 184-194 |
2014 |
Stress intensity factors calculation for surface crack in cylinders under longitudinal gradient pressure using general point load weight function
HS Googarchin, R Ghajar
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 2 (37), 184-194 |
2014 |
General point load weight function for semi-elliptical crack in finite thickness plates
R Ghajar, HS Googarchin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 109, 33-44 |
2013 |
Dynamic analysis and critical speed of rotating laminated conical shells with orthogonal stiffeners using generalized differential quadrature method
K Daneshjou, M Talebitooti, R Talebitooti, HS Googarchin
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 10 (2), 349-390 |
2013 |
- R Rahmani, H Saeidi Googarchin"Theoretical, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Behavior of Adhesive Bonded Joints Thin-Walled Aluminum-Composite Structures Under Axial Loading" Journal of Modeling in Engineering
- Farshad Mohammadsadeghi, Mohammad Azadi, Masoud Masih Tehrani, Ali Malekan, Ali Keshavarzi, Hamed Saeidi Googarchin."Clustering and smoothing using real data collected from city buses to extract the driving cycle in Kermanshah city" The Journal of Engine Research 71 (2), 1-17
- P Namdar, H Saeidi Googarchin, SH GhasemiPourMasoule “An experimental investigation on the effects of severely plastic deformation process on the mechanical properties of automotive resistance spot welded aluminum joints” Automotive Science and Engineering,
- H. Saeidi Googarchin., M. H. Shojaeefard, Gheibi, M. R. and Z. Sarvi “A novel cohesive zone model to simulate ductile adhesives in automotive structure metallic joints” International Journal of Computational Physics Series, Vol 1, pp. 301-308, 2018.
- I. Banagar, H. Saeidi Googarchin “ Energy damping estimation in automotive magneto-rheological elastomers through finite element method” International Journal of Computational Physics Series, Vol 1, pp. 292-300, 2018.
- S.M.H. Sharifi, M. Kaveh, H. Saeidi Googarchin “Engineering critical assessments of marine pipelines with 3D surface cracks considering weld mismatch” , Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol 10, pp. 354-363, 2018.
- M. Kaveh, S.M.H. Sharifi, H. Saeidi Googarchin “Investigating the Effect of Crack Geometries and Weld Mismatching in Order to Optimize ECA Analysis of Girth Welded Offshore Pipelines” , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, Vol 7, pp. 645-661, 2017.
- P. Shojaee Shahmirzadi, Saeidi Googarchin “Experimental And Analytical Investigation Of Dynamic Crack Patterns In Automotive Windshield Sheets Subjected To Low Velocity Impact”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol 6, pp. 2277-2290, 2016.
- S.M.H. Sharifi, M. Kaveh, H. Saeidi Googarchin “Engineering Critical Assessment of Offshore Pipelines under Operational Loading Phase According to BS 7910 Guideline” , International Journal Of Coastal And Offshore Engineering, Vol 1, pp. 15-23, 2016.
- H. Saeidi Googarchin, S.M.H. Sharifi “Low Cycle Fatigue Simulation of Valve Bridge Region in Cylinder Head Based on Critical Plane Model” , International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol 5, pp. 955-960, 2015.