| نام: دکتر مرتضی منتظری رتبه علمی: استاد تلفن: 50-77240540 داخلی:2909 فاکس: 77240488 پست الکترونیکی: montazeri AT iust.ac.ir آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران |
دانشگاه های محل تحصیل - دکترا، دانشگاه کرانفیلد، انگلستان
- فوق لیسانس، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، ایران
- لیسانس، دانشگاه علم و صنعت، ایران
زمینه های تحقیقاتی - شبیه سازی و کنترل سیستم های دینامیکی
- شبیه سازی و کنترل عملکرد دینامیکی خودرو
- شبیه سازی و کنترل عملکرد دینامیکی موتور توربین گاز هواپیما
تجربیات - Director of Systems Simulation and Control Laboratory (1996-present)
- IUST Member of Promotion Committee (2009-2013)
- School of Mechanical Engineering, Chair (2010-2012)
- Head of Group (2006-2009)
- Director of Systems Simulation and Control Laboratory (1996-present)
- Sabbatical Visit, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2004-2005)
- Scientific Consultant, Engine Research Center, IACI
- Graduate Dean, IUST (1996-1997)
- Associate Dean in Educational Affair and Postgraduate courses, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IUST (1996-2000)
- Associate Dean in Educational Affair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IUST (1988-1992)
پروژه های تحقیقاتی - Flight tests for aircraft engine fuel control system (2009-2012)
- Design and Manufacturing of Electronically Controlled GT Engine Fuel Control System (2007-2010)
- Development of Minibus and Bus Driving Cycle for city of Tehran(collaboration with AVL-MTC) (2005)
- Development of Car Driving Cycle for city of Tehran (2004)
- Technical and Economical Evaluation of the Use of Hybrid Electric Vehicle for Tehran Public Transportation (2003)
- Investigation of the Effects of Hybridization on the Dynamic Performance of the Minibus Steering, Suspension and Braking Systems (2002)
- Simulation of hybrid electric vehicle for design of a prototype hybrid electric minibus (2001)
Academic Research Projects - Active control of Surge in Multi Stage Axial Compressor (2009)
- Application of Genetic Algorithm for Active Suspension Fuzzy Controller Tuning (2008)
- Application of Genetic Algorithm for HEV Fuzzy Controller Tuning (2006)
- Application of the Fuzzy-Logic in the Design of HEV Control Strategy (2005)
- Application of Fuzzy Logic in HEV Control Strategy Design (2005)
- Full Car Modeling for the study of the Active and Semi-active suspension (2004)
- Simulation of Fuzzy-Based Active and Semi-active Suspension Systems (2003)
- Modeling and Simulation of GT Fuel Control System (2002)
- Sensor Placement for Axial Compressor Active Surge Control of Axial Compressor (1998)
- Vibration Analysis of Nissan Patrol Vehicle (1988)
راهنمایی پایان نامه های تحصیلات تکمیلی - Mahmoodian, Mehdi (PhD): (in progress)
- Pourbafarani, Zeinab (PhD): (in progress)
- Mohammadi, Ehsan (PhD): Active Fault Tolerant Control for Industrial Gas Turbines using Fuzzy-based FDI technique(in progress)
- Kavianipour, Omid (PhD) : Road Profile Effects on the Performance and Energy Regeneration of the Suspension System (in progress)
- Nasiri, Mostafa (PhD) : Application of soft computing in turbojet engine modeling for HIL Simulation (in progress)
- Fotouhi, Abbas (PhD) : Application of Traffic Conditions and Driving Cycles in HEV Control
- Jafari, Soheil (PhD) : Application of Genetic Algorithm in optimization of min-max fuel controller for a turbojet engine
- Soleimani, Mehdi, (PhD), 2009 : Investigation of the application of active suspension System in HEV
- Moazamizadeh, Mohsen (MSc), 2012: Road Profile Measurement using the Vibrations of Vehicle
- Khanmohammadi, Amir (MSc), 2012: Analysis of the Relationship between Road Profile and Optimized Control Force in the VehicleActive Suspension System
- Salehi, Amin (MSc), 2012: Fuel Control Unit Modeling of Gas Turbine Engine using Identification Methods to Improve its HIL Test
- JaliliMousa (MSc), 2013:
- KhalafPoya (MSc), 2013:
- Tajalli Mohammad (MSc), 2013:
- Mohammadi S.J. (MSc), 2012:
- Asemani, Marzieh (MSc), 2012:
- Hashemi, S. Reza (MSc), 2011:
- Fazeli, Heidar (MSc), 2011:
- Jamshidfard, Mohsen (MSc), 2011:
- Rajabi, Mohsen (MSc), 2011:
- Mohammadi, Ehsan (MSc), 2010: Optimal Fuzzy Controller Design for a Jet Engine Fuel Control System based on the Concept of Min-Max Controller
- Naderpour, Akbar (MSc), 2010:
- Vafadar, Ana (MSC), 2010: Optimization of Design and Manufacturing of Fuel Control Valve Spool and Sleeve
- Yousefpour, Hosein (MSC), 2010: Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy-Based Jet Engine Fuel Controller
- Amirian, Reza (MSC),2010: Optimization of Vehicle Active Suspension for Variable Speed Pattern UsingGenetic Fuzzy Approach
- Pourbafarani, Zeinab (MSC), 2009: Optimization of AMT Gear Shifting Strategy in HEV
- Hashemi, Sahar (MSC), 2009:Simulation of AS Energy Regeneration in HEV
- Karimi, Alireza (MSC), 2009 : Development Of TehranCarDriving Cycle for simulation of Vehicle Emission And Air PollutionUsing GPS
- Ghalamzan, Amir Masoud (MSC), 2009 : Active surge control in multi-stage compressor
- Mazaheri, behrang (MSC), 2008 : Design & Manufacturing of the fuel control system test unit
- Nourian, S. Aliakbar (MSC), 2008 : Design & Manufacturing of the electric drive fuel control valve of turbojet engine
- Ahmadi, Amir (MSC), 2007: Adaptive control of HEV base on traffic condition recognition and prediction
- AsadiTabrizi, Mohammad (MSC), 2007 : Design of power management system and gear shifting strategy in HEVs using intelligent systems.
- Arefian, (MSC), 2006 : Development of driving cycle for buses in the city of Tehran using transition analysis
- Jazayeri, Yaser, (MSC), 2006 : Simultaneous simulation of fuel consumption and ride comfort in hybrid electric vehicles
- Safari, Amir, (MSC), 2006 : Application of genetic-fuzzy approach in design of turbojet engine fuel control system
- Naghizadeh, Mojtaba,(MSC), 2006 : Driving Cycle Development for Simulation of vehicle Fuel Consumption
- Haji-Soleimani, Mohsen, (MSC), 2006 : Active and semi-active suspension system modeling using ADAMS software and fuzzy logic
- Yousefi, Ali, (MSC), 2006 : design of fuel control system and its optimization
- Poursamad, Amir, (MSC), 2005 : hybrid electric control strategy design using intelligent systems
- Ghalichi, Babak, (MSc), 2004 : Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Design of HEV Control Strategy
- Varasteh, Hirbod,(MSc), 2004 : Simulation of the Effect of Driving Cycle on the Fuel Consumption
- Bagherinegad,(MSc), 2004 : Manufacturing of Electro-Hydraulic Fuel Control Valve
- Gharaei, Ehsan, (MSC), 2004 : GT Engine Performance matching
- Hamzehpoor, (MSc), 2003 : Simulation and Modeling of GT Electro-hydraulic Fuel Control System
- Moosavi, (MSc), 2003 : ADAMS Full Car Modeling for Investigation of Semi-Active Suspension
- Safarabadi, (MSc), 2003 : Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Design of GT Fuel Control System
- Behzadi, (MSc), 2002 : Application of Fuzzy Logic in Car Active Suspension System
- Agharazi, (MSc), 2002 : Analysis of Mahsan Minibus Braking and Steering Systems
- Rostami, " Dynamic Performance Analysis of Braking, Steering, and Suspension Systems for Hybridization of Mahsan Minibus", (MSc), 2002
- Hasani, Majid, " Control Strategy Design for Hybrid Electric Vehicle", (MSc), 2002
- Nasiri, " Design and Analysis of a Turbofan Engine Thermodynamic Cycle for Engine Selection of Training Aircraft", (MSc), 2001
- Nazari, Alireza, " Study of Control Valves for Throttling of Turbojet Engine Fuel Control System", (MSc), 2001
- Biravand, Bahman, " Modeling of Hybrid Electric Vehicles", (MSc), 2001
- Mojallal, Seifoallah, " Design of a Throttling Controller for Turbojet Engine Fuel Control System", (MSc), 2001
- Hojjati Najaf Abadi, Ali Akbar, " Comparison of PC and PLC in the Control of Pneumatic Systems", (MSc), 2000
- Khoshmaram, Effat, " CAD/CAM Based Manufacturing Process for Compressor Blades", (MSc), 2000
- Sanadgol, Dorsa, " Sensor Placement for Active Suppression of Compressor Instabilities", (MSc), 2000
- Kashani Azad, Mehdi, " Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Semi-Active Suspension System", (MSc), 2000
- Rasooli, Mohammad, " Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle Dynamic Performance", (MSc), 1999
- Feiz, Majid, " Simulation of Turbojet Engine Fuel Control System", (MSc), 1999
- Marvi, Hadi, " Turbojet Engine Performance Analysis Using Stage by Stage Compressor Characteristics", (MSc), 1999
- Salami, Reza, " Application of PLC in the Control of Pneumatic Systems", (MSc), 1998
- Elhani, Babak, " Software Development for Modeling of Turbojet Engine Transient Behavior", (MSc), 1998
مقالات ژورنال - Salehi A., Montazeri-Gh M., Mohammadi E., (2013); “Induction Motor Control using ANFIS controller and IWO optimization algorithm for using in HIL testing of turbojet FCU”, Modares Journal of Mechanics Engineering,(in persion).
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mohammadi E. and Jafari S., (2012); "Fuzzy-based Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Controller Design using Particle Swarm Optimization", Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 110-116, pp 3215-3222, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2012.
- M.Montazeri-Gh and O. Kavianipour, (2012); “Investigation of the PassiveElectromagnetic Damper”, ActaMech
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Pourbafarani Z, (2012); “Simultaneous Design Of The Gear Shift Strategy For A Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Equipped With AMT”, Int. J. Of Vehicle Design, Vol.58, No.2/3/4, pp.291 – 306.
- Montazeri M. and Pourbafarani Z, (2012);"The Design of the Gearshift Controller in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Equipped with AMT", Aerospace Mechanics Journal, Vol. 8, No.3, pp.21-33.
- Montazeri-Gh M., M. Nasiri, M.Rajabi and M. Jamshidfard (2012); “Actuator-based hardware-in-the-loop testing of a jet engine fuel control unit in flight conditions”, Simulation and Modeling Practice and Theory
- Montazeri-Gh M., A.Fotouhi and A.Naderpour (2012); “Driving Segment Simulation For Determination Of The Most Effective Driving Features For HEV Intelligent Control”, Vehicle System Dynamics
- Foutohi, A. and M. Montazeri-Gh (2012); “ Investigation of vehicle’s fuel consumption and exhaust emissions in different driving conditions”, IJER
- Montazeri-GhM., E.Mohammadi and S. Jafari (2012); “Fuzzy-based Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Controller Designusing Particle Swarm Optimization”, Applied Mechanics and Materials(Trans. On Mech. And Aerospace Eng)
- Montazeri-Gh M., A.Fotouhi and A.Naderpour (2011); “ Driving Pattern Clustering Based On Driving Feature Analysis”, IMech E Part C
- Montazeri-Gh M. and S. Jafari (2011); “Evolutionary Optimization for Gain Tuning of Jet Engine Min-Max Fuel Controller”, AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power
- Montazeri-Gh M., S. Jafari and M.R.Ilkhani(2011); “Application Of Particle Swarm Optimization In Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Controller Gain Tuning”, Engineering Optimization
- Montazeri-GhM. and A.Fotouhi (2011); “Traffic Condition Recognition Using K-Means Clustering Method”, ScientiaIranica-Part B
- Montazeri-Gh M., M. Nasiri and S. Jafari (2011); “Real-Time Multi-Rate HIL Simulation Platform For Evaluation Of A Jet Engine Fuel Controller”, Simulation and Modeling Practice and Theory
- Montazeri-GhM. and A. Safari (2011); “Tuning Of Fuzzy Fuel Controller For Aero-Engine Thrust Regulation And Safety Consideration”, Aerospace Science And Technology
- Foutohi, A., M. Montazeri-Gh and M. Janatipour (2012); “Vehicle’s velocity time series prediction using neural network”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering
- Montazeri-Gh M. and S. Hashemi (2011); “Effect of Energy Regeneration of Active SuspensionSystem on Fuel Consumption and Emissions of HybridElectric Vehicle“,ModaresMechanical Engineering
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Z. Pourbafarani (2012); “Simulation of DCT and the study of it's effects on Parallel HEV Performance”, Engine Research Journal, No.21.
- Montazeri-Gh M., A. Naderpour and A. Fotouhi (2011);“Driving Features and Their Effects on HEV Fuel Consumption and Emissiona“, Engine Research Journal
- Montazeri-Gh, M. Ghalamzan and A. H. Davaei-M (2010); "Stabilization of surge in multi-stage axial compressor by PDC controller based on T-S Fuzzy model" Journal of Control
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Soleymani (2010); “Investigation of energy regeneration of Active Suspension System in HEV" IEEE Transaction of Industrial Electronic
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Asadi (2011); “Intelligent Approach for Parallel HEV Control Strategy Based On Driving Cycles" Journal of Systems Science
- Montazeri-Gh M. and A. Naderpour (2010); "Simulation of Samand Fuel consumption and emissions with dual fuel national engine and verification by NEDC modal test" Engine Research Journal
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Safarabadi-F (2009);"Modeling And Simulation Of Aero Gas Turbine Performance For Fuel Control System Design" International Journal of Engineering Science, IUST
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Asadi (2009); “Optimisation of AMT gear shifting strategy in Hybrid Electric Vehicles"International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 2009 - Vol. 7, No.1/2 pp. 1 - 17
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Soleymani (2009); “Active Suspension Systems in Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles” International Journal of Engineering Science, IUST
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Soleymani (2008); “Genetic Optimization of a Fuzzy Active Suspension System Based on Human Sensitivity to the Transmitted Vibration” IMechE, Vol. 222, Part D
- Poursamad. A and Montazeri-Gh M. (2008); “ Design of genetic fuzzy control strategy for parallel hybrid electric vehicles ” Journal of Control Engineering Practice Volume 16, Issue 7, July 2008, Pages 861-873
- Montazeri-Gh M. ,S. YaserJazayeri-m and Mahdi Soleymani (2008); “Vehicle ride evaluation based on a time – domain variable speed driving pattern ” International Journal Vehicle Design
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Naghizadeh (2007); “Development of Car Driving Cycle for City of Tehran” International Journal of Environment and Pollution, IJEP 2007
- Montazeri-Gh M., A. Poursamad and B. Ghalichi (2006); “Application of GA for Optimization of Parallel HEV Control Strategy” Journal of The Franklin Institute 343 (2006) 420-435
- Montazeri-GhM.and A. Poursamad (2006); "Application of Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Optimization of HEV Component Sizing and Control Strategy”, International Journal Of Alternative Propulsion
- Montazeri-Gh M., H. Varasteh and M. Naghizadeh(2006); “Driving Cycle Simulation For Heavy Duty Engine Emission Evaluation and Testing” SAE 2005 Transaction of Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and D. Sanadgol (2004); “Application Of Eigenvalue Analysis For Compressor Surge Prediction”, International Journal of Science and Engineering, IUST, Spring 2004
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and Kashani Azad, M. (2003); “Comparison between Performance of Fuzzy Based and Optimal Control of Active Suspension Systems”, International Journal of Engineering Science, IUST
- Montazeri-Gh M. and D. Sanadgol (2002); “Sensor Placement For Active Control Of Surge In Multi-Stage Axial
مقالات کنفرانس More than 20 new conference papers have been published from 2009-2012. - Montazeri-Gh M., Moazamizadeh M. and Kavianipour O. (2012); " Road Profile Measurement using the Vibrations of Vehicle”, The Second International Conference of Acoustic and Vibration, ISAV 2012,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mohammadi E. (2012); “Parameter Optimization of Fuzzy-based Turbojet Engine Fuel Controller Using IWO Algorithm”, 1st Gas Turbines Conference (GTC91), Tehran, Iran (in persion).
- Montazeri-Gh M., Khanmohammadi A. and Kavianipour O. (2011); "Road Excitation Effect on the Optimized Control Force in the Vehicle Active Suspension System”, The FirstInternationalConference of Acoustic and Vibration, ISAV 2011, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mohammadi E. and Jafari S. (2010); "Application of Genetic Algorithm in optimization of turbojet engine fuzzy fuel controller," 9th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference 8-10 Feb., Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (in persion).
- Montazeri-Gh M., Pourbafarani Z. and Nehzati H. (2010); "Optimal Gear Ratio and Gear Shift Strategy Design for a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Equipped With AMT", Proc. ASME. 49170, ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Volume 3 175, ESDA2010-24702, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Mohammadi E., Montazeri-Gh M., and Jafari S. (2010); "Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Fuel Controller for Gas Turbine Engine" International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering (IPCE 2010), 16-17 October, 2010, University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis, Malaysia.
- Montazeri M. and Pourbafarani Z, (2010); "The optimization of the Gearshift Controller in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Equipped with AMT", International conference in control, Instrumentation and Automation, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Vafadar-Sh A. and Noorian A. (2009); "Integration of Design Calculation and Manufacturing Processes with Parametric Design”, the 9th conference of manufacturing and product engineering in Iran, Feb 2009, Birjand university, Birjand, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Vafadar A. and Jafari S. (2009); “Application of Genetic Algorithm in Optimization of Port Design of Electro-hydraulic Valve”, the 2nd National conference of manufacturing and product engineering, Nov. 2009, Azad university of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Pourbafarani Z. (2009); “Simulation of double-side clutch's influence on performance of parallel hybrid electric vehicle with AMT ", The sixth International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines (6th ICICE), Nov. 17-19, Olympic hotel, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. andGhalamzan-E A. M. (2009); "Compressor Sensor placement for adaptive optimal control of surge", 8th. Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb 18-20, Malek-e-AshtarUniversity of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mazaheri, B. and Jafari, S. (2009); "Gas Turbine Fuel Control Unit port shape characteristics design based on aero-engine performance", 8th. Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb 18-20, Malek-e-AshtarUniversity of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Jafari, S. and Mazaheri, B. (2009); "Experimental investigation of the Effects of Port Geometry on the Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Control system performance", 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, TehranUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mazaheri, B. and Noorian, A. (2009); "Investigation of effective parameters on performance of pressure compensated fuel control system ", 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, TehranUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Soleymani, M. and Hashemi, S.(2009); "Application of Combined Energy Storage System for Active Suspension System Power Supply in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, TehranUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. andGhalamzan-E A. M. (2009); "Fuzzy control based on parallel distributed compensators for compressor surge stabilization", 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, TehranUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Safari, A., Montazeri-Gh M. and Jafari, S. (2008); "Optimization of jet engine fuel control system for safety consideration", 7th. Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb 19-21, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Asadi, M. (2008); "Application of Vehicle Telematic System in Fuzzy-Based HEV Control", ICTTA2008.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Asadi, M. (2008); "Genetic-Fuzzy Shifting Strategy for Continuously Variable Transmission in Parallel HEV", Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA08), May 27-29, Amman, Jordan.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Soleymani M. and Mehrabi N. (2008); "Application of Virtual Prototyping for Optimization of Fuzzy-Based Active Suspension System", Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA08), May 27-29, Amman, Jordan.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Ahmadi, A. and Asadi, M. (2008); "Driving Condition Recognition for Genetic-Fuzzy HEV Control", GEFS2008.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Ghalamzan-E A. M. (2008); "Active stabilization of surge in axial flow compressor using optimal LQR control approach", The 7th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb. 19-21/2008, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. andFotouhi A. (2008); "Driving Pattern Recognition and Prediction Using Neural Networks", 16th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, 2008, ShahidBahonarUniversity of Kerman, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Ahmadi A. (2008); "Driving Condition Recognition Based on HMM for HEV Control", 16th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, 2008, ShahidBahonarUniversity of Kerman, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Fallahzadegan M. and Fotouhi A. (2008); "Introduction of a software for driving cycle development", CELCO 2008, May 18-22, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Karimi A. and Fotouhi A. (2008); "Study of private cars pollutions based on driving cycle development", CELCO 2008, May 18-22, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Ahmadi A. (2008); "Investigation of traffic condition parameters and their influences on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions", CELCO 2008, May 18-22, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Arefian M. and Fotouhi A. (2008); "Driving cycle development for buses in the city of Tehran using Markov chain model and transition analysis", CELCO 2008, May 18-22, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Mazaheri B. (2008); Design and manufacturing of electro hydraulic control unit of gas turbine engine”, National conference of manufacturing and product engineering, Feb 20-21, Azad university of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Noorian A. (2008); “Design and manufacturing of electric drive for gas turbine engine fuel control system using AVR micro controller”, National conference of manufacturing and product engineering, Feb 20-21, Azad university of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Noorian A. (2007); “Computer Integration of Design Calculations with CAD/CAM for Engine Fuel Control System”, the 2nd international gathering of manufacturing and product engineering in Iran, Dec 2007, Iran university of science and technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Safari, A. (2007); "Application of the Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of the Fuzzy-Based Gas Turbine Fuel Control System", ICMSA2007.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Yoosefi A. (2007); "Multi objective optimization of turbojet engine fuel control valve parameters", the 6th. Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb 2007, KhajeNasirUniversity of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Safari, A. (2007); "Design of Gas Turbine Engine Fuel Control System Using Fuzzy Logic", the 7th. Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, Feb 2007, K.N.ToosiUniversity of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Asadi M. and Akbari H. (2007); "Optimization of AMT Gear Shifting Strategy in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Heinz_Nixdorf.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Naghizadeh M. and Arefian M. (2007); "Development of the first driving cycle for buses in the city of Tehran ", CELCO 2007, May 15-19, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Asadi M. (2007); "Optimization of AMT Gear Shifting Strategy in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME), December 10-13, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M., Mehrabi N. and Hadavand-S M. (2007); "Application of Virtual Prototyping for Evaluation of Intelligent Active Suspension System", Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME), December 10-13, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Asadi M. (2007); "Intelligent Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Management Based on Driving Conditions", ICSMA2007.
- Montazeri-Gh M. andSoleymani M. (2007); "Investigation of the Idea of Active Suspension System Application in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", 15th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 15-17, AmirkabirUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Safari, A. (2007); "Application of Genetic-Fuzzy method for gas turbine aero-engine fuel controller design", 15th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 15-17, AmirkabirUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Arian nik M., Montazeri-Gh M. and Zarvandi, M. (2007); "Application of GPS for taxis driving cycle development regarding ramp in the city of Tehran", 15th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 15-17, AmirkabirUniversity, Tehran, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Asadi (2006); "Influence of the Road Grade on the Optimization of Fuzzy-Based Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy" , SAE International.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Soleimani (2006); "Simultaneous Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain and Active Suspension Systems for Energy Study" AVEC2006 , August 2006, Taiwan
- A. Poursamad and M. Montazeri-Gh (2006); "Powerflow Management in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Genetic-Fuzzy Control System" AVEC2006, August 2006, Taiwan
- Montazeri-Gh M. and A. Poursamad (2006); "Application of genetic algorithm for simultaneous optimisation of HEV component sizing and control strategy" Int. J. Alternative Propulsion
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Safari, A. (2006);"Design of optimal fuzzy controller for turbojet engine fuel regulation", 1st gathering of mechanical engineering, Dec 2006, Azad University of Sahr-e-Majlesi, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and Yoosefi A. (2006); "Study of orifice diameter effect on regulating control valve behavior and its performance optimization", Dec. 2006, AzadUniversity of Sahr-e-Majlesi, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and A. Poursamad (2005); "Application of genetic algorithm in optimization of hybrid electric vehicle design", 13th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME, May 14-16, IsfahanUniversity of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
- Montazeri-Gh M. and A. Poursamad (2005);” Optimization of Component Sizes in Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles via Genetic Algorithms” IMECE2005-82338, Proceedings of 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and ExpositionNovember 5-11, 2005, Orlando, FloridaUSA
- Montazeri-Gh M., H. Varasteh and M. Naghizadeh (2005); “Driving Cycle Simulation for Heady Duty Engine Emission Evaluation and Testing” SAE2005-1-3796, SAE Conference of Powertrain and Fluids, October 2005, Texas, USA
- Montazeri-Gh M. and A. Poursamad (2005); “Application of GA for Optimization of the HEV Sizing” ISME, June 2005, Isfahan, Iran
- Montazeri-Gh M., A. Poursamad and B. Ghalichi (2005); “Application of GA for Optimization of Parallel HEV Control Strategy” Proceedings of the ICMSAO 2005, February 2005, Sharjah, UEA
- B. Ghalichi, M. Montazeri-Gh and A. Poursamad (2005); “Fuzzy-based Parallel HEV” Proceedings of the ICMSAO 2005, February 2005, Sharjah, UEA
- Montazeri-Gh M. and B. Ghalichi (2004); “Fuel Conservation Optimization in HEV”, Proceedings of the First Conference on Fuel Conservation in Transportation, October 2004, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Naghizadeh (2004); “Development of the First Tehran Urban Cycle (TEH_CAR)” Proceedings of the First Conference on Fuel Conservation in Transportation, October 2004, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Safarabadi-F (2004); “Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Design of Turbojet Engine Fuel Control System, 5th Iranian Conference in Fuzzy Systems, September 2004
- Montazeri-Gh M… et. al. (2004); “Comparative analysis between 7DOF model and Car Full Model simulated in ADAMS” , ISME2004, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Safarabadi-F (2004); “Fuzzy-Based Gas Turbine Fuel Control System”, CDIC04, August 2004, China
- Montazeri-Gh, M. andHamzehpoor, T. (2004); “Effects of Electro-Hydraulic Fuel Control System on the Turbojet Engine Performance“ 5th Iranian Aerospace Conference (AERO 2004), Isfahan, January 2004
- Montazeri-Gh, M. andHasani, M. (2003); “Parallel Hybrid Electric VehicleControl Strategy Design Using Fuzzy Logic“ Proceedings of 11th International ISME Conference, PP. 1852-1861, Mashhad, Iran, June 2003
- Montazeri-Gh, M., Kazemi andBehzadi (2003); “Modeling and Simulation of the Effect of IZY on the Fuzzy-Based Active Suspension System” Proceedings of 11th International ISME Conference, PP. 1965-1972, Mashhad, Iran, June 2003
- Montazeri-Gh, M., Rostami, Agharazi (2003); “Mahsan Brake System Analysis for Hybridization“ Proceedings of 11th International ISME Conference, PP. 187-194, Mashhad, Iran, June 2003
- Montazeri-Gh, M., Hasani, M. (2003); “Hybrid Electric VehicleControl from Mechateronics Viewpoint“ First Iranian Mechatronics Engineering Conference, June 2003, Ghazvin
- Montazeri-Gh, M. andBiravand, B. (2003); “Hybrid Electric Vehicle Components Sizing“ First Iranian Mechatronics Engineering Conference, June 2003, Ghazvin
- Montazeri-Gh, M. andHamzehpoor, T. (2003); “Simulation of Turbojet Electro-Hydraulic Fuel Control System for Sensitivity Analysis of Parts Manufacturing“ Sixth Manufacturing Engineering Conference, December 2003, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Naghizadeh (2003); “Development of Car Drive Cycle for Simulation of Emissions and Fuel Economy”, ESS2003, Delft, Netherlands, October 2003
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Kashani-Azad (2002); “Energy Regeneration of Active Suspension System in Hybrid Electric Vehicle” AVEC 2002, Japan, September 2002
- Montazeri-Gh M. and S. Mojallaj-A (2002); “Modeling and Simulation of Gas Turbine Performance”, MESM2002, Sharje, September 2002
- Montazeri-Gh, M., M. Soleymani, and H. Rahrovan (2002); “Vehicle Ride Evaluation Using Combined Body Motions” Proceedings of 10th ISME International Conference, June 2002, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and Kazemkhani A. (2002); “Simulation of Minibus Performance for Hybridization”, Proceedings of 10th ISME International Conference, June 2002, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and Biravand, B. (2002); “Parallel HEV Control Strategy”, Proceedings of 10th ISME International Conference, June 2002, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and S. Mojallaj-A. (2002); “Modeling and Simulation of Turbojet Engine Fuel Control System”, Proceedings of Aerospace Conference (AERO2002), Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and A. Nazari (2002); “Electro-Hydraulic System for GT Thrust Throttling” Proceedings of the 5th Manufacturing Engineering Conference, pp. 321-331, February 2002, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh, M., Hasani, M. (2002); “Hybrid Electric VehicleControl Strategy Design“ ISME Student Conference, 2002
- Montazeri-Gh M. and M. Kashani-Azad (2001); “Simulation of Fuzzy-Based Active Suspension System” ESS 2001, France, October 2001
- M. Kashani Azad, M. Montazeri-Gh (2001); “Active and Passive Car Suspension Systems”, Iran Society of Mechanical Engineers Magazine, Spring
- M. Montazeri-Gh and M. Kashani Azad (2001); “Fuzzy Control of Intelligent Suspension Systems”, 9th ISME National Conference, Gilan University, Iran
- M. Montazeri-Gh and M. Kashani Azad (2001); “Application of Active Suspension Systems in the Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, Proceedings of the First Symposium on Hybrid Vehicles, August 2003, IUST, Tehran
- M. Montazeri-Gh and A. Kazemkhani (2001); “Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performance”, Proceedings of the First Symposium on Hybrid Vehicles, August 2003, IUST, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh. M. and M. Feiz (2000); ”Turbojet Control System Simulation”; The 4th International ISME Conference, SharifUniversity Of Technology, Tehran, April 2000
- Montazeri-Gh. M. and M.Rasouli (2000);”Modelling and Simulation of Vehicle Dynamic Performance” The 4th International ISME Conference, SharifUniversity Of Technology, Tehran, April 2000
- Montazeri-Gh, M. and D. Sanadgol (2000); “Application Of Eigenvalue Analysis For Compressor Surge Prediction”, International Conference in Applied Mathematics (ICAM) 2000, Tehran
- Montazeri-Gh. M. and D. Sanadgol (2000); “Sensor Placement For Active Control Of Surge In Multi-Stage Axial Compressors” AERO 2000, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Sedighi, Montazeri-Gh, and Khoshmaram (2000); “Application of CAD/CAM in the design and manufacturing of Axial Compressor Blades”, Proceedings of AERO 2000, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Montazeri-Gh. M. and P. Saedi (1999); ”The effect of Compressor Extra Chamber on the Surge Inception” Proceeding of the 7th Annual ISME Conference, Zahedan, April, 1999
- Montazeri-Gh. M. and B. Elhami (1999); “Simulation of Turbojet Transient Performance”; Proceeding of the 7th Annual ISME Conference, Zahedan, April, 1999
- Montazeri-Gh. M. (1998);”The Effects Of Actuator Characteristics On Active Control Of Surge”, Proceeding of the 3th International ISME Conference, Tehran, 1998
- Montazeri-Gh. M. (1998); ”Actuator failure investigation for Active Control Of Surge” Proceeding of the Second Iranian Conference on Aerospace Engineering, Isfahan, 1998
- Montazeri-Gh. M., D. J. Allerton and E.L. Elder(1996);”Actuator placement for the active control of surge in a multi-stage axial compressor”, Turbo Expo ASME-96, Birmingham, UK, June 1996
- Montazeri-Gh. M., D.J.Allerton and E.L.Elder(1996);”Active control of surge in An Aircraft compressor”, UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 96, Exeter, UK, 1996
- Montazeri-Gh. M., D. J. Allerton and E. L. Elder(1994); ”Simulation of nonlinear one-dimensional modeling for surge prediction with the application of active surge control”, ESS94, European Simulation Symposium, October 1994,Vol 2, pp.191-195
آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی ارائه دروس - Advanced Hydraulic and Pneumatics (Graduate)
- Analog Control (Graduate)
- Automatic Control
- Control (Graduate)
- Chassis Systems Design
- System Dynamics (Graduate)
- Vehicle Dynamics (Graduate)