dr mahdipour




January 05, 2011

Personal Details

Surname:  Mahdipour Shirayeh             

Name:     Ali                 

Date of birth:      1980     

E-mail:  mahdipour@iust.ac.ir


University of Science and Technology (I.R. Iran), 2009

Tel: +98-21-  77225426 (Int. No: 5497)

Education and Qualifications

i)              University Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mathematics (Differential Geometry), Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005-2009

MSc in Mathematics (Differential Geometry), Iran University of Science and Technology,


BSc in Pure Mathematics, Tabriz University, 1999-2003  (The last year in Sharif

University of Science and Technology)

ii)             Sellected Short Course Certificates

“School on Recent Topics in Geometric Analysis”,  held by the Institute of Fundamental research center (IPM), Tehran (Iran), July 2006

Short course of  “Introduction to Non-commutative Geometry” ,  held by the Institute of Fundamental research center (IPM) by M. Khalkhali, Tehran (Iran), July 2007

“The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Tanaka Theory”,  held by Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences(RIMS), Kyoto (Japan), January 2011


Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Staristics and Computer Sciences, Semnan University, September 2009- August 2010

Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since September 2010

Teaching Experiences

Calculus I- II (School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Mathematics, Staristics and Computer Sciences, Semnan University)

Algebraic Topology (School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology)

 Fundations of Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis course (III), Differential Geometry (Local and Global),  Differential Topology,  Projective Geometry, Geometry of Manifolds (Department of Mathematics, Staristics and Computer Sciences,Semnan University)

Selected Written Works

 Affine classification of n-curves, (with M. Nadjafikhah) Balkan J. Geom. Appl., Vol. 2, 13, 2008, pp. 66-73.  (ISI)

Symmetry Analysis for a New Form of the Vortex Mode Equation, (with M. Nadjafikhah) Diff. Geom.–Dyn.Sys., Vol. 11, 2009, pp. 144-154.

A symmetry classification for a class of (2 + 1)-nonlinear wave equation, (with M. Nadjafikhah and R. Bakhshandeh – Chamazkoti) Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, Vol. 71, 2009, pp. 5164-5169, doi: 10.1016/j.na.2009.03.087. (ISI)

Affine Classification of Space Curves, (with M. Nadjafikhah) to appear in Journal of Mathematical Science, 2010.

Symmetry of Quadratic Homogeneous Differential Systems, Diff. Geom.–Dyn. Sys., Vol. 12, 2010, pp. 118-127.

Multi–dimensional simple waves in fully relativistic fluids, (with H. Eshraghi, T. Sahihi and P.K. Shukla) J.Phys. A:Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 165501, 26pp, doi:10.1088/1751-8113/43/16/165501. (ISI)

Group classification for the nonlinear heat conductivity equation,  Lobachevskii J. Math., 2010.

Conference Attendance

31–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (held by University of Tehran), Tehran, 2000

36–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (held by Yazd University), Yazd, 2005

4–th Iranian Geometry and Topology Seminar (held by Urmia University), Urmia, 2006

37–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (held by Azarbaydjan University of Tarbiat Moallem), Tabriz, 2006

39–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (held by Shahid Bahonar University), Kerman, 2008

5–th Iranian Geometry and Topology Seminar  (held by Ilam University), Ilam, 2009

40–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference  (held by Sharif University of Technology), Tehran, 2009

41–th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (held by Urmia University), Urmia, 2010


Research Projects

 Elie Cratan’s method of equivalence and Its applications in differential equations (with M. Nadjafikhah, A. Forough and R. Aghayan), sponsored and implemented by Azad Islamic University, baranch Eslam-Shahr


General Theory of Moving Coframes (with M. Nadjafikhah and R. Aghayan). , sponsored and implemented by Azad Islamic University, baranch Eslam-Shahr


Exterior Differential Systems and Its Applications in Studying Curves and Surfaces (with R. Aghayan) , sponsored and implemented by Azad Islamic University, baranch Eslam-Shahr, ongoing


Awards and Scholarships

The selected student of Mathematics, House of Tabriz, 2003.


The excellent student of B.Sc. in Pure Mathematics, Tabriz University, 2003


The excellent student of M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics–Geometry, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005


The first student of Ph.D. examination in Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005


The selected student,  Iranian National Institute of Elits, 2009


Scholarship for  Postdoctoral program,  Brock University, 2010


Assignments and Consultations

Editor-in-chief and Member of Advisory Board of  “Quarterely Journal of Mathematical Sciences (QJMS)”, in persian


Attendance in International Official Meetings

Member of the Diffiety School, the 10th Summer Diffiety School , Santo Stefano del Sole (Avellino), Italy, July  2010

Member of the Diffiety School, the 11th winter Russian Diffiety School, St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb 2010


Member of the Symposiom on Differential Geometry and Tanaka Theory ,Tokyo and Hiroshima Universities, Japan, Jan 2011

Weekly seminars on Geometry and Topology,  Institue for Advance Studies, IPM,  Tehran, Iran, Since 2009 until now

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