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:: Zamani ::

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Full name: Mohammad Reza Zamani
Position: Associate Proffessor
Phone: 98-21-77451500-10     Ex: 3420
Fax: 98-21-77240497
Email: r_zamani AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
University Degrees:
Ph.D: University of Bonn, Germany
• MSc. : University of Duisburg - Essen, Germany 
• BSc. : Mashhad University, IRAN
Current Research:
Solar Cells
Thin Films
Material Physics
Publications- Journal Papers:

  1. Self-Assembled ZnO Nanosheet-Based Spherical Structure as Photoanode in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
M Ameri, M Raoufi, MR Zamani-Meymian, F Samavat, MR Fathollahi, E Mohajerani
Journal of Electronic Materials, (2017)  Q2
  1. Interfacial modification to optimize stainless steel photoanode design for flexible dye sensitized solar cells: an experimental and numerical modeling approach
SS Taleghani, MR Zamani-Meymian, M Ameri
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 405601 (2016)  Q1
  1. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the electrical, optical, structural, and morphological properties of ITO thin films prepared by a sol–gel spin coating process
MMH Jafan, MR Zamani-Meymian, R Rahimi, M Rabbani
Microelectronic Engineering, 130, 40 (2014)  Q2
  1. Effect of annealing treatment on electrical and optical properties of Nb doped TiO 2 thin films as a TCO prepared by sol–gel spin coating method
M Fallah, MR Zamani-Meymian, R Rahimi, M Rabbani
Applied Surface Science, 316, 456 (2014)  Q1

5.The effect of solvents and the thickness on structural, optical and electrical properties of ITO thin films prepared by a sol–gel spin-coating process

MMH Jafan, MR Zamani-Meymian, R Rahimi, M Rabbani
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 4, 1 (2014) 
سنتز و مشخصه یابی رنگدانه آلی پورفیرین TCPP در سلول های خورشیدی حساس شده به رنگدانه DSSC
 اصغر حجازی پور، محمدرضا زمانی میمیان، سولماز زرگری، ادریس فیض آبادی
نشریه علوم دانشگاه خوارزمی، جلد 14، شماره 2، تابستان 93
  1. Structuring of material parameters in lithium niobate crystals with low-mass, high-energy ion radiation
K Peithmann, PD Eversheim, J Goetze, M Haaks, H Hattermann, S Haubrich, F Hinterberger, L Jentjens, W Mader, NL Raeth, H Schmid, MR Zamani-Meymian, K Maier
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 105, 113 (2011)  Q1
  1. Thermal and long-term stability of fast-ion-irradiation-induced refractive index changes in lithium niobate crystals
MR Zamani-Meymian, L Jentjens, NL Raeth, K Peithmann, K Maier
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 98, 909 (2010)  Q1
  1. Atomic displacement and disorder in LiNbO3 single crystal caused by high-energy 3He ion irradiation: an x-ray absorption spectroscopy study
T Vitova, MR Zamani-Meymian, K Peithmann, K Maier, J Hormes
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 495401 (2009)  Q1
  1. Direct visualization of damage cascades in lithium niobate crystals caused by high-energy ions
MR Zamani-Meymian, K Peithmann, K Maier, H Schmid, W Mader
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 075402 (2009)  Q1
  1. Permanent Modification of Material Parameters in LiNbO 3 Crystals by Irradiation with Low-Mass, High-Energy Ions
K Peithmann, MR Zamani-Meymian, H Hattermann, M Haaks, K Maier,
Controlling Light with Light: Photorefractive Effects, Photosensitivity, Fiber Gratings, Photonic Materials (2007) 
  1. X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of lithium niobate irradiated with helium ions (+ 3 He: LiNbO 3)
T Vitova, J Hormes, MR Zamani-Meymian, K Maier, K Peithmann
Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD (NEA): Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development - Nuclear Energy Agency.  (2007)
  1. Refractive-index changes in lithium niobate crystals by radiation damages
MR Zamani-Meymian (2007)
  1. Refractive index changes in lithium niobate crystals by high-energy particle radiation
Konrad Peithmann, Mohammad-Reza Zamani-Meymian, Matz Haaks, Karl Maier, Birk Andreas, and Ingo Breunig
JOSA B, 23 , 2107 (2006)  Q1
  1. Fabrication of embedded waveguides in lithium-niobate crystals by radiation damage
K Peithmann, MR Zamani-Meymian, M Haaks, K Maier, B Andreas,  K Buse, H Modrow
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 82, 419 (2006)  Q1
  1. Refractive index changes in lithium niobate crystals by high-energy particle radiation
MR Zamani-Meymian, K Peithmann
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Optical physic, 2107 (2006)  Q1
T Vitova, MR Zamani-Meymian, K Maier, K Peithmann, J Hormes
Speciation Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources 321
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