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اطلاعیه تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه درباره ثبت نام دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد ورودی 98::
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Iran University of Science & Technology
Narmak, Tehran, 1684613114


Dr. Jabar Ali Zakeri
Tel: +9821 77240400
Fax: +9821 77240405
Email: Chancellor AT iust.ac.ir

Office of Chancellor and Public Relations
Dr. Ali Sadr
Tel: +9821 77240401
Fax: +9821 77240405
Email: chancellor-of AT iust.ac.ir


Vice - Chancellor for Research and Technology
Dr. Amir Hossein Davaie Markazi
Tel: +9821 77240450
Fax: +9821 77240451
Email: research-vc
AT iust.ac.ir


Vice - Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Dr. Hossein Seyedein
Tel: +9821 77240411
Fax: +9821 77240510
Email: administ-vc
AT iust.ac.ir


Vice - Chancellor for Student Affairs
Dr. ahad Ghaemi
Tel: +9821 77240543
Fax: +9821 77491233
Email: sta
AT iust.ac.ir


Vice - Chancellor for Student and Cultural Affairs
Dr. abdolmajid Arjmandi
Tel: +9821 77240563
Fax: +9821 77240562
Email: sca
AT iust.ac.ir

Vice - Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dr. Mohsen Kalantar
Tel: +9821 77240440
Fax: +9821 77240438
Email: educate-vc
AT iust.ac.ir


Vice - Chancellor for International Affairs
Dr. H.S Shah hoseini
Tel: +9821 77240303
Fax: +9821 77491031
Email: interiust
AT iust.ac.ir 


School of Architecture and Urban Studies
Dean: Dr. Mohsen Faizi
Tel: +9821 77240467
Fax: +9821 77240468
Email: m.faizi
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Automotive Engineering
Dean: Dr. Mohammad Hassan Shojaee Fard
Tel: +9821 77491224-5
Fax: +9821 77491224-5
Email: mhshf
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Chemical Engineering
Dean: Dr. Tooraj Mohammadi
Tel: +9821 77240496
Fax: +9821 77240495
Email: torajmohammadi
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Chemistry
Dean: Dr. Azadeh Tajarodi
Tel: +9821 77491204
Fax: +9821 77491204
Email: tajarodi
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Civil Engineering
Dean: Reza Abbasnia
Tel: +9821 77240399
Fax: +9821 77240398
Email: abbasnia
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Computer Engineering
Dean: Dr. Mohsen Sharifi
Tel: +9821 77240391
Fax: +9821 77240469
Email: mshar
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Electrical Engineering
Dean: Bahman Abolhassani
Tel: +9821 77240492-3
Fax: +9821 77240490
Email: abolhassani
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Industrial Engineering
Dean: Dr. Siamak Nouri
Tel: +9821 77240484
Fax: +9821 77240482
Email: noury
AT mail.iust.ac.ir


School of Mathematics
Dean: Dr. Rahman Farnoush
Tel: +9821 77240302
Fax: +9821 77240472
Email: rfarnoosh
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Mechanical Engineering
Dean: Dr. Mahmood Mehrdad Shokrieh
Tel: +9821 77491228-9
Fax: +9821 77240488
Email: Shokrieh
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Dean: Dr. Alireza Khavandi
Tel: +9821 77459151
Fax: +9821 77240480
Email: khavandi
AT iust.ac.ir

School  of Physics
Dean: Dr. Seyed Rouhollah Aghdaee
Tel: +9821 77240477
Fax: +9821 77240497
Email: aghdaee
AT iust.ac.ir

School of Railway Engineering
Dean: Dr. Seyed Javad Mirmohammad Sadeghi
Tel: +9821 77491029-30
Fax: +9821 77451568
Email: Javad_Sadeghi
AT iust.ac.ir

Department of Foreign Languages
Dean: Dr. Seyed Mahmood Mir Tabatabaei
Tel: +9821 77240476
Fax: +9821 77240479
Email: mtabatabaie
AT iust.ac.ir

Arak Branch - Iran University of Science and Technology
Dean: Dr. Aliakbar Heshmati Rafsanjani
Tel: +98 861 3670020-23
Fax: +98 861 3670020

Behshahr Branch - Iran University of Science and Technology
Dean: Dr. Kazem Noghondarian
Tel: +98 152 5242004
Fax: +98 152 5242003
Email: Noghondarian
AT iust.ac.ir

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