Dr.Azadeh Tajarodi

Dr. Azadeh Tajarodi

   Tel: +98 (21) 77240540  Ext:2711

   Fax: +98 ( 21) 77491204

   E-mail: tajarodi AT iust.ac.ir


              AWT IMAGE
Address: Department of Chemistry , Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, 16846-13114, Iran

Educational Background :

1. Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, under advising of Professor Khodayar Gholivand (Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of some Phosphouramide compounds),Tarbiat Modarres University, 2001.

2. M. Sc., Inorganic Chemistry, under advising of Professor Hossein Aghabozorg, (Title of the M.Sc. Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Mn(III) Complexes), First Class,University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran, Iran, 1990.

3 . B.Sc., Pure Chemistry, First Class, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 1985.

Professional Background :

1. Professor, Iran ,University of Science and Technology, January 2016.

1. Associate Professor, Iran ,University of Science and Technology, October 2006- 2016.

2. Assistant Professor, Iran ,University of Science and Technology, September 2001 – 2006.

3. Instructor,Iran ,University of Science and Technology, 1990-2001.

4. Instructor, Shahid Beheshti University, 1989-1990.


 Research Interests

 Published Journal Articles


 Courses Taught :

  a) MSc Level:

  1. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

  2. Physical Inorganic Chemistry

  3. Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry

  4. Kinethic and Thermodynamic in Inorganic Chemistry

  5. English for Chemists

  6. Research methods

  7. Crystallography

  8- Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

  b) BSc Level:

  1. Inorganic Chemistry

  2. General Chemistry


- University Best Research Award, 2001

- University Best Woman Research Award, 2003

- Department Best Research Award, 2007

- University Best Woman Research Award, 2008

- University Best Woman Research Award, 2012

- University Best Woman Research Award, 2014

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