Dr. Sadeghi,Mohammad-Taghi

 | Post date: 2014/01/29 | 


           Academic Rank : Associate

           Major :Design , Simulation and  Process Control  



              E-mail: sadeghi[at]iust.ac.ir

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Personal Information 

Education and Qualifications

i) University Degrees

  •  BSc: Chemical Engineering, Gas Processing Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1983-1988, Tehran, Iran.

 Project: Implementation of a Heat Transfer Device for Cupper Emissivity Measurement.

  •  MSc: Chemical Engineering, Data Acquisition and Control, University of Wollongong, 1991-1993, Wollongong, Australia.

 Project: Development of an Application Software for a Fast Reaction Device using Macintosh Computer and Maclab A/D Analyser. Pascal Programming Language was used in the Software.

  •  PhD: Chemical Engineering, Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Center, University of Queensland, 1993-1997 Brisbane, Australia.

 Project: Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Structured Packing Fractionators using NIMBUS Dynamic Simulator.

  ii) Sellected Short Course Certificates

  •  Postgraduate Courses
  •   Process Analysis by Statistical Methods
  •   Mathematical Process Modelling and Solutions
  •  Process Dynamics and Control
  •   Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering
  •   Advanced Process Control
  •   Control and Optimisation


  •   Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology IUST),  Since 2009
  •   Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology IUST), 1998-2009
  •   Dean of School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Since 2010
  •   Vice Dean of Educational Affair and Graduate Studies, School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2008-2009
  •   Head of Central Library, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2007-2008
  •   Dean of Graduate Studies, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2004-2007
  •   Vice Dean of research and Technology , School of Chemical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2001-2004
  •   Vice Dean of Computer center, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 1999-2001

  Teaching Experiences

  • Mathematical Modelling and Solutions (University of Queensland)
  •  Transport Principal (University of Queensland)
  •  Process Principal (University of Queensland)
  •  Optimisation of Chemical Processes (IUST)
  •  Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Processes (IUST)
  •  Process Control Laboratory (IUST)
  •  Advanced Mathematics (IUST)

  Selected Written Works

  1. Superamphiphobic Surfaces Prepared by Coating Multifunctional Nanofluids, Pouriya Esmaeilzadeh, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Alireza Bahramian, Zahra Fakhroueian and Ali Zarbakhsh, Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016.
  2. Mathematical modeling of aroma compound recovery from natural sources using hollow fiber membrane contactors with small packing fraction, Hasan Haghshenas, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Ghadiri Mehdi, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2016.
  3. Bubble Formation on a Single Orifice in a Gas Solid Fluidized Bed Using Digital Image Analysis, Salman Movahedi Rad, Abolghasem Dehghani Lotfabad, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016.
  4. Combination of data rectification techniques and soft sensor model for robust prediction of sulfur content in HDS process, Saeid Shokri, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016.
  5. Theoretical and experimental study of phase equilibrium of semi-clathrate hydrates of methane + tetra-n-butyl-ammonium bromide aqueous solut, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Hesam Najibi, Kamalodin Momeni, Mohammad T. Sadeghi, 2015.
  6. Wettability alteration of carbonate rocks from liquid-wetting to ultra gas-wetting using TiO2, SiO2 and CNT nanofluids containing fluorochemicals, for enhanced gas recovery, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Pouriya Esmaeilzadeh, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi , Zahra Fakhroueian, Alireza Bahramian, Reza Norouzbeigi, 2015.
  7. Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria of semi-clathrate hydrates of (CO2+tetra-n-butyl-ammonium bromide) aqueous solution, Hesam Najibi, Kamalodin Momeni, Mohammad T. Sadeghi, Amir H. Mohammadi, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2015.
  8. Integrating principal component analysis and vector quantization with support vector regression for sulfur content prediction in HDS process, Saeid Shokri, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Shankar Narasimhan, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2015.
  9. Improvement of the prediction performance of a soft sensor model based on support vector regression for production of ultra-low sulfur diesel, Saeid Shokri, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Shankar Narasimhan, Petroleum Science, 2015.
  10. Soft sensor design for hydrodesulfurization process using support vector regression based on WT and PCA, Saeid Shokri, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Shankar Narasimhan, Journal of Central South University, 2015.
  11. - Optimization of OCM Reactions over Na-W-Mn/SiO2 Catalyst at Elevated Pressure using Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology, J. Sadeghzadeh Ahari, Mohammad T. Sadeghi, S. Zarrinpashne, A. Irandoukht, Scientia Iranica, 2013.
  12. High Reliability Estimation Of Product Quality Using Support Vector Regression And Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithms, Saeid Shokri, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014.
  13. A Novel Three Pseudo-Component Approach (ThPCA) for Thermodynamic Description of Hydrocarbon-water Systems, Mehrak Mahmudi and Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2013.
  14. The Optimization of Continuous Gas Lift Process Using an Integrated Compositional Model, Mehrak Mahmudi and Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013.
  15. Chemical Structure of Autoignition in a Turbulent Lifted H2 /N2 Jet Flame Issuing into a Vitiated Coflow, S.M. MirNajafizadeh, M. T. Sadeghi, R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh, D.J.E.M. Roekaerts, Combustion and Flame, 2013.
  16. Optimization of OCM Reactions over Na-W-Mn/SiO2 Catalyst at Elevated Pressure using Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology, Jafar Sadeghzadeh Ahari, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi and Saeed Zarrrinpashne, Scientia Iranica, 2013.
  17. Micro-kineticmodeling of OCMreactions overMn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst, Jafar Sadeghzadeh Ahari, Saeed Zarrinpashne, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 79–87
  18. Compositional Description of Three-Phase Flow Model in a Gas-Lifted Well with High Water-Cut, M. Mahmudi and M. Taghi Sadeghi, Oil & Gas Science and Technology, DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2012060.
  19. Optimization of Fischer-Tropsch Process in a Fixed-Bed Reactor Using Non-uniform Catalysts, Sajad Karimi Mazidi, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi, Mahdi Ahmadi Marvast, Chem. Eng. Technol. 2013, 36, No. 1, 1–13
  20. Analysis of autoignition of a turbulent lifted H2/N2 jet flame issuing into a vitiated coflow, S.M. Mir Najafizadeh, M.T. Sadeghi, R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh, international journal of hydrogen energy, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.11.095
  21. Modeling And Sensitivity Analyses Of Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Pellet, Peyman Mahinsa, Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi and Hamid Ganji, Petroleum & Coal 54 (2) 104-109, 2012.
  22. Performance Analysis of Compositional and Modified Black-Oil Models For a Gas Lift Process, M. Mahmudi and M. T. Sadeghi, Oil and Gas Science and Technology Journal, 2012.
  23. Optimization of OCM reaction conditions over Na–W–Mn/SiO2 catalyst at elevated pressure, J. SadeghzadehAhari, M. T. Sadeghi, S. ZarrinPashne, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.jtice.2011.02.005
  24. Effects of operating parameters on oxidative coupling of methane over Na-W-Mn/SiO2 catalyst at elevated pressures, J. Sadeghzadeh Ahari, M. T. Sadeghi , S. Zarrinpashne, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 20(2011)204–213.
  25. Continuous Lumping Model of an Industrial Refinery Isomax Reactor, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, Sadeghi M. T., Shahhoseini S., Behroozshad F.
  26. Dynamic Simulation of an Industrial Rotary Dryer, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, Shahhoseini S., Sadeghi M. T., Golsefatan H.
  27. Modelling and Simulation of IWAG Proces in Petroleum Reservoir, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010, Mohammadi M., Sadeghi M., T
  28. Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of a Catalyst Pellet with Non-Uniform Activity Distribution in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2009, Zarrin H., Sadeghi M. T., Ahmadi Marvast
  29. Prediction of Octane Number for Gasoline Blends Using Artifitial Neural Network, Hydrocarbone Processing, 2009, Paranghooshi E., Sadeghi M. T., Shafiei S.
  30. Estimation of Kinetic Parameters for Hydrogenation Reaction Using Genetic Algorithem, Chemical Engineering Technology, 2009, Kadivar A., Sadeghi M. T., Sotoudeh Gharabagh R., Mahmoodi M.
  31. Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Reactor using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2008, Sadeghi and Kavianiboroujeni A.
  32. CFD Simulation of Methane Steam Reforming Reactor, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2008, Sadeghi and Molaei M.
  33. Simulation and model validation of batch PHB production process using Ralstonia eutropha, Iran. J. Chem. & Chem. Eng., 2004, Shahhosseini, Sadeghi, Khosravi
  34. Sensitivity Study of Rotary Cement Kiln Using Dynamic Simulation, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2003, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini

  Conference Attendance

  1. Prediction of Methane and Ethane Hydrate Phase Equilibria in Porous Media Using Artificial Neural Network, Sharjeh, UAE, Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, 2008, Momeni, Sadeghi and Fanaei
  2. Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Reactor, Denmark, European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 2007, Behnam Hoseinzadeh and Mohammad T. Sadeghi
  3. CFD Simulation of Methane Steam Reforming Furnace, Denmark European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), 2007, Mazaher Molaei and Mohammad T. Sadeghi
  4. CFD Simulation of Combustion inside an Industrial Furnace, Kish, IChEC2008, 2008, Mazaher Molaei and Mohammad T. Sadeghi
  5. Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Reactor using Genetic Algorithm, Melbourne, Australia, Chemeca2007, 2007, Azam Kavianiboroujeni and Mohammad T. Sadeghi
  6. Dynamic Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of an Ammonia Synthesis Reactor, Melbourne, Australia, Chemeca2007, 2007, Leila Azari and Mohammad T. Sadeghi
  7. Modeling and Simulation of Reaction Absorption Packed Column Process, Bangkok, Thailand, Advances in Petrochemicals and Polymers in the New Millennium, 2003, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini, Ghaemi
  8. On-line Identification, Simulation and Control of Water and Methanol Distillation Column, Bangkok, Thailand, Advances in Petrochemicals and Polymers in the New Millennium, 2003, Shahhosseini, Sadeghi, Afzali
  9. Variable Interaction and Solid Transport Dynamic Modeling of Rotary Drum, Halkidiki, Greece, 11th international Drying Symposium, 2003, Shahhosseini, Sadeghi, Golsefatan
  10. Fuzzy Supervisory Control of a Pilot Packed Distillation Column, Newzealand, APCChE, 2002, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini, Ahmadloo
  11. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Rotary Cement Kiln, Halifax, Canada, 51th Canadian Chemical Eng. Conference, 2001, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini,
  12. Dynamic modeling and simulation of urea synthesis reactor, Halifax, Canada, 51th Canadian Chemical Eng. Conference, 2001 Sadeghi, Shahhosseini, Shahpar
  13. Dynamic simulation of urea systhesis Gas-Liquid Reactor, Melbourne, Australia, 6th World Conference of Chemical Eng., 2001, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini, Shahpar
  14. Dynamic modeling of distributed systems for control purposes, Melbourne, Australia, 6th World Conference of Chemical Eng., 2001, Shahhosseini, Sadeghi
  15. Dynamic simulation of rotary cement kiln, Melbourne, Australia, 6th World Conference of Chemical Eng., 2001, Sadeghi, Shahhosseini
  16. Reduced Order Models of Structured Packing Columns, Rotorua, Newzeland, Chemeca’97, 1997, Sadeghi, Wang, Cameron
  17. Comparison of Different Method of Mass Transfer in, Sydney, Australia, Chemeca’96 1996, Sadeghi, Wang, Cameron
  18. Dynamic Simulation of Structured Packed Columns, Sydney, Australia, Chemeca’96 1996, Sadeghi, Cameron, Wang

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